The fundamental issue you fail to grasp is that my wife planned this, with the cooperation of individuals in the Church. It was a set up.
The reason it did not work was because she did not anticipate the rotal appeal. Had this case not gone to the Rota she and her lover would be married in the Catholic Church now having commited a perfect crime.
If you understood the basics of moral theology you would understand that you cannot do evil to do good.
I know you will not accept it but to destroy a marriage is evil.
My wife made little attempt to heal our marriage and when she met her future lover the marriage was toast.
One is forbidden to benefit from ones crimes in a legal system that is just. Case in point:
The minor son who pleads for mercy before the judge as an orphan will receive none when the judge understands that he is an orphan because he is on trial for murdering his parents.
Similarly, my wife planned her adultery and her children of this adultery. The Church is in grave sin if it gives her permission to live with her lover, they are real criminals. you cannot punish me to help her children. they indeed must be as protected as possible but if their parents are criminals, as they are in this case, they should be fully punished independent of the effect on the children. the children should be considered after just punishemnt is decided. that is justice, not what you propose. What you propose is more crime.