I don’t believe it’s within man’s ability to know the appropriate eternal sentence without revelation from God. However, God has given man the ability of reason to distinguish right from wrong, and has likewise given him a drive to seek the good and truth, which is ultimately God Himself. Man, at least by design, has the capacity to do such reasoning, which is why he may be held responsible for his choices. That man may incorrectly prioritize the good options before him, perhaps through intentionally sloppy reasoning, is how moral evil may occur.The ability to distinguish right from wrong and to sentence from God point of view.
It goes without saying that young children will not have developed the ability to reason appropriately, and certainly, due to physical defect in the brain or elsewhere, a man may never manifest such intellectual ability even should he reach the age of maturity. God is certainly aware of our capabilities and our deficiencies, and will certainly account for such things in any judgment made.