Even you are using “then” when you are discussing the act of creation. Could you do otherwise? You agree that there are two points: (1) “No thing” and (2) the universe which the second point follows the first point. This means that you need time to describe the act.
STT, I can use vacuum if you like. . The Trinity existing in a Vacuum one minute. Then (oops forget that then, ) at the moment of, and forever from that moment exists The Trinity + Creation. How’s that.
There is still no suspended animation. No 2 co existing points.
There is ‘I AM’
Next instant 'I AM ’ + what was the first thing God created? Let’s look.
In the beginning God created heaven and earth.
1:2 Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, with a divine wind sweeping over the waters.
1:3 God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.
So God first created Heaven and Earth, wind , water darkness and light. Right so we go from the Trinity alone to Trinity + those 6 things.
God and the Trinity are certainly no nothing!
So tell me , when does Time start? Are you saying God is sitting there with his stopwatch, looks at it, snaps it shut and says righto, time for Creation? Does time start when God does this ?
Give me a visual,( not physics, not maths) such as I have given you. Write me a little play with God before and at the instant of Creation.