Do Protestants really hate Catholics?

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I always thought Protestants respected Catholocism. Most of my friends are protestant and they respect my beliefs and I respect theirs. Just recently, however, I came across a protestant website that said a whole bunch of nasty things about Catholocism. It said that Catholics worship Mary more than they do Jesus (They don’t worship her at all) It said that Catholics aren’t Christians (They are) and they said that Catholics are “practicing sorcery” when they pray to saints by “consulting the dead” They even said that Catholocism sends many people to hell!!! Those are only a few of the nasty lies they said about Catholocism (They said a lot more!!!) As a devout Catholic, I was highly insulted. I always thought Catholics and Protestants respected each other, but reading this blog made me not so sure. It was very insulting to Catholics. Do Protestants hate Catholics that much??? Any thoughts on this? Thanks!!! 🙂
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Some Protestants hate Catholics. Many do not.
Some Catholics hate Protestants. Many do not.

Additionally, there are hundreds of different Protestant churches, and some of the churches tend to be more negative about Catholicism in their teachings than others are.

Websites aren’t very good indicators of the general feelings of whole groups of people.

P.S. My grandma, husband, and in-laws were all Protestants. I can safely say that none of them hated me. Very much the opposite. And I loved them too.
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That makes sense since there are so many protestant denominations. But this website had a very hateful attitude towards Catholics. It really hurt my feelings, although I’ll NEVER stop being catholic!!! 🙂
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One blog shouldn’t make you question whether Protestants hate Catholics. You have good friends who are Protestant and they have a lot of respect for you. The conclusion to come to from that blog is that “people online are never, ever representative of people who exist in real life”. Don’t draw your conclusions from one random blog.

We had a thread on this not too long ago, if you’re interested: Why do "some" or "many" Protestants have a visceral HATRED of the Catholic Church?
You’re right, I shouldn’t draw conclusions to some random blog I found online. As I said, I have many protestant friends and they have nothing against me (and vice versa) due to our religious differences. 🙂
If the website upset you, then don’t waste your time reading it. I could find 50 websites right now that would say hateful things about me because of my religion, age, nationality, profession, weight, the color of my hair, or the fact that I have cats. Who cares?
I probably was being too sensitive and you’re right, I probably shouldn’t read it. 🙂
I’m in complete agreement with Tis_Bearself.
People are people. I would say that how can you say you love who you have not seen but hate who you have seen. See 1 John 4:20. The quote is not exact.
There are many who do not understand Catholic teaching. When I had to write a college paper about a Faith tradition other than my own, I went straight to the source. That is the only way to get a true answer.
I went to the Mennonite website. I spoke directly to the Mennonites who sold goods at the local Farmers market. It was the best way for me to understand the Mennonite understanding of water, Spiritual, and Blood Baptism and how it differs from what the Catholic Church teaches.
Yes, I have read pamphlets denigrating the Catholic Church and her followers. Remember that Christ was accused of being of Satan. He predicted that we too would be called follower of Baal. His responded that a house divided cannot stand against itself. Basically he shrugged off the attacks and called us to do likewise, even when it means loss of personal life. We are witnesses to the truth of the Gospel when we follow the Shepherd. “My sheep know me.”
Some Protestants hate Catholics. Many do not.
Some Catholics hate Protestants. Many do not.
^^^End thread right here. Every group has their “fringe”. You can read the same type of stuff against non-Catholics here once in a while too.
I grew up Protestant. I would say that it would more accurately be said that Protestants hate Catholicism not Catholics. Obviously not all, but many I grew up around did. They lacked a true understanding of the catholic faith and the history of the church or bible. Several people I know linked the Catholic Church to anti-Christ or anti-Christianity in general.
As in other aspects of life, the loud minority gets heard, it they are that, the minority. I love my Catholic brothers and sisters and pray that we can all be one.
I grew up Protestant. I would say that it would more accurately be said that Protestants hate Catholicism not Catholics
Excellent comment @ConcernedConvert. This is how I was raised. My family still feels this way, unfortunately, but I can understand why. They do not have a true understanding of Catholicism.
Dlee, It is sad that so many people don’t understand Catholicism. We must pray for them!!! 😃
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Same here. It has led to conflict between my family unfortunately. I grew up with minimal info on my Protestant denominations, yet somehow we thought we knew every true evil of the Catholic Church. Lol
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You mean like these folks? They are a tiny minority within the more extreme forms of Protestantism. I feel sorry for them. They look so miserable! And kind of ridiculous. Here are some of the people they’re protesting against:
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I know where I’d rather be!
I would say that it would more accurately be said that Protestants hate Catholicism not Catholics.
Excellent comment @ConcernedConvert. This is how I was raised. My family still feels this way, unfortunately, but I can understand why. They do not have a true understanding of Catholicism.
I would say that this is an inaccurate statement, unless you qualify it as “some” or a “vocal minority”.

This would be like me saying that Catholics don’t hate non-Catholics but they rather hate the way we worship.
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