1 Timothy 3:1–13
2 Peter 1:20-21
What of them?
Lord committed keys of Heavenly Kingdom to Peter, see read Isaiah for comparison. Lord Jesus is new David and Peter became one who he passed keys on- much like David passed keys and conferred authority upon someone, so did our Lord. Also, Lord asked Peter “do you love me more than these?” and then told him “tend (govern in original Greek) my lambs”. That passage is where our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, while He lived and was physically present on Earth, conferred not only authority but also ministry upon St. Peter.
I don’t follow. Are you saying Liturgy is not found in the life of first Christians? Justin Martyr explicitly states how it looked like.
Symbol in greek means different thing than symbol nowadays. It used to mean something alike to how we describe “sacrament” (something that signifies and also is something else). Our Lord said “do this in memory of me” but in Jewish culture, doing something “in memory of” something else would mean to do something exactly like He had done- so He basically said “do this, and do it in memory of me”. St. Paul warns against blaspheming the Holy Eucharist- if it is just symbolic, why?
- Where does scripture show Peter’s replacement…?
Peter lived while Scripture was being written. However, tradition shows that indeed Peter was Bishop of Rome as Early Christians believed in that, and that Apostles left successors (check Ireneus or Ignatius on that topic).
Peter died roughly around 66-67 AD. How may eye witness Apostles were alive then, that would have become the next Pope…?
Apostles did not become Popes. Bishops, successors of Apostles, became “Popes”. Office was “Bishop of Rome”, later started being called “Pope”. It was focal point of unity for entire Church. Clement’s letters show his authority. You can not prove this from the Bible, because Bible was not really written yet- actually no one even know what “Bible” was! What Paul refers to as Scripture he means Old Testament, not New Testament. New Testament was not really organized for way too long for First Christians to use it.
I feel you are not addressing many of my points.
Regarding attacking Protestants… We’re command to watch for all deceivers of God’s Word…
We are, and those deceivers were Reformers. They were not first ones who developed their own doctrines, they were not the last.