Do Catholics believe in literal demons?

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I apologize for the human spell correct. Personally, I’m constantly editing my posts as the tiny keyboard on smart phones hate my thumb size.
Yeah no big deal but it was written several times in the post I saw a need for grammatical help.
My problems with Catholic church are many.
Authority being one of them,
The nature of the Bible is also a question, it’s written in a way that allows for interpretation.
And Catholic church has authority if you interprate it in a certain way.
What country are you from Nonatheist? Because here in the good old USA church is entirely optional and doing what a priest says is entirely optional. If you wish to treat a priest as any other person you may. There is no real authority unless you force yourself to do what they say to do. So many people claim the church burdens them and to do what? I pay $1 every time I go to church into the basket. And yet, I am still equal to someone paying their entire savings account into that basket. Everyone has this stigma about how horrible it must be to be catholic… how?
Oh, you got the wrong impression.
l am from Serbia, but l live in Slovenia right now.
l don’t think priests have authority(although l find the concept of needing to confess to a priest rather than God a bit weird).
l think Church in general, by what reason does Church have a power to hold a correct interpretation of the Bible?
l mean’t questions like that when l said authority.
What country are you from Nonatheist? Because here in the good old USA church is entirely optional and doing what a priest says is entirely optional
I was referring to the Catholic Church teaching on authority. This is also a historical belief based in early Christian testimony in their writings.
l don’t think priests have authority(although l find the concept of needing to confess to a priest rather than God a bit weird).
It seems like exploration of the issue of Authority (for Biblical Interpretation, teaching, etc) would solve you difficulties to a great extent.:+1:t3:
Confession is something up to the individual. It is not to be spoken of outside of the confessional, so what you say to a priest stays with a priest. I find confession helpful but not everyone does, but it’s not a reason to disagree with the practices of all catholicism.
To my understanding, Catholicism demends of you to confess to a priest.
If l am wrong please tell me
Correct. It is necessary for the forgiveness of mortal sin which most people have committed at some point.
Is there a mention in the Bible of that? If so please let me know the verses.
Also, the idea of mortal sin doesn’t exist in the Bible to my knowlage at least.
The book of James (why Luther wanted to get rid of that book). Keep in mind James is addressing priests (too?) if I remember correctly. It has also been practiced since the beginning of the Church. Even secular psychologists acknowledge the positive effects of of confessing to another human being. But God specifically gave the Apostles the authority (read gospels) to forgive sins in His name, and also to bind sins not forgiven. So confession and absolution give the Penitent that assurance of forgiveness by God that you won’t have by confessing to God only.
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James 5:16 commands us to confess our sins for forgiveness. What I meant was not that you don’t have to go to confession but it is at your own discretion when you are a catholic. You go when you want to go it’s not something people force you to do…
I suggest it a lot to people but yeah I didn’t go to confession for like 20 years then got caught up with like 50 confessions but for 20 years I was left to my own devices
l am aware that Bible talks about demons to some extent, but as with many other Catholic teachings (such as Natural law) they are not found in the Bible.
Kinda confused what you mean here: the Bible talks about them… but they’re not found in the Bible? 🤔
Is there a Catholic philosopher that made an arugment for existence of demons?
Are you asking for a theological argument?

I would recommend that you read Aquinas’ treatment of fallen angels.
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