Divulging your own sins on a public forum is immodest

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If somebody is looking for confirmation and ratification of their refusal to hear God’s Word and the teachings of the magisterium of His Church, CAF is not the place to find that. People who are willfully persisting in a clearly sinful lifestyle are frantic and desperate to find some way — any way — to feel good about themselves, and no longer to have to fear hell and damnation. Perhaps not every single one of them, but many of them, know, deep down, that they are wrong, and they will react, sometimes violently (on a verbal level, I would hope not a physical one), when they are finally “backed into a corner” and convicted of their sin by something that somebody else leads them to see.

I do not discuss my sin problems, spirituality, or prayer life, with anyone, unless I have a need to do so — teaching purposes, or bearing witness to things that need bearing witness. I will not discuss what my one “hard commandment” is — I’d come across as a horrible person (and maybe I am) — but I will say that it is not the sixth or the ninth, it has absolutely nothing to do with sex. Similarly, I do not go around talking about how many rosaries I have said, how often I go to confession, and so on. Some would say “that’s nowhere near enough, that’s where your sin problem comes from”, while others would say “you’re just a religious nut, spend that time doing something useful instead”. Can’t please everybody, no use even to try. I walk with the Lord, and He walks with me, and He’s the one I ultimately have to answer to, bottom line.

The only time I discuss such matters, is when there is a need to, to teach others and help them towards virtue. Case in point: my wife and I sinfully used NFP for a number of years, for selfish reasons. It didn’t happen overnight. It just became easy and comfortable. I can’t speak for my wife (we are divorced and she has moved on to an illicit and invalid union, while I remain single), but I finally reached the point where I could excuse this no longer. So I went to confession and laid things bare.

I only tell this story because, in recent years, there has been a tendency among even some faithful, orthodox Catholics, seemingly to leapfrog right over the teachings of three Popes regarding the use of NFP, and to use it for whatever reasons an illicitly contracepting couple would use NFP, including selfish ones, or merely “we just don’t want children”, either for a time, or permanently. The reasoning seems to be “we are using NFP, which is not immoral, so we’re OK — we will accept a child if that happens, but we’d prefer not”. That is precisely what my wife and I told ourselves for many years. The Popes have said “grave” or “serious” reasons, and some will say “just” reasons — a slippery slope to “any reason at all”? I have an inquiry out to the CDF in Rome (what used to be called the Holy Office, in fact, their street address in Vatican City is “Sant’Uffizio”) regarding this, but given the coronavirus crisis, an answer may be many months in coming, possibly never.
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If we knew who these people were in real life, I could see your argument as I do agree that people share far too much private information about themselves, even with absolute strangers. I don’t understand it when they are sharing it with all of their identifiable information open for everyone to see (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogs, etc.) Not only is it crass, it puts others in the situation where they may struggle with similar sinful behavior, loss of respect for you or any family members you’re disclosing private information about.

However, in a forum where we’re all writing under pseudonyms and hopefully not divulging any personally identifying information, I can’t see why it’s a problem to talk amongst other faithful as both a source of comfort in knowing you’re not alone or as a needed wake up call that encourages someone to get help.

Now when people use these forums to feed their tenancy towards scrupulosity, I think it does then become a problem and quickly declines into attention seeking as well as a desire to appear more pious than others for endlessly worrying about small things that most people would know aren’t problems if they are listening to God. That could then lead others down the path into scrupulosity which makes it hard – almost impossible – to have a loving, personal relationship with God.
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quickly declines into attention seeking as well as a desire to appear more pious than others for endlessly worrying about small things that most people would know aren’t problems if they are listening to God.
^^ perfect explanation of what scrupulosity is not !!

These people carry a heavy cross when afflicted by scrupulosity and do not need to be denigrated for it. They are listening to God with all their heart, mind and soul and are striving not to offend God by even venial sins - something some people dismiss as not to be concerned overly about.

They have great difficulty in discerning what is grave matter - whether that is due to a lack of knowledge (new convert or a revert after many decades away from the faith who has forgotten everything they once knew to those who didn’t practice the faith after First Communion, come from nonpracticing families etc.) , not understanding or simply due to the fear & anxiety. But fear and anxiety often stems from what is unknown, not clearly understood and once the knowledge and understanding is obtained the scrupulosity vanishes or diminishes. For those who suffer from OCD, it may not.
Dr. Gregory Popcak states, from clinical practice and psychological studies studies that 1 in 5, or 20%, (32 million in the US alone), suffer from some form of anxiety (i.e. OCD, scruples). IME, this affects the young inordinately. Could it just be that scruples are called out…

…because it really is scruples? I mean some open 2-3 threads over the same thing - but that is not necessary to “suspect” scruples. We call scruples (I do) as I have 31 years of dealing with mental health patient/consumers and 7 years of moderating a cancer forum. I’m not just making things up, or trying to limit or shut communication down.

Although there are many who post due to not being well catechized - and I try to separate them out - I find that more frequently online than elsewhere, it really is scruples.
When we say that it is absolutely necessary for sins to be said in private, we give sin a lot of power that it doesn’t deserve. The abuse scandal would have been less severe if there wasn’t a Puritanical and cowardly urge to be hush hush about everything.
Sadly, the hush hush aspect can actually cause the victim to believe he or she is guilty of sin in the crime which was perpetrated on him or her.

At the same time, however, abuse victims will get grossed out at having to share any details of the sin/crime committed against them, because some individuals find the gory details titillating. It truly is a living hell on earth. Shivers…
How about the Christian example( including one own self) in the disclosure," I am a sinner, we are all sinners." My experience is that there isn’t enough opportunity in life to remind ones own self and others of this repetitive Gospel truth.
Isn’t it a recognition born of humility? Isn’t it a recognition of necessity, that it be repeated and understood. A recognition that we seem to need it reminded repetitively?
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I don’t think it is immodest. This forum is pretty much anonymous. Sometimes people need an objective opinion. That this is a forum that is pretty much anonymous then I recommend weighing the balance.
I don’t think it is immodest. This forum is pretty much anonymous. Sometimes people need an objective opinion. That this is a forum that is pretty much anonymous then I recommend weighing the balance.
And instances of divulging sins publicly to a group or assembly were commonly practiced among the earlier Christian disciples and it continues to happens today in some settings. There is also the privacy in the Sacrament in Confession. The Church can walk and chew bubblegum at the same time.

People coming here with their problems is one of the main reasons this apostolate exists in the first place.
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Well I think you bring up good points, and please don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t pointing the finger at you btw. If we legitimately think they are scrupulous I agree surely.

I just think it does cut both ways. It can be difficult to calibrate ones conscience even when you know the teachings. I don’t see that as necessarily being scrupulous though. People ask questions all over on forums, isn’t one of the beatitudes to council the doubtful?

I’ve asked questions about real life scenarios where nuance was a major factor. Things aren’t just black and white always. I got a load of accusation and screw you. Isn’t discernment a large part of living faith…
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Great perspective, thank you for sharing.

Just for clarity I don’t intend to dig on priests, I think most are really working hard at it. It’s just that this is a specialized arena with mental disease.

Glad your getting the help though, 👍
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