Do Atheists have a reasonable doubt?

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She’s easily the finest English language novelist of the C19th in my opinion. As to true Victorians, I favour Trollope, but if you like Gothick you probably don’t like Trollope. Brontë rather than Austen, Poe rather than Trollope, would that be right?
I’ll be honest, of Trollope, Bronte, and Poe, Poe is the only one whose works I’m familiar with, and yes, I am a fan.
Gothick you probably don’t like Trollope. Brontë rather than Austen, Poe
I haven’t read any of these.😡
I’m with IWG. Frustrated that I may have missed out on something. Life’s too short…
The best private revelation I ever read about Mary’s intercession…

The Prophecies and Revelations of
Saint Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden
Chapter 13 :


The Virgin Mary speaks to Lady Bridget and says: ”I want to tell you what I did
for the soul of your son Charles when it was being separated from his body. I acted
like a woman standing by another woman who is giving birth, in order that she
might help the infant, lest it die in the flow of blood or suffocate in that narrow place
through which an infant exits and so that, by her watchful care, the infant’s enemies,
who are in the same house, might not be able to kill it. I acted in the same way.


The angel answered: ”When his mother first understood that his will was
wavering toward sin, she immediately rushed to his aid with works of mercy and
daily prayers that God might deign to have mercy on him lest he withdraw himself
from him. Because of those works of his mother, he finally obtained a godly fear so
that, as often as he fell into sin, he immediately hurried to make his confession.”

The devil answered, ”I must tell his sins.” And at the very moment he intended
to begin, he immediately started to exclaim and lament and carefully search himself,
including his head and all the limbs that he seemed to have; and he was seen to
tremble all over; and with great confusion he cried out: ”Woe to me in my misery!
How have I wasted my long labor? Not only is the text blotted out and ruined, but
even the material on which everything was written has burnt up completely.
Moreover, the material indicates the times that he sinned. And I do not recall the
times any more than the sins written down in connection with them.” The angel
answered: ”This was done by his mother’s tears and long labors and many prayers.
God sympathized with her sighs and gave to her son this grace: namely, that for
every sin he committed, he obtained contrition, making a humble confession out of
love for God. Therefore those sins have been blotted out and are unheeded by your
The devil answered, asserting that he still had a sack full of those writings
according to which the above said knight had purposed to make amends for his sins
but did not take care [to do so and asserting that the writings gave grounds on
which] to torture him until, through punishment, satisfaction had been made. And
indeed that same knight had not yet taken care to amend those sins during his
lifetime. The angel answered: ”Open the sack and seek a judgment on those sins for
which you must chastise him.” At those words, the devil cried out like a madman,
saying: ”I have been plundered in my power.
Not only my sack has been taken, but also the sins that filled it! The sack in which I put all the reasons that I had to punish
him was his laziness; for, because of his laziness, he omitted many good things.”
The angel answered: ”His mother’s tears have plundered you and have burst
the sack and have destroyed the writing. So greatly did her tears please God!” The
devil answered: ”I still have here a few things to bring forth: namely, his venial sins.”
The angel answered: ”He had the intention to make a pilgrimage from his
fatherland, leaving his goods and his friends and visiting, by many labors, the holy
places. He complemented these things, furthermore, by so preparing himself that he
was worthy to gain an indulgence from Holy Church. Moreover, he desired, by
making amends for his sins, to appease God his Creator. As a result, all those
charges, which you just said that you had written down, have been pardoned.”

The devil answered: ”Nevertheless, I still must punish him for all those venial
sins that he committed; and therefore, through indulgences, they have not been
deleted at all. For there are thousands upon thousands of them, and they have all
been written on my tongue.” The angel answered: ”Extend your tongue and show
the writing.” The devil answered with loud howling and clamor like a maniac; and he
said: ”Woe is me. I have not one word to say; for my tongue has been cut off at the
root together with its strength!”

