Don’t you think that homosexual sex is a sin that we can include? Not as a specific example but as a general example of the type of sins that you think cause these evils. Can we include it or exclude it?
Not to the exclusion of any other sin.
But you keep bringing up problems caused by us (such as global warming) and ignoring what is generally understood to be natural evils such as earthquakes or tsunamis. Or bush fires.
Not sure why you want to exclude AGW (except for the fact that it’s a
really good example). Tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, rising sea levels – all good examples of natural evils; and all good examples of how human immoral sinful behavior affects the physical world.
The creatures that threaten man’s health or life today may have preexisted man. The point is that Adam and Eve, in Original Justice, were not subject to the crippling or deadly diseases these creatures now present to fallen man.
I would love to see documentation of this.
I’m sorry: you’re asking me to document what the Church doesn’t teach?
Are you saying animals go to Heaven?
That’s an entirely different answer to an entirely different question. You haven’t asked “do animals have immortal souls?”, which is the question to the answer you suggest, in an indirect way. (The answer, of course, is that animals do not have immortal souls.)
The answer I always give to school-age children, when they ask whether their pets go to heaven, is, “God will create a ‘new heavens and new earth’, and there, we will be perfectly happy with God. If being ‘perfectly happy’ means that there will be puppies and kitties in heaven, then I believe that there will be puppies and kitties in heaven.”
But, for adults who ask, I add, “but that doesn’t mean that animals get to heaven in the way that humans do.”
This would definitely be a positive development in my understanding of Catholicism if you can prove that Catholics believe animals have souls.
Aquinas teaches it. Not “immortal souls”, but “souls”. Remember – a ‘soul’ is the principle of any living being. If they’re alive, they have souls. (Only humans are created “in the image and likeness” of God, though, and so, only humans have immortal souls.)
But if you do believe animals have souls and suffer
If you keep moving the goalposts, you’re never gonna get an answer. We just answered “do animals have souls?”. Why, then, do you change the question to “do animals have souls
and suffer?”. Those are two completely different questions!