Disney's World of W.I.T.C.H.

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I would discuss it with your wife. No matter how cute they make it, it’s still witchcraft.
It’s a cartoon. No big deal. Sure, it might give some kids the idea that magic is instant gratification when it really isn’t - but only the kids not grounded in reality.

Mickey Mouse was a wizard in Fantasia, was he evil? That was still “magic”. Only difference being that while Fantasia was entertaining, this looks like it will be mindless drivel, much like Charmed, Sabrina, etc. As long as your kids are able to discern reality from fantasy (part of a parent’s responsibility to teach them) there should be no problem.

And since I’m sure the “evilness” :rotfl: of witchcraft will be brought up, if your daughter is raised with a solid background in her faith, there should be no “problem”.
I Googled it for you. The Disney website for the WITCH product line is:


From a quick look at it, I would say its main influences are Japanese animation (anime) and a New Agey worldview. It seems to emphasize that these five girls are friends and that they have secret magic powers to save the world. They transform into what seems to me to be sexy fairy-like characters (they have wings and skimpy clothing and are drawn typically anime style, which is to say, provocatively). They’re supposed to be 13-14 year old teenagers. Several of the character profiles show them in romantic poses with boyfriends.

As for the “occult” aspect of these stories, each character seems to have magic powers over a different element, earth, air, fire, water and a fifth one that I’m not sure what it is supposed to represent. I haven’t read the books, it appears to be mostly Japanese fantasy fluff. The question you should ask yourself is, is there something better that I would rather have my daughter read?

Do you want to encourage her to develop an interest in anime? Much of anime for teens and adults is semi- if not blatantly pornographic. For instance, on Cartoon Network’s late evening programming, Adult Swim, there was one show on that I passed by that featured girl heroes who transformed into super robots or something by having their clothes instantaneously disappear before their superhero costume appeared. The Japanese have very different standards of what can be put in cartoons. Now, because it’s being developed by Disney, it won’t be X-rated, but like playing a game of cards for some can lead to an unhealthy interest in gambling, so this kind of product can lead to an interest in less-acceptable anime.

I liked anime when I was a kid, but it wasn’t as popular as now and the shows being imported weren’t as racy.

Bottom line: if your child is strong in her faith, she’ll probably see it for the mindless fluff it is. You would probably do well to read the books yourself to see exactly what the stories talk about. If your child has little catechesis though, whatever your former denomination, and is easily swayed or has an interest in the occult, then maybe now’s the time to share with her your favorite books from your own childhood or get recommendations on quality children’s literature from trusted sources.

Hope this helps. 🙂
As long as your kids are able to discern reality from fantasy (part of a parent’s responsibility to teach them) there should be no problem.
I agree.
I am so glad someone brought this up!!! My daughter wants to watch this or something with this - W.I.T.C.H. Even when Harry Potter came out and it was the rave, I wouldn’t let it in my house. Here is why. There is so many great movies and books out there. There is a whole world to choose from, why would you even bring witchcraft into your life? It isn’t necessary. I would rather bring in something spiritual or childlike than to put these cartoons in front of her. In there WITCH outfits, there tummys are showing and that isn’t what I want my daughter exposed to. I would much rather have her admire something positive and with a little modesty! Just my two cents!

While I have no problem (obviously) with witchcraft, etc. I do dislike these shows (Charmed, Sabrina, Buffy, and now “WITCH”) that portray it to be some instant gratification, instant sexy, fighting demons, zap you’re a frog, etc. practice, because that is everything it is not. It is a craft/practice that takes time and patience to learn (just like any other thing) and is certainly not instant anything (and where is my sexy body and outfit, not to mention my magical wings 😛 ). However, as I said before, anyone that goes into witchcraft, etc. after watching these shows is going to be sorely disappointed and need to be grounded in reality. Personally, I think that the argument that these types of shows, books, etc. will get kids involved in the “occult” carries as much weight as the argument that movies, games, music, cause kids to be violent (and that doesn;t carry much weight). Personally, if I thought witchcraft was anything like it is on TV, I wouldn’t have bothered because I think those shows are stupid.
As The Hidden Life said - mindless fluff.

However, another good point was brought up, and that is the sexuality part of it. Although I really never watched anime, I’ve seen the videos in stores and a lot of it does seem to revolve around sex. Now, for a mature adult, this would be no big deal. However, being a Disney show, it is geared more towards children. Children that are going to be more influenced with “this is how you should dress” and “this is how you should act around guys”. Personally, I think this is something to worry about more than the occult as society today puts too much emphasis on looks and sexuality. I’ve seen clothes for 6, 7, 8 year olds that are “sexier” than what I wear now and definately nothing like what I wore when I was that age (and I’m only almost 20 so things have changed a lot).