The angel answered: ”His mother did this with her continual prayers and her
labor; for she loved his soul with her whole heart. Therefore, for the sake of her love,
it pleased God to pardon all the venial sins that he committed from his infancy right
up to his death; and therefore your tongue is said to have lost its strength.” Bridget (Birgitta) of Sweden - Prophecies and Revelations.html
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Consciousness emerged and we became self aware and only then do you exhibit surprise.
‘Gee, too much of a coincidence for THAT to have happened!’
You are simply exhibiting amazement at that. It’s an argument from incredulity.
I would say that the emergence of consciousness is surprising. first we have an extremely small point of mass. then it explodes. then we get the galaxies and the planets. And all of a sudden on planet earth material objects become aware of themselves and “soon” after, begin to talk about it on the internet? If the emergence of consciousness from all this is not surprising to you, or even if it is, could you kindly explain the mechanism by which these material atomic particles were able to combine to become conscious, to produce written language and to solve complicated mathematical theorems such as the Banach Tarski paradox, the unsolvability of the quintic or the Poincare conjecture?
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Consciousness emerged and we became self aware and only then do you exhibit surprise.
‘Gee, too much of a coincidence for THAT to have happened!’
You are simply exhibiting amazement at that. It’s an argument from incredulity.
I would say that the emergence of consciousness is surprising. first we have an extremely small point of mass. then it explodes. then we get the galaxies and the planets. And all of a sudden on planet earth material objects become aware of themselves and “soon” after, begin to talk about it on the internet? If the emergence of consciousness from all this is not surprising to you, or even if it is, could you kindly explain the mechanism by which these material atomic particles were able to combine to become conscious, to produce written language and to solve complicated mathematical theorems such as the Banach Tarski paradox, the unsolvability of the quintic or the Poincare conjecture?
You might have heard of it…I’m not sure. It’s called ‘evolution’. Read about it here: What is Evolution? | Science for kids
You might have heard of it…I’m not sure. It’s called ‘evolution’.

Read about it here:
I did not see where your reference explains the emergence of consciousness. Also, I did not find consciousness discussed in either the Greatest Show on earth or the Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins. However, yes, Dawkins does talk a bit about consciousness in the selfish gene, but I am still baffled. For example, he says that survival machine behavior and its apparent purposiveness has evolved into consciousness. He then goes on to say that the evolution of the capacity to simulate has evolved into consciousness because the brain’s simulation of the world becomes so complete that it must include a model of itself. Basically it is supposed to be the culmination of an evolutionary trend toward the emancipation of survival machines from their biological masters, the genes. In the footnotes to this he explains that the parallel hardware of the brain has evolved into a virtual machine simulating the illusion of a serial processor and this is how the serial stream of consciousness has arisen in humans. Still no explanation as to why the hardware of the computer does not have consciousness, but that of the human does have it.
Further, how would survival of the fittest explain the Banach Tarski paradox or the Poincare conjecture? I don’t see the relation?
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You might have heard of it…I’m not sure. It’s called ‘evolution’.

Read about it here:
I did not see where your reference explains the emergence of consciousness. Also, I did not find consciousness discussed in either the Greatest Show on earth or the Blind Watchmaker by Dawkins. However, yes, Dawkins does talk a bit about consciousness in the selfish gene, but I am still baffled. For example, he says that survival machine behavior and its apparent purposiveness has evolved into consciousness. He then goes on to say that the evolution of the capacity to simulate has evolved into consciousness because the brain’s simulation of the world becomes so complete that it must include a model of itself. Basically it is supposed to be the culmination of an evolutionary trend toward the emancipation of survival machines from their biological masters, the genes. In the footnotes to this he explains that the parallel hardware of the brain has evolved into a virtual machine simulating the illusion of a serial processor and this is how the serial stream of consciousness has arisen in humans. Still no explanation as to why the hardware of the computer does not have consciousness, but that of the human does have it.
Further, how would survival of the fittest explain the Banach Tarski paradox or the Poincare conjecture? I don’t see the relation?
The reference is for Evolution 101. Once that’s understood then one could investigate the emergence of consciousness and self awareness and intelligence. There’s a lot to unpack and you won’t get anywhere near it talking to a random guy on the internet. They don’t call consciousness ‘the hard problem’ for nothing.

