Do Anglicans receive communion in churches without apostolic succession?

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Also notable: Polish National Catholic Church.
Yes, true, and there are other groups too. I was trying to keep the subject as simple as I could. Apostolic succession lines outside of union with Rome, or even canonical Orthodoxy (ex-SCOBA), get extremely complicated.

And then you get into proper form and intention. Can someone who consecrates an occultist, theosophist, or (God forbid!) a satanist, be assumed to “do what the Church does” (facere quod facit ecclesia)? And what formula did they use? Sacraments are either valid or they are not — no middle ground.
Here we go. Didn’t accidentally hit the send button this time.

Complicated. Indeed.

Form, intent, minister, matter, and recipient, if pertinent. As in the case of Apostolicae curae, dealing with intent, merely, is difficult, it being an interior state. Having something visible,to serve as determinatio ex adiunctus is sometimes resorted to. As, again, in Apostolicae curae. Whether an occultist, a theosophist, a Satanist, a Mason, perchance, is a proper recipient of the sacrament of Holy Orders, I’d leave to those who can authoritatively discern such matters.

Yes. Sacraments are either validly confected, or they are not.
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