
As a Catholic you should be aware that the bible is not the only source of truth. Tradition (capital T) is also a source of Truth. If you only accept biblical Truths, you are a biblical fundamentalist, not a Catholic.Believing things that aren’t relevant to this does not enhance your status as a Christian just as thinking they are irrelevant does not negate your life as a Christian.
I even occassionally eat meat on Friday in Lent and I would never think of anyone as less of a Christian who did likewise.
To declare that you eat meat on Fridays in Lent is to say you willfully disobey the Church’s teachings and laws.
Next you could be saying that abortion is a personal choice and by practising abortion, you will not be less of a Christian if you did so.
One cannot be a “Cafeteria Catholic” - choosing what you wish to obey and what you wish to discard.
No one person knows all the truths, biblical or otherwise. Being a Catholic means I accept its teachings and Tradition which it has taught for two thousand years even if I find them mystifying, confusing or disagreeable.
Is perpetual virginity of Mary relevant? Personally, yes, it is. Christ is God and man. Anyone born by Mary is a blood brother/sister of Christ. Therefore he/she is physically related to God and hence a superior human being. Their offsprings will also be superior human beings. Imagine what effect this bloodine will have on our lives today?
God has created us in his image and equals will He then allow some to be “more equal” than others?