I cannot see the brother and sister thing BECAUSE it harms the sacramental marriage
How? She is still married to you. You may have a lousy marriage, but it still sacramentally valid according to the doctrine and ecclesiastical norms of the Church. Blaming the doctrien and eccesiastical norms of the Church for your spousal problems is rather absurd
She is obliged to separate and repair the valid sacramental marriage according to the Church. Yet there may be many serious reasons for not doing so. Upbringing of children being one of them. As you insist, the upbringing of children is of primary importance when compared to the good of the spouse.
Futhermore, Roman custom since well before you were born permitted a man and woman to remain together in an
invalid marriage, if they live together
as brother and sister, if the reason for invalidity is the inability to conceive children. Does this “harm” the sacrament of marriage? I don’t see how, because no adultery is present with those who live continently and live in accordance with Christian moral principles.
If this long-standing Roman custom is not harmful to the sacrament of marriage, how does the current discipline which extends this Roman custom for other serious reasons harm the sacrament of marriage?
Or is it just that the following teaching, which was also the discipline of the Church before you were born, is supposedly harmful to the sacrament of marriage in your opinion?
“Separation from bed and board (
divortium imperfectum) is allowed for various causes, especially in the case of adultery or lapse into infidelity or heresy on the part of husband or wife.” (1909 Catholic Encyclopedia - Divorce (in moral theology))
“The cessation of married life in common may have different degrees. There can be the mere cessation of married life (
separatio quoad torum), or a complete separation as regards dwelling-place (
separatio quoad cohabitationem).” (ibid)
For all we know, she had serious reasons for leaving you, not limited but including harm to body or soul. Yet, she was certainly unjustified in adulterous relations with another. If she repented of her adultery, then she is more than welcome to full communion with the Church, so long as the lives in accord with Christian moral principles.
She is not harming your marriage to her by merely being separated from you, if there is serious reasons for such separation. Seems to me, that since you have admitted to trying to get your own children to stay outside the Catholic Church, she certainly has serious reasons to remain separated from you.
Now, you have claimed without support that the Church has changed her doctrines, even implying that Cardinal Ratzinger’s letter preceded this supposed change in Catholic teaching. Yet you failed to provide convincing evidence of this change. On the contrary, I’ve showed you how this teaching has been consistent since Paul VI, and is in accord with long-standing Roman custom regarding men and women being allowed to live continently for serious reasons.
Can you provide evidence of this supposed rejection of prior Catholic teaching?
It seems to me that she is at least attempting to live in accord with the Catholic faith, whereas you place yourself above the judgement of the Vicar of Christ.