Personally I think you will find that at our judgement we will judge ourselves,** in the light of the Divine presence.** I’ll admit the reason I say that is due to personal experience (and therefore a personal bias) in that the night he died, my father turned up in my room.
It was obvious the real focus that attracted his gaze (and at times caused him to try to hide his face behind his hands) wasn’t me. It was something behind and above me. If I turned around to see what he was looking at, all I could see was the wall.
However at times he made statements like “I’ve wrecked everything!”; “I’ve been an absolute mongrel to you!”; “I can’t believe how cruel and stupid I’ve been”; “All I was expected to do was to look after my own family and I didn’t even do that!”.
Yet these were statements that in his normal, natural self he wouldn’t have admitted to in a million years. He’d have blamed us - me, my mother, my sister, somebody else. Yet suddenly here he is seeing himself as he really was, and not only that, admitting it.
He was judging himself, but only in the light of the divine presence. Left to himself, he wouldn’t have admitted these things. So, “No, we can’t understand it without divine intervention”, as our natural state is in rebellion to God, and we’re blind, or partly blind, to our own faults and sins.