All in all, I’d say that for a child with good upbringing, this show should be harmless, but there are better things to watch on TV (even Harry Potter would probably be better to read/watch than this).
While I have no problem (obviously) with witchcraft, etc. I do dislike these shows (Charmed, Sabrina, Buffy, and now “WITCH”) that portray it to be some instant gratification, instant sexy, fighting demons, zap you’re a frog, etc. practice, because that is everything it is not. It is a craft/practice that takes time and patience to learn (just like any other thing) and is certainly not instant anything (and where is my sexy body and outfit, not to mention my magical wings 😛 ). However, as I said before, anyone that goes into witchcraft, etc. after watching these shows is going to be sorely disappointed and need to be grounded in reality. Personally, I think that the argument that these types of shows, books, etc. will get kids involved in the “occult” carries as much weight as the argument that movies, games, music, cause kids to be violent (and that doesn;t carry much weight). Personally, if I thought witchcraft was anything like it is on TV, I wouldn’t have bothered because I think those shows are stupid.
As The Hidden Life said - mindless fluff.

However, another good point was brought up, and that is the sexuality part of it. Although I really never watched anime, I’ve seen the videos in stores and a lot of it does seem to revolve around sex. Now, for a mature adult, this would be no big deal. However, being a Disney show, it is geared more towards children. Children that are going to be more influenced with “this is how you should dress” and “this is how you should act around guys”. Personally, I think this is something to worry about more than the occult as society today puts too much emphasis on looks and sexuality. I’ve seen clothes for 6, 7, 8 year olds that are “sexier” than what I wear now and definately nothing like what I wore when I was that age (and I’m only almost 20 so things have changed a lot).

All in all, I’d say that for a child with good upbringing, this show should be harmless, but there are better things to watch on TV (even Harry Potter would probably be better to read/watch than this).
Okay, as far as putting this nonchalant way of witchcraft is just kind of a dumb thing . . . it is playing with fire. Did you know that the spells in Harry Potter are real occult spells? Again playing with fire. Someone that doesn’t have your knowledge about such shows will have a different way of accepting this. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but I am soon to be 40, have a good marriage and four wonderful children/babies and as someone that was 20 once, I changed my point of view 180 degrees. Kids change EVERYTHING, all of a sudden you are responsible for bringing good to them, not mediocre. These kind of shows undermine the upbringing of good christian children and their parents.

I hope I didn’t sound terrible about this, but I really feel a strong sense of protection when it comes to my children.😉

In Christ,
Theres cinderella the witch and sabrina the teenage witch, God knows how many witch shows Disney had. I read somewhere that Disney was a Mason. Walt Disney also has a Gay day every year at Walt Disney world and they give Gay spouses beinfits.
Okay, as far as putting this nonchalant way of witchcraft is just kind of a dumb thing . . . it is playing with fire.
Not really. Unless, I suppose, you light a candle. 🙂 Witchcraft utilizes the natural energies around us. It is scientifically proven that everything is made up of energy. God supposedly created everything in nature, so it is using energies coming from God. Witchcraft is just the focusing of these energies towards a specific intent.
Did you know that the spells in Harry Potter are real occult spells?
:rotfl: Then how come I (or anyone else) can’t make feathers float or fly around on my broomstick. But then, I suppose anything could be part of a spell. If I really wanted, I could use Christian prayers and incorporate them into my spellwork.
Someone that doesn’t have your knowledge about such shows will have a different way of accepting this.
No, someone who is not grounded in reality will have a different way of accepting this. And it is a parent’s job to teach their children the difference between reality and fantasy.
Kids change EVERYTHING, all of a sudden you are responsible for bringing good to them, not mediocre.
Intellectually, I wouldn’t rate these shows too high, but if a child is grounded in their faith and reality and in the case of “WITCH”, isn’t easily influenced by sexual propaganda, there should be no problem.
These kind of shows undermine the upbringing of good christian children and their parents.
I don’t think so. My mother is a strict Catholic, and has no problem with my younger brother and sister reading Harry Potter because they know the difference between real and not. When my siblings and I were younger, we would pretend to have some “magical powers” or be some other mythical creature, but there was no problem with it because we knew it was fake.
I hope I didn’t sound terrible about this, but I really feel a strong sense of protection when it comes to my children.
No, that is completely understandable. I just think that by watching something like “WITCH” there is more of a chance of their brains melting from the stupidity of the show rather than from them getting any “occult” influences.
too bad witchcraft isn’t real…or else you should be worried about it. Buy your kid a book (not Harry…but quality children’s lit. instead)

If your kid watches dracula will they become a vampire?
Tom of Assisi:
too bad witchcraft isn’t real…
Except that it is.
If your kid watches dracula will they become a vampire?
Of course! Because everyone knows Dracula will come through the TV, bite them, and make them a vampire.
Did you know that the spells in Harry Potter are real occult spells? Again playing with fire.
This subversiveness is common to the occult. The Harry Potter series would not make it into the hands of children so easily if it was more honestly marketed. It’s very much in keeping with the Wicca tradition.

