Diocese of LaCrosse Statement on Priest's Political Video

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This is a link where you can read the Bishop’s statement.

It is sad to see partisan politics driving more wedges. Thanks to the Bishop for being a shepherd
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It is sad to see partisan politics driving more wedges.
It’s totes ruining my prayer group. I intend to keep praying though. I don’t need to put a big “I Support Father Altman” badge on my social media any more than I need to put an “I Support Father Martin” one. I support Jesus, and that’s the end of it.

We’ve been through this before with the Fr. Feeneys and Fr. Coughlins, same ol’ same old.
Becoming a celebrity is not good for priests (or most people, for that matter).
I am a little bit confused about the authorship of the unsigned LaCrosse statement. Was it the communications director who wrote it? Is he chastizing the priest?

Secondly, the wording of the statement is a little ambiguous. Thus, in the second paragraph, the author states that " I understand the undeniable truth that motivates his message". In the following paragraph he states that this undeniable truth has to be evaluated. (What?) He then goes on to say that it is the “tone” of the message that is causing scandal. (not the message itself). Later it is back to the content: " generalization and condemnation of entire groups of people" that the priest has offended.
The next paragraphs talks about “imposing penalties”, presumable for the “undeniable truth” that is being presented from the pulpit.
The author also states that he is beginning the process “not in the bright light of public arena”. Does he think the the public announcement he is making is not sufficiently public?

I could go on, but in my opinion this entire document is not worth the paper it is printed on.
I am a little bit confused about the authorship of the unsigned LaCrosse statement. Was it the communications director who wrote it?
It is from the bishop, but the contact information is for the diocesan communications officer. He would be the one to contact if people have further concerns and so forth.
The next paragraphs talks about “imposing penalties”, presumable for the “undeniable truth” that is being presented from the pulpit.
The author also states that he is beginning the process “not in the bright light of public arena”. Does he think the the public announcement he is making is not sufficiently public?
The statement could have been worded more clearly, for sure. The issue that I am seeing on social media is that people apparently think this is all about the one video that went viral, when it actually this is the culmination of ongoing issues with this priest (frequent political homilies, political content in the bulletin, and a preaching style that tends to come off as angry and/or uncharitable—though there are of course many who would disagree with that last assessment).

I think the bishop means that he will be talking to Fr. Altman in private and trying to come to an understanding. If Fr. will not comply, the bishop will then apply canonical penalties, whatever those may be.

I imagine the bishop felt compelled to make a public statement sooner rather than later because a video made by a diocesan priest called “You Cannot Be a Catholic and a Democrat” jeopardizes the diocese’s tax-exempt status.
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I imagine the bishop felt compelled to make a public statement sooner rather than later because a video made by a diocesan priest called “You Cannot Be a Catholic and a Democrat” jeopardizes the diocese’s tax-exempt status.
Also because the “You Cannot Be a Catholic and a Democrat” video made national news and, since it attacked Fr. Martin by name, Fr. Martin invited his hordes of followers to write letters to Fr. Altman’s bishop. Meanwhile Fr. Heilman was exhorting his group to do the same in support of Fr Altman. Both of those priests have followings of many thousands of people and could probably get 5000 folks to write in at the drop of a hat. The poor bishop was probably buried in messages.
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Yikes, one can only imagine. Poor bishop. He definitely needs our prayers, as does Fr. Altman and all involved.
Or, the Bishop may have done his job and made up his own mind, using his own judgement, “hordes” or no "hordes. " Especially if there have been on-going issues with Fr. Altman.
Thanks to the Bishop for being a shepherd
he isn’t following what he says should be done in these scenarios. he is politicizing just as much as the good father.

if there is an undeniable truth that motivates his message, why isn’t this truth presented in a better way if the bishop doesn’t like the delivery?

why the silence from most of the pulpits over the anti-catholic message of the Democrats

if you want to see a good shepherd, please read

Every procured abortion is intrinsically immoral - always and everywhere wrong. Thus, our absolute opposition to legalized abortion must be the first of the pre-eminent issues we consider in voting. Any candidate or political party which promotes abortion is precluded from any further consideration for a Catholic voter.

