Do Catholics go to heaven?

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As a Catholic, I say that it’s possible for me to go to Heaven.

Just like it’s possible for everyone to go to Heaven.

I’m not saying that everyone WILL go to Heaven.

I say that because I am not anyone’s judge. Only God is the Judge.

I do not commit the sin of presumption. I do not commit the sin of despair.

I practice (as best I can) the virtue of Hope.

I have every reason in the world to hope. Jesus is constantly saying “do not be afraid.”

He is, still, the King by whom I will be judged when I die. He IS all loving… He IS love, itself. And He is the perfect Judge.

Let us all pray for each other. And for those who have gone before us that our Lord may be merciful and perfectly loving in His judgement.
Here goes (I’m Catholic) and Yes we can go to Heaven, hopefully…3 Three (3) Protestants stopped at my door one day and asked me the following questions:
  1. Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Saviour?. “Yes I do…”
  2. Have you received Jesus into your heart as your Lord and Saviour? " Yes, not only in my heart but physically and spiritually in my body every Sunday in Holy Communion! We Catholics believe that because He said we must believe it or we cannot attain life everlasting."
  3. Do you believe that you’re saved? “I replied…well I certainly hope so. I try my hardest to remain without sin. Whenever I do sin I make a good confession and receive absolution…then I can go back to the Sacrament of Communion. I know that I can sin again and again, but at the time of my death, I hope and pray that I am free of any sin so that I can get to Heaven…” To Know that you’re saved for sure would be a sin, a big sin of presumption.
  4. Have you been born again? “Each time I repent, confess my sins and go BACK to Jesus in Holy Communion, I am born again.
    It’s an ongoing process…a lifetime process”. Unless we do this, we can never enter into Heaven, nor can anyone else.
The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. Of course
we can be saved. But there is one thing you shall never hear a Catholic say and that is that this or that religion or this or that person is going to hell…We cannot judge anyone. Nor do we know for sure that we’re saved. We spend a lifetime praying for Faith and trying to do the Will of God in our deeds.
Sorry. Guess I should have said, ‘CAN Catholics go to heaven’.

I am Catholic and believe they can.

What is the single purpose for the existance of the Catholic Church? Why did Jesus Christ come to the earth and teach then die on a cross? Why did Jesus Christ say He would build His Church on St. Peter , the Rock?

The entire reason the Catholic Church is here is teach, aid and cajole people into doing what is needed in order to get to heaven! Heaven is the Objective of the Catholic Church.
They are memebers of the Church Triumphant, if they make it to heaven. Is the Chruch Triumphant not Catholic?
I remember Father Bob Lewis being asked that question if everyone in Heaven is Catholic and his response was no. I distinctly remember that. You are right in saying non-catholics who were ingorant of Christ and his church will be revealed the fullness of the truth after they die, but it doesn’t support the arguement that everyone in heaven is Catholic. Being revealed the truth after you die, is not the same as becoming Catholic.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Look guys,

I will say it again I’m sorry about my mistake.

Padre Pio, “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Hey Bones,

Nothing to really be sorry about…I perfectly understand what u were trying to say…u held ur position well. We were just not clear on what we were trying to express.

Everyone in Heaven is not necessariy Catholic (on earth).

glad to see that u actually wanted to get this straight and finally got it…

in my prayers Bones

Why did God the Father send down His Son to be baptized,
___to call 12 Apostles to “Follow Him”…,?
___To found the Roman Catholic Church…?.
___To establish the Sacraments?
___To die crucified for our Salvation>??

God the Father sent His Son Jesus to Establish The Church, HIS Church on Earth, The Roman Catholic Church…therefore…God is Catholic, Jesus is Catholic,
and all who believe and follow His Teachings are Catholic. We cannot, as Martin Luther did, decide to change any part of His teachings. When you know this, believe this, follow this, you never have to ask another question. But you do have to be Faithful! We, having inherited the Church established on Earth
by Christ, have a great gift, but have a greater task…
I think that is a very confusing questions. OF course, some Catholics will go to heaven, many Catholics will go to heaven. But a person can be Catholic and not follow their faith at all. Just being Catholic will not ensure your admittance to heaven. Above everything else, you need God’s grace to get to heaven. Then you need to live a good life and practice your faith. YOu need to believe in God and many other things. You cannot be saved by your faith alone.
sorry i did not see your second post. YES catholics definitely can go to heaven. sorry
gloriak said:
Why did God the Father send down His Son to be baptized,
___to call 12 Apostles to “Follow Him”…,?
___To found the Roman Catholic Church…?.
___To establish the Sacraments?
___To die crucified for our Salvation>??

