Do Catholics go to heaven?

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I think the question is misleading, don’t you? Catholicism does not instantly equate to salvation. But I think Catholics go to judgement prepared to accept theirs whatever it is. Humble and pentetant before Christ, we know we fall woefully short of his moral standards and in truth are gleefull just to be called his followers! That he would consider us, in all our shame and short comings to, as the mass tell us, “be worthy to stand in his presence and serve…” him is the essence of his limitless grace.
What involves in being saved?

repent ones sins
believe in the lord Jesus Christ
be baptized
recieve the Holy spirit
do the will of the father

The above is the teaching . Why isnt John 6: 53-59 included?
" Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life."
My main point!
I don’t think your poll options reflect Catholic theology—are you a non-Catholic? If by your question, you mean ALL Catholics, the answer is no. If you mean, CAN Catholics go to heaven, the answer is yes. If you mean, ONLY Catholics go to heaven, the answer is no, however, all who are in heaven will be Catholic.

Sorry, but this poll is not clear.
I don’t think your poll options reflect Catholic theology—are you a non-Catholic? If by your question, you mean ALL Catholics, the answer is no. If you mean, CAN Catholics go to heaven, the answer is yes. If you mean, ONLY Catholics go to heaven, the answer is no, however, all who are in heaven will be Catholic. Sorry, but this poll is not clear.
Well put.
John Ross:
What involves in being saved?

repent ones sins
believe in the lord Jesus Christ
be baptized
recieve the Holy spirit
do the will of the father

The above is the teaching . Why isnt John 6: 53-59 included?
" Whoever eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life."
My main point!
Where did you find this forumula for “being saved?” Amazing. Not sound doctrine, but amazing nonetheless. Why do you refer to this as the teaching?
Catholics CAN go to heaven, so they CAN be saved. But as mentioned previously, there is no “once saved, always saved”. So, yes, catholics are saved, by virtue that they can be saved. I mean that catholics are not suddenly condemed to hell for being catholic.
I think the question is misleading, don’t you? Catholicism does not instantly equate to salvation. But I think Catholics go to judgement prepared to accept theirs whatever it is. Humble and pentetant before Christ, we know we fall woefully short of his moral standards and in truth are gleefull just to be called his followers! That he would consider us, in all our shame and short comings to, as the mass tell us, “be worthy to stand in his presence and serve…” him is the essence of his limitless grace.
Amen! This is how I feel, totally. I beg for God’s mercy on my soul.
I don’t think your poll options reflect Catholic theology—are you a non-Catholic? If by your question, you mean ALL Catholics, the answer is no. If you mean, CAN Catholics go to heaven, the answer is yes. If you mean, ONLY Catholics go to heaven, the answer is no, however, all who are in heaven will be Catholic.

Sorry, but this poll is not clear.

A question which reflected the need for Christian hope would have been good 🙂 - we can’t know beyond all possible shadow of doubt that we will not be damned; but, we can - and should - rejoice in our present degree of certainty of salvation, and should strive to “make our calling and election sure”.​

“Knowing we will not be damned” is not the Main or Ultimate Thing in Catholicism: Christ is. Not our own salvation. That is a gift - and the Giver is far more important than His gifts.

Nobody who dies in the friendship of Christ can be lost. And the CC is the place where we are best equipped to strengthen that friendship - simply because Christ has so willed (noway because of the CC herself !)

IMO 🙂 ##
I don’t think your poll options reflect Catholic theology—are you a non-Catholic? If by your question, you mean ALL Catholics, the answer is no. If you mean, CAN Catholics go to heaven, the answer is yes. If you mean, ONLY Catholics go to heaven, the answer is no, however, all who are in heaven will be Catholic.

Sorry, but this poll is not clear.
I don’t think your poll options reflect Catholic theology—are you a non-Catholic? If by your question, you mean ALL Catholics, the answer is no. If you mean, CAN Catholics go to heaven, the answer is yes. If you mean, ONLY Catholics go to heaven, the answer is no, however, all who are in heaven will be Catholic.