That individual or party may embrace other policies that seem supportive of other related issues arising out of our respect for the sanctity of life, but if their stance is that abortion is ever acceptable and should be promoted, any other positive life values become moot. If one promotes the idea that an unborn person has no Right to Life, then what other right is of any consequence? That person’s life has been terminated.
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Your quote and video are the St Phillip Institute’s interpretation, they are not in keeping with the guidance of the Catholic Church, the USCCB, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, etc.
Your quote and video are the St Phillip Institute’s interpretation, they are not in keeping with the guidance of the Catholic Church, the USCCB, Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, etc.
the link to the Bishops statement is also given. he was at the conference that dealt with the issue. I think he has greater insight than many of us who weren’t there.

the bishops prioritized abortion as the pre-eminent issue as he says. what is misleading?
Will again refer you to Forming Consiounces for Faithful Citizenship
the link to the Bishops statement is also given. he was at the conference that dealt with the issue. I think he has greater insight than many of us who weren’t there.

the bishops prioritized abortion as the pre-eminent issue as he says. what is misleading?
It is not sufficient for Catholic politicians to claim that they are ‘personally opposed’ to abortion. If any Catholic politician favors legalized abortion, despite a claim of personal opposition, such a politician commits a mortal sin by promoting abortion and by voting in favor of abortion.

The same is true for any Catholic who casts any vote with the intention of legalizing abortion, or of protecting laws allowing abortion, or of widening access to abortion. Such a voter commits a mortal sin and incurs a sentence of automatic excommunication for two reasons.
Abortion and Excommunication - Catholic Ethics.

And the Vatican itself speaks on this issue.


I seem to think there is another document in all of this. The first article seems to talk about automatic excommunication for supporting such.
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he isn’t following what he says should be done in these scenarios. he is politicizing just as much as the good father.
I think he has talked to Fr. about similar actions/behavior multiple times before. No, I do not believe the bishop is politicizing.
why the silence from most of the pulpits over the anti-catholic message of the Democrats
Do you want more of them to say, “You can’t vote for Democrats”? Or just to speak out against some of the various moral issues that have also become political hot-buttons? They can do the latter but not the former. Clergy are prohibited by canon law from engaging in politics. And in the US, if priests get political, their parish and/or diocese could lose their tax-exempt status.

I found an article on the “Fr. Altman Question” that I thought was very good: “The Father James Altman Episode is a Case Study in Manipulation and Division“
if there is an undeniable truth that motivates his message, why isn’t this truth presented in a better way if the bishop doesn’t like the delivery?
That was my question. He claims it was the delivery.

In turn, Fr. Altman should have recorded the words using a nicer tone and then we’d know if it was the “delivery.”
Honestly, I think it is about quite a bit more more than the delivery or tone, or even just the one infamous video. The statement from the bishop perhaps wasn’t as well worded or thought out as it could have been; it kind of reads like people were clamoring for a statement, so they got a statement. Chances are, there will be a clearer one to come.

I am rather concerned about the bishop; I hope he is holding up ok. The amount of abuse he is getting over this from supposedly faithful Catholics is shameful.
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Well you’ll see none from me. We aren’t privy to what other incidents may have occurred. I found Father Altman’s video to be a refreshing breath of clarity in an extended period of vagaries and murkiness in the Church. That doesn’t mean we know if there is more to the story. The Bishop would do well as one of the faces of the Church and the head of the diocese to be as clear as Father Altman was to avoid rash judgments, but it is his prerogative not to as well.

