I think you are looking at it. This world and our society is a result of there not being an “absolute truth”. We need to look no further than where we are.That being said. The thread’s issue could benefit from a different point of view, that is – for the want of better words – the negative side. What happens when absolute truth is absent?
Let me say something about this concept of absolute truth. I think there is, an absolute truth. I think at the end of the day, there is a complete picture to be made and fundamental truth upon which our existance depends.It is not my intention to place blame for society’s ills on people or institutions because I view absolute truth as being a commonality of all people. If we are going to discuss “goodness” we need to figure out if and what is the ultimate common truth.
Having said that, the “truth” may not be what people want to hear. The truth, may be that the universe has alway’s existed in some form, and we are purely the result of natural forces and there is nothing “spiritual” about it.
The problem is not with the “concept” of an absolute truth. The problem, is that we don’t know what it is. People only “believe” they know and rather than humbly admit this, they fight to the death to support the belief they feel is most correct(and more often than not, the one that most suits themselves)
For humans, I don’t think there needs to be a common truth for all people. What I mean by that, is that people are going through different stages of their lives and quite literally NEED different things from stage to stage.
I think we actually need to start from a place of doubt. That’s the only common element I can see for humanity. We simply do not know. None of us. If we can accept that, perhaps we’d stop hurting each other in the name of ideologies.