Sorry, but this poll is not clear.
Ditto here also…
But for the grace of God there go I…
I hope to make it to heaven but do believe most do have a stop in purgatory, Catholic, Christian, Protestant…etc. But anyone who assumes they are going right to heaven are guilty of the sin of presumption. We can only hope pray, obtain grace through the sacraments, works, almsgiving as taught by the Church. But I don’t even think Mother Teresa would have answered your poll with a yes.
Sorry. Guess I should have said, ‘CAN Catholics go to heaven’.

I am Catholic and believe they can.
Sorry. Guess I should have said, ‘CAN Catholics go to heaven’.

I am Catholic and believe they can.
Whew, read this post just in time, I was about to answer “I don’t know” based on the way it was worded (as none of us knows who goes to Heaven). Based on the above clarification, I voted yes. Of course Catholics can go to Heaven.

In fact, as a Catholic, I’ll be so bold as to say that everyone in Heaven is Catholic. They might not have been when they got there, but knowing the whole truth, they are now 🙂
I totally agree. 🙂

However I know that some people who post here do NOT believe Catholics are saved, or can go to heaven - and I wish they would post in this thread as to why they believe this.
Yes, Catholics can go to heaven but don’t tell the Baptist they think only they will be there.
Sorry. Guess I should have said, ‘CAN Catholics go to heaven’.

I am Catholic and believe they can.
I agree Ella! 👍

If we couldn’t, the faith would seem a little futile don’t you think? :hmmm:

As you asked the question, why do you think we might not be able to go to heaven?
Everyone will go to heaven eventually, even the Dogans.(Ripley would like this one)

Heb. 12:6-8, "For whom the Lord LOVES He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. If ye endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for which son is he whom the father chastens not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye BASTARDS, and not sons."

There isn’t a Catholic theologian alive who can explain this Scripture if he also believes that God will torture most of humanity in a literal lake of fire for all eternity. God chastens EVERY son, but He does not torture him in literal fire for all eternity. If we endure chastening, then we know that God is dealing with us as SONS! But. . . .BUT, if any are **“without chastisement” **then they are **“bastards, and NOT sons.” **Now then, does God LOVE all His sons whom He scourges and chastises? Yes, of course He does, He says He does. But here’s the sixty-four thousands dollar question: “Does He also LOVE the bastards, or does He HATE the bastards and enemies of the cross?” Don’t be too hasty to answer, as your answer has huge and eternal consequences. Well, some may say, “Love,” while others may say, “Hate.” Okay, let’s look at both:

  1. *]If God “Loves” the bastards, then He will eventually HAVE TO CHASTEN THEM, because….He chastens **“EVERY son whom He loves.” **And God then “receives” all that He chastens. No exceptions here. So God can’t burn any whom He “Loves” in a literal lake of fire for all eternity.

    *]But if God “Hates” the bastards who are enemies of the cross…wait a minute…God can’t **“HATE His enemies!” **Jesus Christ said we are to, **“Be ye therefore perfect EVEN AS your Father which is in Heaven is perfect.” **A great part of becoming perfect is to LOVE ONE’S ENEMIES! Jesus said we are to, **“LOVE YOU ENEMIES, BLESS them that curse you, DO GOOD to them that hate you….” **No exceptions here regarding any enemies that we are allowed to hate. This is HOW ones becomes perfect like the Father. **“LOVE YOUR ENEMIES!” **(Matt. 5:48 & 45)! And so God can’t burn any of these enemies in a lake of fire for all eternity, either, and still be Our PERFECT Father Who LOVES HIS ENEMIES, just as we are to LOVE OUR ENEMIES!

    Think, use common sense,think,study.



No, not everyone will go to heaven. You’re taking the verse out of context, continue reading Heb 12.
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