The fact is there are bad Priests and there are bad Bishops. There are plenty of bad lay people as well. The faithful don’t know who to trust especially among the leadership. Even the well-intended Bishops have to carry the burden of going the extra mile to regain the lost faith and trust. Obedience is an obligation. Trusting the Bishop is on the right course is not.
I think he has talked to Fr. about similar actions/behavior multiple times before. No, I do not believe the bishop is politicizing.
sure he is, he is coming out publicly against the priest even though he agrees with his position. this is like many who say they can vote for abortion because they aren’t single-issue voters. even though, it isn’t a single issue anymore. the bishop isn’t following what he says should be done.
Or just to speak out against some of the various moral issues that have also become political hot-buttons?
political hot buttons? how about democrat promoted policies that are against church teaching. which one of these is in line with church teaching? SSM? LGBT agenda? euthanasia? embryonic stem cell research? transgenderism? identity politics? the destruction of the family? contraception? socialism? breaking the seal of the confessional? federal funds to pay for abortions? forced abortions in Catholic hospitals? is this a single issue?

priests need to remind people of 1 Cor 6:9-10

many will vote for Biden even though he says he will expand abortion, what proportionate reason allows one to vote for someone campaigning on expanding abortion.

you definitely aren’t following the church if you think you have a proportionate reason.

St. Pope John Paul II is clear on it (bold mine)
The inviolability of the person which is a reflection of the absolute inviolability of God, fínds its primary and fundamental expression in the inviolability of human life. Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights-for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture- is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with maximum determination.
many claim they can vote for a supporter of expanding abortion because it is a matter of prudential judgment, however (bold mine)
To say that something is a matter of prudential judgment does not mean that I decide for me, you decide for you, and it doesn’t matter if we disagree – it’s “prudential judgment.” All of our judgments must be examined in the light of truth and the Gospel. All of our judgments require a rigorous process of conscience formation in which we gather all relevant information, examine in detail the context, learn and consider the applicable Christian tradition and teachings before we can make a prudential judgment. Prudential judgment should not be understood in a modern voluntaristic way; it should be understood within this framework of the good, truth, and formation of conscience. (Meghan Clark)
Using the logic above too, there is that case that is called by some people legislating into law, pedophilia in California. If that were in a party’s platform and one told someone it was wrong, I guess, one justifying their vote, could refer someone to “forming consciousness for faithful citizenship” as well.
Will again refer you to Forming Consiounces for Faithful Citizenship
and I will refer you to it also

from the intro, abortion is the pre-eminent issue (all bold below in the various quotes is mine)
Pope Francis has continued to draw attention to important issues such as migration, xenophobia, racism, abortion, global conflict, and care for creation. In the United States and around the world, many challenges demand our attention.
**> **
> The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority because it directly attacks life itself,4 because it takes place within the sanctuary of the family, and because of the number of lives destroyed. At the same time, we cannot dismiss or ignore other serious threats to human life and dignity such as racism, the environmental crisis, poverty and the death penalty.5
abortion isn’t a stand-alone issue anymore, the Democrats want to include it in all legislation, you can’t escape it.

help the poor -boom- abortion,
help the immigrant -boom- abortion
health care reform -boom- abortion
your political issue -boom- abortion

Our efforts to protect the unborn remain as important as ever, for just as the Supreme Court may allow greater latitude for state laws restricting abortion, state legislators have passed statutes not only keeping abortion legal through all nine months of pregnancy but opening the door to infanticide. Additionally, abortion contaminates many other important issues by being inserted into legislation regarding immigration, care for the poor, and health care reform.
the bishops want you to follow their teaching
  1. Prudential judgment is also needed in applying moral principles to specific policy choices in areas such as armed conflict, housing, health care, immigration, and others. This does not mean that all choices are equally valid, or that our guidance and that of other Church leaders is just another political opinion or policy preference among many others. Rather, we urge Catholics to listen carefully to the Church’s teachers when we apply Catholic social teaching to specific proposals and situations. The judgments and recommendations that we make as bishops on such specific issues do not carry the same moral authority as statements of universal moral teachings. Nevertheless, the Church’s guidance on these matters is an essential resource for Catholics as they determine whether their own moral judgments are consistent with the Gospel and with Catholic teaching. (Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship)
The guidance of the church prioritizes abortion, euthanasia, etc
  1. The first is a moral equivalence that makes no ethical distinctions between different kinds of issues involving human life and dignity. The direct and intentional destruction of innocent human life from the moment of conception until natural death is always wrong and is not just one issue among many. It must always be opposed
    (Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship)
abortion is the issue, yet, don’t forget the rest of the anti-catholic policies a Democrat vote brings.
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