Do Animals go the heaven?

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Personally I believe that the animals that I have had the misfortune to have put down over the years they will be there waiting for me when I die. I have met a few animals that were not focused on their care giver, but have met a number of human animals that could not be trusted. I take that an element of faith. It can’t be proved or unproved.

I think that it was Mark Twain who wrote about animal (dog) interaction with humans. "A dog will love the love the hand of his mistreater. He went on that a dog doesn’t bite the hand of his care giver. Could we way the same of our brethren.

I think a related question do animals have a soul?
Animals would not be said to have immortal souls.

So would say that they do not ‘goto heaven’

but perhaps when* we* are risen…when we have our bodies…our glorified bodies…and
there is the new heavens and new earth.…then perhaps there can be animals…and perhaps in some way God can recreate our pets…

Such is my thought…

I’ve learned that they WILL be a part of the New Earth.

So, yes, you will see beloved pets again.
They have a mortal soul which dies at death. Only humans have an immortal soul which is forever. The short answer is no they don’t go to heaven. (Look up St. Thomas Aquinas about animal and plants having souls)
Such would not be correct, though certainly many a discussion among Christians has taken place and there have been various speculations theologically.
Such certainly would be correct, unless you’re ignoring the difference between temporal and immortal souls.
Animals would not be said to have immortal souls.

So would say that they do not ‘goto heaven’

but perhaps when* we* are risen…when we have our bodies…our glorified bodies…and
there is the new heavens and new earth.…then perhaps there can be animals…and perhaps in some way God can recreate our pets…

Such is my thought…

Again? This topic has been discussed several times. The definitive answer is YES despite whatever Catholicism or Judaism may say (or not say).
😃 How did you discover this “definitive answer”???

I don’t believe they do. That would mean every animal that has ever existed. There may be animals in heaven, but I don’t believe in the resurrection of animals.
Instead of worrying about our pet being in heaven, we should make sure we are going to be there. :rolleyes:
The Coming of Christ
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. 12 His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. 13 He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses. 15 From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty. 16 And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name written, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”
So we can rest assured knowing there are horses in heaven.
If there are horses, there must be dogs.
If there are dogs there must be cats.
If there are cats there must be birds.
If there are birds there must be fish.
If there are fish there must be frogs.
And etcetera and etcetera and etcetera . . .

"Just Sayin’ "
I am not a proponent of fidoism. I was made in the image and likeness of God my dog was not. Christ Undid what Adam did it would be kind of pointless for animals to go to heaven then, as dogs would not have Original Sin, nor do they have an inclination to sin. if they haven’t got sin they haven’t got a need for Redemption
But heaven isn’t just a reparation. If animals have not sinned, they do not need redemption. They already give glory to their creator by their very existence. If they go to heaven they may experience differently than us just as they do here.
Do Animals go the heaven?

Let’s discuss this

No. They only have an animating soul which is limited to an earthly existence.

But, I suppose God could make temporary exceptions for the elect who’s pleasures take a little longer from deviating from earthly to beatific delights.

My cat died just recently as a ripe old age, and I’m pretty sure he thought he was human, making demands for his supper climbing the back of my couch so that he can head butt me from behind. 😃
Prove there is a heaven through material evidence then prove there are souls then prove that animals have souls and then maybe the question can be asked if animals go to heaven. Myself, they pass on just like we will.
Hi, I’ the OP [and a tired one today:)]

So here’s a short reply


For the sake of this conversation we will define a SOUL as that “thing” that gives Life to ALL living entities;

THAT said just as the animal kingdom has a hierarchy; so do do Souls; whth the soul of humanity being by virtue of ALONE having a mind, intellect and freewill attached permanently to it [and yes I CAN demonstrate this reality] being the most complex and of the greatest value.
  1. As for Heaven
Good and evil exist and therefore there in an absolute sense MUST be a reason for their existence: reward and punishment are NOT human inventions
  1. Material evidence
Is AIR material. Does AIR exist:D

God Bless you friend,

Let us all pretend we are blind then we shall discuss the color blue.

We could argue forever and no one could agree because we just do not know.
Please read my reply #37 [the OP]

Then if you still wish me to respond and explain your point just let me know:)

i am not a proponent of fidoism. I was made in the image and likeness of god my dog was not. Christ undid what adam did it would be kind of pointless for animals to go to heaven then, as dogs would not have original sin, nor do they have an inclination to sin. If they haven’t got sin they haven’t got a need for redemption

Again? This topic has been discussed several times. The definitive answer is YES despite whatever Catholicism or Judaism may say (or not say).
THANKS, I must have missed that string:o

Please read my reply on POST #37

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