Do I tell wife’s family I am an atheist?

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Thank you all for your kind replies, particularly those of you that have called me polite and respectful. That is always my approach and it is nice to know that it appears that way too. Sometimes these conversations can be unnecessarily overly combative.

I’m more than happy to explain the reasons for my atheism but I am unsure as to whether that is acceptable here. Either way, my basic reason is due to lack of evidence.

Thank you for all your recommendations, I will be sure to take a look.
I wouldn’t underestimate your in-laws, likely they already know that their daughter, at least, is not really close to her faith anymore. I am sure they can figure it out on their end and suspect that you don’t have too many religious leanings, probably why you are being sent scripture verses, unless they send them to everyone.

just leave it alone for now, if it happens to come up, then you can tell them. if they had wanted to know before now, they probably woud have asked
I have not bothered to say anything as of yet, aside from the occasional “thank you” in response to be polite.

Should I tell them or is it best to carry on? I don’t want to cause a rift between the family because I know a belief in god means a lot to them.

Your advice is much appreciated.
You seem to be a nice and respectful person, which some people do not have, even believers.

Since it does not bother you too much, then you should continue with what and how you have done. It is really very thoughtful of you.

As for your wife, another step that you can make is to encourage her to practice her faith. If she watches those videos, then those things are still dear to her heart. It will go a long way for you to be magnanimous about this and I can assure you, she will be very grateful for what a wonderful husband you are.

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This will sound silly, unconventional, even irrational or potentially offensive. I would tell God first. You need not believe in him. He will hear you and just may provide the answer you are looking for.

Unreasonable? I am alive because of the the prayers of those who do not believe. I firmly believe in the power of prayer by unbelievers.
In relation to the above, does anyone have any recommendations for catholic books (preferably ebooks) I can read as an atheist?

Thanks in advance.

Never make a massive life changing decision until you have looked at ALL the EVIDENCE for BOTH SIDES.

Please read these three resources from catholics, before you make up your mind,

-the scientific study of the Miracle Of Laciano

-the Miracle of the Final Apparition at Fatima

-the CIA Pollen Analysis of the Shroud of Turin

-the NASA analysis of the Shroud of Turin

-scientific study of the Tilma (of Our Lady of Guadalupe)

And say a few times a day:
‘God, if you are real, please prove this to me in some way.’
There are a LOT of aetheists here on this who have had experiences of God through this prayer, just like Saint Paul who was knocked off his horse, saw Jesus physically in front of him, heard Jesus prophecy his future, was struck blind, healed by someone praying in Jesus’ Name, filled with the Holy Spirit, and afterward chose a martyrs death by beheading, rather than deny that Jesus was the Son of God.

Say a few times each day: ‘Jesus if you are real, knock me off my horse and reveal yourself to me.’

If you go to a catholic charismatic prayer meeting (which are approved by the Vatican and Vatican’s Doctrinal Commission) many of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifest; such as tongues, interpretation of tongues, peace, joy, miracles, prophecy, healing, deliverance, words of knowledge, words of wisdom,

Before you make up your mind about something that could cost you your souls place in Heaven, look at the EVIDENCE, ☺️

Please read: ‘Struck by Lightning’ by Gloria Polo,
It is an for paperback purchase or ebook download, (I think the author has also made it available online to be read for free if you google it)

She is was a catholic who became an aetheist, paid for abortions of her relatives, was rather wealthy, used contraceptives, used to spend her evenings in the gym rather than with her family, spread false rumours that her local priest was gay,
One day while playing golf with two of her relatives she was struck by lightning, she didn’t believe in God, and what happened afterwards while in hospital her heart stopped beating for a number of minutes, was that she saw Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell, and experienced her Final Judgement before Jesus Christ. When she returned to this life when the doctor’s managed to resuscitate her she changed her life, and travels the world telling people to change their lives,

This book profoundly influenced me.
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I would STRONGLY recommend going onto google

and looking up joining a local Catholic Charismatic prayer meeting, (each state/ country has a national Catholic Charismatic website, that shows locations for a number of different regional Catholic Charismatic renewal Healing service days, retreat weekends, and an annual retreat weekend.)
Attend a number of these. Talk to the people there. Ask them how did they find God.

The Catholic Charismatic Renewal is approved by the Vatican and Vatican’s Doctrinal Commission.

At catholic charismatic renewal prayer groups you will see the Biblical charisms of the Holy Spirit manifested: in tongues, interpretation of tongues, healing, miracles, prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, etc
Jesus said in the Bible: ‘If you do not believe Me, believe My deeds!’
Visit the first website I suggested You’ll find books mentioned there. My gut says you are looking for something that is not quite on the “Hey, I became Catholic, you should too!” sort of memoir or some overtly spiritual books, but, something more Philosophical.
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Thanks for all the recommendations everyone.

Yes TheLittleLady, that is what I have in mind. You explained it better than I could. Good judgement haha.
It is admirable of you to care about your in laws the way that you do. I don’t think you necessarily need to tell your wife’s family that you are an atheist. I believe faith is a gift (from God) and some of us just haven’t received that yet. You clearly love them and are concerned that you don’t want to cause any pains or rifts in the family. Your concern and willingness to not offend them, even unintentionally, speaks volumes about the person you are. I love Christ and my faith and nothing could take it’s place but love is the hallmark of my faith and you seem to have it (love)in spades ♠️ ♠️… you sure you’re an atheist? 😉
Where you call yourself an atheist, I would highly recommend Mere Christianity by C.S.Lewis. I was perhaps not an atheist but certainly had deep doubts and this book went a long way to showing me the logic (if you will) of Christianity. Remarkable book.

If you do read it, please share your thoughts.
@CharlieLost You mentioned your wife isn’t as religious now. But what was she before? Everyone’s assuming Catholic and you haven’t negated that, but I’m curious in terms of double checking.

As for books, Thomistic Evolution may be interesting to you in seeing a theistic point of view. You can either buy the book or read all the essays for free on under the Disputed Questions section.
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Not a Catholic book, per se, but a good Christian one is The Case for Christ. It was written by an atheist who set out to prove his religious wife was wrong to believe in Jesus, and in the process, only managed to convince himself that she was right, and he was wrong. He converted shortly after.
Almost anything by Professor Peter Kreeft.

There are purely intellectual conversions, and there are purely spiritual conversions. Yet, all must embrace the concept of transcendence. Do look into that, as it opens the door to an entirely new world. A world of faith, hope and love.
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