God the Father sent His Son Jesus to Establish The Church, HIS Church on Earth, The Roman Catholic Church…therefore…God is Catholic, Jesus is Catholic,
and all who believe and follow His Teachings are Catholic. We cannot, as Martin Luther did, decide to change any part of His teachings. When you know this, believe this, follow this, you never have to ask another question. But you do have to be Faithful! We, having inherited the Church established on Earth
by Christ, have a great gift, but have a greater task…

Thank you for that profound statement. I told my brother this very thing and the teacher said I was wrong in regards to Jesus being Catholic. She said Jesus was Jewish. I argued that Jesus was Jewish and Catholic. My brother’s teacher’s arguement was that the Catholic church didn’t exist back in Jesus’ day. How do I respond to that?

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
Any person can get into heaven yet Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. He will judge all who come to him.

Don’t think because the missionaries landed on your island and the guys across the atoll are still eating each other that they are automatically damned.

The Church teaches the MYSTERY of salvation. The Catholic Church is still God’s vessel for salvation but that does not mean he damns those who don’t have the good fortune to hear Christ’s message.

This is an oddly phrased question. My atheist business partner and his Shinto/Buddhist parents are great people and certainly more bound for heaven than I am.
I can’t answer yes or no. Anyone “could” go to heaven. Catholic or otherwise. Will they? Maybe. Maybe not.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
Yes non-Catholics can go to heaven.

The most recent Catechism of the Catholic church is free an online at or it is about $12.00 USD paperback.

Why would a sane God allow only Catholics to go to heaven or allow someone who followed the natural moral law, lived a good and decent life to suffer in hell for eternity?

The only thing to remember is that though non-Christians may be saved, this does not excuse us from our duty to spread the gospel - which is a superior teaching and the way God wants us to be saved.

There are preferred and accidental routes to salvation but thinking that since all may be saved (have the possibility of it) that religion does not matter is the sin of indifferentism - thinking that all religions or philosophical systems are equal.

They are not. I am a disciple and am asked to believe first, understand second. My faith guides me. If later I understand the reason behind my church’s teaching, so much the better, but no one need have a licentiate in dogmatic theology to be a good Christian.



Oh, and would people here who don’t read, speak or write Latin please realize it is pretentious beyond belief to quote a language you are not fluent in without at least providing translation.
Thank you for that profound statement. I told my brother this very thing and the teacher said I was wrong in regards to Jesus being Catholic. She said Jesus was Jewish. I argued that Jesus was Jewish and Catholic. My brother’s teacher’s arguement was that the Catholic church didn’t exist back in Jesus’ day. How do I respond to that?

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
To Bones **
It’s a great mystery, but Jesus, through obedience to His Father, God our Father, came to establish the Catholic Church. It began with Mary’s Fiat. Had it not been for her Yes, we wouldn’t be talking about this. Jesus also said YES to His Father (This is a very important part of the total mystery of the obedience of a son to a Father). He knew what this would entail, being all knowing and all-loving. For us He came, for us He died. And the Jewish part of it is that God chose
the Jewish Race to send Jesus to be born into it, in TIME… He could have chosen another race. At the last Supper, Jesus left His Apostles and us Himself in the form of “The Holy Eucharist”, the Living Bread, (his body, soul and divinity _)., “I shall be with you forever unto the end of time”…“I shall never leave you”. **
And God set this all up for us out of sheer LOVE.
** For sure, whether we’re Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Hindu or Muslims…all of our ancestors **were all either
**Catholics or Jews. **

What matters is the state of our souls when we die. St. John the Baptist had his head cut off for us. Same thing is happening today. And Jesus shortly thereafter died for ALL. All murder should have stopped then and there! That was the whole point of His dying. gk

The question “Do Catholics go to heaven?” is too simple, and not specific enough. I do not believe salvation is achived from just being able to say “I am Catholic.” As you have the title of being Catholic, you must also live your faith.
In other words, if there was a baptised and confirmed Catholic who could carry that title, but they do no good works, they never pray, never try to deepen their relationship with God and never live out God’s teachings, then the answer is no, they’d obviously not have salvation.
However, if there was a baptised and confirmed Catholic who did good works, prayed, deepened their relationship with God and live out His teachings, then yes, that Catholic would probably achieve salvation.
I believe you must personally, *truly *believe in Catholicism and live it in order to enter heaven; Faith without works is dead. That question wasn’t specific enough.
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