I’m someway through this book at the moment: It’s not exactly a page turner but it’s comprehensive. If you think that God simply poofed it all into existence then don’t bother. But if you want to know how He did it via the evolutionary process then go for it.
The best private revelation I ever read about the Underworld/




WHEN Jesus, after uttering a loud cry, expired, I saw his heavenly soul under the form of a bright meteor pierce the earth at the foot of the Cross, accompanied by the angel Gabriel and many other angels. His Divine nature continued united to his soul as well as to his body, which still remained hanging upon the Cross, but I cannot explain how this was, although I saw it plainly in my own mind. The place into which the soul of Jesus entered was divided into three parts, which appeared to me like three worlds; and I felt that they were round, and that each division was separated from the other by a hemisphere.
I beheld a bright and beautiful space opposite to Limbo; it was enamelled with flowers, delicious breezes wafted through it; and many souls were placed there before being admitted into Heaven after their deliverance from Purgatory. Limbo, the place where the souls were waiting for the Redemption, was divided into different compartments, and encompassed by a thick foggy atmosphere. Our Lord appeared radiant with light and surrounded by angels, who conducted him triumphantly between two of these compartments; the one on the left containing the patriarchs who lived before the time of Abraham, and that on the right those who lived between the days of Abraham and St. John Baptist. These souls did not at first recognise Jesus, but were filled nevertheless with sensations of joy and hope. There was not a spot in those narrow confines which did not, as it were, dilate with feelings of happiness. The passage of Jesus might be compared to the wafting of a breath of air, to a sudden flash of light, or to a shower of vivifying dew, but it was swift as a whirlwind.
After passing through the two compartments, he reached a dark spot in which Adam and Eve were standing; he spoke to them, they prostrated and adored him in a perfect ecstasy of joy, and they immediately joined the band of angels, and accompanied our Lord to the compartment on the left, which contained the patriarchs who lived before Abraham.

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This compartment was a species of Purgatory, and a few evil spirits were wandering about among the souls and endeavouring to fill them with anxiety and alarm. The entrance through a species of door was closed, but the angels rapped, and I thought I heard them say, ‘Open these doors.’ When Jesus entered in triumph the demons dispersed, crying out at the same time, ‘What is there between thee and us? What art thou come to do here? Wilt thou crucify us likewise?’ The angels hunted them away, having first chained them. The poor souls confined in this place had only a slight presentiment and vague idea of the presence of Jesus; but the moment he told them that it was he himself, they burst out into acclamations of joy, and welcomed him with hymns of rapture and delight. The soul of our Lord then wended its way to the right, towards that part which really constituted Limbo; and there he met the soul of the good thief which angels were carrying to Abraham’s bosom, as also that of the bad thief being dragged by demons into Hell. Our Lord addressed a few words to both, and then entered Abraham’s bosom, accompanied by numerous angels and holy souls, and also by those demons who had been chained and expelled from the compartment. LIX
Are you allowed to discuss private revelations on CAF? I may be wrong but I thought someone explained that they could not. Apologies if I’m incorrect.
Are you allowed to discuss private revelations on CAF? I may be wrong but I thought someone explained that they could not. Apologies if I’m incorrect.
The Rosary is 100 % private revelation and is one of the biggest devotions in the Catholic Church.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

“Mary instituting the Holy Rosary
through St Dominic” by Murillo

The Fifteen Promises of Mary
to Christians Who Recite the Rosary
  1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the rosary, shall receive signal graces.
  2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the rosary.
  3. The rosary shall be a powerful armour against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
  4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.
  5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the rosary, shall not perish.
6.Whoever shall recite the rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life
  1. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church.
8.Those who are faithful to recite the rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise.
  1. I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the rosary.
  2. The faithful children of the rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in heaven.
  3. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the rosary.
12 All those who propagate the holy rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.
  1. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.
  2. All who recite the rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only son Jesus Christ.
  3. Devotion of my rosary is a great sign of predestination.

(Given to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan) Imprimatur:
+PATRICK J. HAYES. D.D… Archbishop of New York
That’s interesting! Hasn’t the Church approved it, though. That makes a difference,yes?

I just wondered if what you are posting as private revelation not approved (or is it?) is allowed on CAF. I understood the rule to be no but as I stated, I may be wrong and apologies if I am.
That’s interesting! Hasn’t the Church approved it, though. That makes a difference,yes?

I just wondered if what you are posting as private revelation not approved (or is it?) is allowed on CAF. I understood the rule to be no but as I stated, I may be wrong and apologies if I am.

Since the abolition of Canon 1399 and 2318 of the former Code of Canon Law by Paul VI in AAS58 (1966) page 1186, publications about new apparitions, revelation, prophecies, miracles, etc., have been allowed to be distributed and read by the faithful without the express permission of the Church, providing that they contain nothing which contravenes faith and morals. This means, no imprimatur is necessary.

The Discernment of Visionaries and Apparitions Today by Albert J. Hebert, S.M., Page III
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