Hi Fred,Personally, I just want to do more than go through the motions. I want to feel challenged, especially intellectually. I don’t want to have to check my brain on entry to Church. The Catholic Church has such a tradition of brilliant scholarship and thought that this can’t be hard. And the Steel Magnolia post is so right about what is wrong.
I’m heartened to find other men out there who are in my position. I just don’t know if this is something we raise with local dioceses or what. But we can’t stand pat.
My parish has something called “Christ Renews His Parish” that is a spiritual renewal process that begins with a weekend long retreat for men and women separately in teams of 19-36 depending on the size of the parish. A “road team” will come from a parish that already has the program to get a new one started. You can do a search on the web and find parishes all across the country that have this program, possibly even in your diocese.
It has that male bonding, team-building type of atmosphere that seems to appeal to men of all ages. It has really helped our men to go deep into their faith and to grow whether they are single, divorced or married. Men of all ages participate together, so you get the benefit of support and (name removed by moderator)ut from a variety of guys at different places in their lives and their spiritual growth.
I’ve seen some miraculous changes in men (and women) after participating. It helps people to participate in a deeper way at the liturgy. Many people discern their gifts and talents and then participate in or start new ministries. Lots of people get into things that they have never done before such as Bible study, shared prayer, adoration, apologetics, etc. We have had CRHP for about 10 years and we now have more than 70 ministries in the parish, mainly started/supported by CRHP alumni.
This is a lay supported program since the participants finish their 6 months of formation by giving the next retreat to a new group. Once you have been through formation and become a “team” with your CRHP brothers or sisters, then you have an amazing bond that can last for the rest of your life. Their is a built-in support system within your parish that helps you to feel more connected within the larger church.
As a single Catholic woman, I can relate to feeling alone in the pew while the family activities seem to take much of the energy and focus in the parish. Since CRHP I am super active in the parish and I have a great group of sisters who meet in varying numbers for spiritual and/or just fun activities. I’ve heard people say that it is much better than a secular fraternity or sorority because it starts by feeding your soul.
(BTW, there are lots of fun, energetic Catholic women who are also faithful to church teaching and trying to grow in holiness. No one would mistake me for a quiet mouse, but I also make no secret of my faith. I’ve been known to join the band at a club for a song and to lead the parish in the chicken dance or electric slide. I also dressed as a giant box of Chinese take out food on a teen ministry retreat.)