May I ask do you have a world wide source of an overview of applying
love and God and neighbor? To help discern; our Beloved Redeemer Jesus Christ,
by The Holy Spirit - not only for personal growth in letting Christ grown
within, for whole fiber of being in thoughts, words, and actions grow
more prudent in objective moral virtue - but also to read the signs of the times,
Jesus Christ wishes us to read as objectively as possible in our own foibles?
For this thread, sources like EWTN, for a balance perspective is invaluable.
For example, I follow Word On Fire, also, even though one of their purposes
is finding ‘Seeds of The Word,’ in culture and this particular objective leading with
objective radiant aesthetics (beauty) to help invite discernment of Jesus Christ
in His Church, has more caution for an overview of all the aspects of all the apropos
vital things happening in our world. But, if I just did that, (Word On Fire), I couldn’t
discern a more objective overview of the things I discuss, like this thread, simply
because I overly concentrate on that particular public ministry.
I also follow, Ascension Presents, Renewal Ministries, Priests For Life,
Wordnet Productions, commentaries on daily Mass Readings put out by
the U.S.C.C.B on youtube, Catholic Answers videos from Dr. David Anders,
Jimmy Akins & others, and other ministries with Biblical texts related to our time.
(I do read current Church writings which depend on apropos writings in apropos
to our times recent Church writings to be applied, also. For example,
Evangelium Vitae - and the Address I sited. Those calls simply do not get extinguished,
like the Church Teaches. Same with “Familiaris Consortio”, it applies to the
Pastoral Encyclical Amoris Laetitia, which alludes to “The Internal Form” of Annulments,
which sometimes happen in Pastoral Care. The same is true of “Laudato Si”
discussing stewardship even referenced in The Garden of Eden, along side
a small part about the Sacredness of Human Life - whereby that reference needs
the Encyclical “Evangelium Vitae” to understand a magnitude perspective;
whereby children in the womb are also our brothers and sisters, with God given
dignity for our common home.)
Oh yeah, I forgot New Catholic Generation, but they are not
very active these days, although Rene Shumay (a.k.a. Reborn Pure Catholic)
from time to time still puts out youtube prayer videos with a ‘gathering’ period
with songs & discussion that varies in content before The Holy Rosary.
With so many credible sources; - it curtails my own personal ‘take’ or even letting emotions
unknowingly distort my outlook for things that may incense me for application
of Church Teachings, especially if they are conveyed in a manner I don’t like;
- which may prevent me from understanding what that particular ‘voice’ is saying
for objective application of Church Teaching.
The same is true of perspectives on how we got to the days in which we live.