Given (Gerald) Gardner’s fascination with it (Wicca), it is not surprising that he felt the urge to write about witchcraft. However, in the first half of the 20th century, this was technically impossible, as there was still on the statute books an obsolete piece of legislation known as The Witchcraft Act 1735, which still outlawed the Craft in England and Wales. Therefore, what Gardner did was to write about the Craft in the form of a fictional novel - High Magic’s Aid (1947). Written as an adventure set in mediaeval times, Gardner put a lot of Wiccan belief into the mouth of the heroine - a young Witch called Morven. Heselton quotes Patricia Crowther, who told him what Gardner said when he presented a signed copy of High Magic’s Aid in 1960: “Darling, take notice of Morven’s words, they will teach you much.”

I think I made a mistake, the spells in Harry Potter aren’t the problem, it is the names of the demons. Sorry.

I don’t think that watching Dracula will make you a vampire. I don’t think watching W.I.T.C.H. will do that either. I do think that in the world today so much is minimilized (sp?) You get used to shows that slip in sexually explicit comments, or you don’t think about the violence as much because it is all over the place etc. All I am trying to say is . . . why bring it into your life if you can fill it with God instead. If I have to choose I will choose God. Sometimes that is the choice. Harry Potter or something more in tune with our beliefs.🙂 W.I.T.C.H. or maybe the American Doll Christmas movie about love. I say, throw all that garbage out, why invite it in.😉

Tom of Assisi:
too bad witchcraft isn’t real…
Actually, witchcraft is very real. That is why the bible warns against it.

Rev 21:8 - “But cowards who turn away from me, and unbelievers, and the corrupt, and murderers, and the immoral, and those who practice witchcraft, and idol worshipers, and all liars – their doom is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.”
I think I made a mistake, the spells in Harry Potter aren’t the problem, it is the names of the demons. Sorry.

I don’t think that watching Dracula will make you a vampire. I don’t think watching W.I.T.C.H. will do that either. I do think that in the world today so much is minimilized (sp?) You get used to shows that slip in sexually explicit comments, or you don’t think about the violence as much because it is all over the place etc. All I am trying to say is . . . why bring it into your life if you can fill it with God instead. If I have to choose I will choose God. Sometimes that is the choice. Harry Potter or something more in tune with our beliefs.🙂 W.I.T.C.H. or maybe the American Doll Christmas movie about love. I say, throw all that garbage out, why invite it in.😉

Please list the Occult spells and Demon names in Harry Potter.
Buffy draws children to witchcraft


"The Pagan Federation, which represents druids and witches, says it has been ‘swamped’ with calls following teenage programmes featuring good witches.

"Speaking to BBC News Online the Pagan Federation’s Steve Paine, the high priest of a coven, said the hit US drama Buffy and the highly successful Harry Potter books were popular amongst practising witches. ‘They are taken as fantasy entertainment. But they do encourage people to think about different forms of spirituality’, he said.

“‘The Pagan Federation, which deals with about 100 enquiries a month from youngsters who want to become witches, does not allow anyone under the age of 18 to become a member.’ Most of the enquiries are from 14 to 18 year-olds, and are dealt with ‘reactively’ by a specially-appointed youth officer, an Essex based schoolteacher.” (BBC News Online, Buffy Draws Children to Witchcraft, Friday, 4 August, 2000)

Full Article:
Please list the Occult spells and Demon names in Harry Potter.
“Some people object that the Harry Potter books do not teach legitimate spells, and are therefore harmless. However, what the books do teach children is the concept of magick, that is to say, they learn that if they say certain words, and do certain things, they can get certain results and control people. This is what casting spells and working magick is all about. Furthermore, … they are often led to web sites which teach the real stuff from Harry Potter related fan sites.”

St. James said:
“Some people object that the Harry Potter books do not teach legitimate spells, and are therefore harmless. However, what the books do teach children is the concept of magick, that is to say, they learn that if they say certain words, and do certain things, they can get certain results and control people. This is what casting spells and working magick is all about. Furthermore, … they are often led to web sites which teach the real stuff from Harry Potter related fan sites.”


There was a claim that the spells in HP are real, and that the names in the books are of demons. I am asking for proof of that.
Please list the Occult spells and Demon names in Harry Potter.
Why, you want to practice? Look up the names and do the homework.
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