Diocese of Peoria announces postponement of Fulton Sheen's beatification

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I dont know. I have heard that as well, but haven’t confirmed it either way.
Hoping someone comes through with confirmation on that.
I’m still very struck by how a bishop/bishops can move and shake.
Yes, you are absolutely correct, especially in that time frame. The APA and the AMA have a lot to answer for, but it’s so much easier to keep the false narrative of ‘bad old celibate Catholic Church’ and “whitewash/coverup” --biased, slanted, and emotionally charged words which drown out any actual attempts to put these actions into context. “Don’t try to tell ME” shout today’s perfect pundits, “It’s all lies”. (There are none so deaf as those who will not hear).

I feel so bad for Bishop Matano. He has NOTHING to do with Cardinal Dolan OR Cardinal Cupich, he never even served in NY (being based in Providence RI, in Vermont, and in Rome early as well as a few years in DC before 2000), and every time he was sent to head a diocese, it was a diocese (Burlington and Rochester) which had been run into the ground, was notorious for lax doctrine, falling vocations, hemorrhaging congregations. . .and in the case of Burlington despite screams from those who were happy to keep up ‘experiments’, what he did there turned it around. Bishop Coyne is continuing the good work. But Rochester --my LORD, Rochester, 30 years under Bishop Clark–and Bishop Matano hasn’t even been there quite 6 years yet, had to deal with all the mess left by his predescessors, had to file for bankruptcy so that he could do as much as possible to ensure that every person who was seeking justice/money could get some. . .and then he gets THIS. I am as sure of Bishop Matano’s probity as one can reasonably be, and I am fairly certain that far from this being a ‘traitor bishop’ trying to get in good with the Dolan crowd, that this is an orthodox bishop who was found to be just a little TOO ‘good’ at his job, and needs to be shuttled away. . . and since he isn’t in a blackmailable position, and since he already has the ‘progressives’ hating him, a good way to off him would be to put him in a situation where he’s going to get the TRADDIES hating him. Then NOBODY will trust him, all the good he’s done in Rochester will go down the toilet and he can be shoved off or allowed to retire in 1-1/2 years to ROT. It is a damned–and I use the word in all its senses–shame!!!
Campaign to have Masses said for his canonization. This is a good idea, I can have a Mass said. It probably won’t be on the 9th because sometimes the missions don’t move that fast, but I’m sure it doesn’t matter if it’s a bit later.


Archbishop Sheen’s Beatification Postponement with Raymond Arroyo​

The Novena for his cause is starting Dec. 12. I will be praying along.
Peoria Diocese launches special appeal for prayer for the progress of the Cause for Beatification of Fulton Sheen

In response to the postponement of the Beatification of Fulton J. Sheen, Bishop Daniel Jenky of the Diocese of Peoria has asked the faithful to participate in a special nine day novena to “petition God unceasingly” that the Cause may move forward to the Beatification and Canonization of Fulton Sheen.

On this 40th anniversary of Sheen’s death, Bishop Jenky decided to make known this upcoming special novena trusting in the “power of prayer” to move heaven as well as instill hope to all those saddened and disappointed by the delay announced so close to the expected Beatification.

The nine-day novena will start on December 12th, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe and include daily meditations on reflections from Fulton Sheen. The novena is available in English and Spanish and will be carried on many Catholic television networks as well as many social media sites.

Bishop Jenky asks the many supporters of Archbishop Sheen to give themselves over to prayer, which is always the best way to support the Cause. Together, we seek God’s will in the ultimate judgment of the Apostolic See.

For more information, or to donate to the Fulton Sheen Foundation, please visit celebratesheen.com .
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Is there something controversial that Fulton Sheen has said that has really bothered people that I’m missing?
I did earlier.

I can’t believe that they’d postpone a beatification because of concerns about who possessed the body of Bishop Sheen or where he is buried. That just doesn’t make sense.

As for the investigations in the state of New York, I don’t know. It’s pretty confusing. Do these Bishops know something that hasn’t been made public? That’s the only thing I can think of. Are they just being cautious? On the surface, being cautious does not seem to be such a bad thing.

Is this really about something he said?
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It’s interesting that we both watched that and came away with such different thoughts.
🧐 🥳 🤓… How so? I’ve been known to be wrong before?

Seriously though…the video posted by @MagdalenaRita right?
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