You are however quite wrong in stating that everybody in heaven is catholic. That’s not the truth… Therefore the souls (catholic and non-catholic) in purgatory are not repenting but are being purified due to the effects of sin. Your statement that “all people in heaven are catholic” is an error.
Hey Brother Bones,
Thanks for the reply, i beg ur prayers for me and my family.
Now, my statement is not wrong in anyway. Ur understanding of it may be though.
The Church, which is Catholic, being one, is found where?
In Heaven perfectly - on earth imperfectly - and in purgatory - being perfected for Heaven.
thus the Church Triumphant
the Church Militant
and the Church suffering
Now, what I was alluding to (with the
“let Him who has ears to hear…”) was that many, almost all, non-catholic Christians refuse praying to Jesus thru Mary, refuse to give any kind of honor to her (honor which Jesus Himself gave mind you), they refuse fellowship with the saints who have left this world and are now in the presence of God, and many other things.
After death, all Christian and all people, will be judged, and YOU ARE RIGHT, they cannot repent after death. they cannot convert. But their Judgement is not based solely upon whether or not one was Catholic or one was Baptist, or Pentecostal, etc…its based on Truth. Adherence to that Truth as revealed by God, both naturally and supernaturally.
one example -
a person, who by some misfortune, is NOT exposed to the reality that God is Trinity. He lives his life never knowing it, never believing it, then dies. If he finds himself in heaven, He is now believing in a Trinity because He is now in God’s presence. He died not knowing or believing. He didnt convert after death but know believes.
Whereas, one can have been exposed and chosen to reject it,
he dies. And just for arguments sake, lets say he too makes it to Heaven. He will now be believing it too, even though he rejected it will on earth…
i hope that helps…lol