Do Catholics believe in literal demons?

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And again, conversing with demons = bad. Using the name of Jesus, that he gave us, to send them packing = good. And certainly not condemned by our Church.
You mean Mark 9:38-41? It doesn’t say the guy was successful!

How else do you let the demons know you mean business, and this has to do with them, if you are not addressing them? It doesn’t matter if you invoke the name of Jesus. You are the one commanding them, unless I misunderstand the method used by you.
Binding & Rebuking (both at once) is not addressing a demon if you invoke Jesus’ name. It is even used in Scripture by a man who is not even a follower if Jesus.
Hmm… have you read Acts chapter 19?
Then some itinerant Jewish exorcists tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those with evil spirits, saying, “I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul preaches.”

When the seven sons of Sceva, a Jewish high priest, tried to do this, the evil spirit said to them in reply, “Jesus I recognize, Paul I know, but who are you?”

The person with the evil spirit then sprang at them and subdued them all.
You were saying…?
Binding & Rebuking (both at once) is not addressing a demon if you invoke Jesus’ name. It is even used in Scripture by a man who is not even a follower if Jesus.
I am a devout Catholic, and many devout Catholics I know also use this method of spiritual warfare. There is nothing in Catholic teaching that condemns this practice. In fact, more Catholics would do well to utilize the powerful name of Jesus.
We only have the authority to ask God to bind demons. We cannot do this ourselves.
Demons are considered to be the fallen angels - Jesus casted out lots of demons so yes Catholics believe.
You were saying…?
Mark 9:38
38 John said to him, “Teacher, we saw a man casting out demons in your name,* and we forbade him, because he was not following us.”
39 But Jesus said, "Do not forbid him; for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon after to speak evil of me.

We pray to God and ask to be rid of evil in our lives, we have people pray for us, but we do not speak to demons
Not according to Fr Ripperger (exorcist) in his book “Deliverance Prayers: Approved for the Laity”

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Not according to Fr Ripperger (exorcist) in his book “Deliverance Prayers: Approved for the Laity”
That is not spoken or used in reference to a demon (Baal, Satan, etc.). I’ve only ever heard of that spoken in terms of vices, such as “Spirit of despair”, “Spirit of hatred”, etc.
“Russian roulette is a poor analogy. It’s Scriptural - your sister is safe.
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From what I understand the spirit of X is a demon that causes anxiety, or anger, or etc etc. You don’t command a vice to go to the foot of the cross to receive your sentence
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“Demons answer to these names”

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From what I understand the spirit of X is a demon that causes anxiety, or anger, or etc etc. You don’t command a vice to go to the foot of the cross to receive your sentence
Names however are important. A name implies power over something, if I remember Fr. Amorth correctly. A vice, no matter how much a demon identifies with it, is not a name.
What does the Bible say about demons?"

Answer: Demons are [fallen angels], as [Revelation 12:9] indicates: “The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.” Satan’s fall from heaven is symbolically described in [Isaiah 14:12–15] and [Ezekiel 28:12–15]. When he fell, [Satan] took some of the angels with him—one third of them, according to [Revelation 12:4], [Jude 6] also mentions angels who sinned. So, biblically, demons are fallen angels who, along with Satan, chose to rebel against God.

Some of the demons are already locked “in darkness, bound with everlasting chains” ([Jude 1:6] for their sin. Others are free to roam and are referred to as “the powers of this dark world and . . . the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” in [Ephesians 6:12] [Colossians 2:15] . The demons still follow Satan as their leader and do battle with the holy angels in an attempt to thwart God’s plan and hinder God’s people ([Daniel 10:13].
I wouldn’t call out to a demon under ANY circumstances, even to try to command them.

I want nothing to do with any of them.
Demons, as spirit beings, have the ability to take possession of a physical body. [Demonic possession] occurs when a person’s body is completely controlled by a demon. This cannot happen to a child of God, since the Holy Spirit resides in the heart of the believer in Christ [1 John 4:4].

Jesus, during His earthly ministry, encountered many demons. Of course, none of them were a match for the power of Christ: “Many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word” [Matthew 8:16]. Jesus’ authority over the demons was one of the proofs that He was indeed the Son of God [Luke 11:20). The demons who encountered Jesus knew who He was, and they feared Him: “‘What do you want with us, Son of God?’ [the demons] shouted. ‘Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?’” [Matthew 8:29]. The demons know their end will be one of torment.

Satan and his demons now look to destroy the work of God and deceive anyone they can [1 Peter 5:8]; [2 Corinthians 11:14–15]. The demons are described as evil spirits [Matthew 10:1], unclean spirits [Mark 1:27] , lying spirits [1 Kings 22:23] and angels of Satan [Revelation 12:9]. Satan and his demons deceive the world [2 Corinthians 4:4], promulgate false doctrine [1 Timothy 4:1] attack Christians [2 Corinthians 12:7] ; [1 Peter 5:8] , and combat the holy angels [Revelation 12:4–9].

The demons/fallen angels are enemies of God, but they are defeated enemies. Christ has “disarmed the powers and authorities,” and He has “made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross” [Colossians 2:15] . As we submit to God and resist the devil, we have nothing to fear. “The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” [1 John 4:4].
The top of page 9 is what concerns me. It tells me that someone has to be incredibly on top of things in their life to be effective at telling demons to get lost. And what if they are not? What if they are not in a state of grace, or what if their prayer life has been slowing down too much?

And the warning at the bottom of page 101 is a bit disconcerting as well. The average Catholic cannot handle this kind of work safely.
“Russian roulette is a poor analogy. It’s Scriptural - your sister is safe.
“Russian” roulette is the precise analogy! Are you willing to bet your sister’s life that she will be the one example and not the other?
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