Heathen Dawn:
That’s what the scientific evidence says: Big Bang, beginning of the universe, about 15,000 million years ago.
I am not saying God is merely a force; but He is also the life-force behind every atom and every living creature. This concept is not so alien to Christianity as you may think: the Bible says all things consist and have their being in Christ… ]
Wiccans believe the male God and the female Goddess are the personal faces of the single, sexless Creator-God. The single Creator-God created the universe, but Wiccans worship that one by worshipping the Goddess and the God.
Wiccans, prior to Robert Graves’s book, the White Goddess, and prior to a certain Mr Gardiner( a former devotee of Allaister Crowley), did not actually exist. How I find myself posting here is quite strange… I knew both of these men a little. Crowley by his infamy and his perfidy. Graves by his love and compassion, his poetry and his conversion.With a capital “C”. And, I recall, though I am just an old, stupid man,not worth even dignifying a response to; that at the time, Robert’s thoughts regarding Wicca, and other pagan cults springing up specifically from the time between the UK Parliament’s Repeal of the “Witch Act”, and his book’s second printing, filled him with a great trepidation and remorse at the deliberate misconstruements and out - right falsifications of most of the arguments and patient research contained in the book. Most of your… forgive me, most of your so- called best authours don’t read or truly do research, you only take words at thier face, literal, counting-house value, so to continue that line of pointless hopeless diatribe would be truly the old man’s folly…
Therefore –
I rephrase and regroup…
I quoted you above, for a reason. Brother.
I am not so far gone yet in in my dotage that I cannot recognize an individual’s intellectual property from another’s. The
other I see is a quote from Pierre Teillhard De Chardin, from,
On The Phenomenon of Man, and also fron the work,
The Omega Point, published in many countries posthumously. The english version is not quite so good as the original french, no?
Of which I, too ,read fluently.
These things of which you speak so carefully, are not completely missed, sir. Oh, maybe by the typical, 5-minute attention-span sub-urbanite post-modern Neolithic, created and molded by the modern world and in its plastic environmental postRadical anti-chic Mores…
But not by People like me… THE FOSSIL RECORD!
Very clever though.
I think, that in the light of this forum’s intent, and the fact that I have justly and truly been rebuked before about my lack of Charity, I ought to say no more. But I will finish By publishing my opinion that you ought to be ashamed, at the very least, by your plagarism.
But then, I might just be some fool. (If you should ever pass by some other old daft crank please spare some change).