Do Wiccans believe that they have souls?

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Heathen Dawn:
Because people who are in the afterlife tell us this is so. And it stands to reason, since evolution is true (a fact and not just a theory).
Heathen are you telling me that you talk to dead people? You mentioned us in that sentence. Who are us?
Do Wiccans believe they can put spells on people and have any Wiccans posting to this board ever done so? If so, what type spell was it?
Our two magpies may have gone south for the winter. 😃 Or they are doing a serious search to find the answer to my Question? Who knows what they are brewing? :eek:
Do Wiccans believe they can put spells on people and have any Wiccans posting to this board ever done so? If so, what type spell was it?
What do you consider a spell? I do not believe in messing with anyone’s free will. And no I have not.
Our two magpies may have gone south for the winter.
No, but would be nice if I had the money. And no magpies here. 😃
Or they are doing a serious search to find the answer to my Question?
No, I was choosing not to answer your question because I found it irrelevant, as I’m sure you are referring to Jesus. I do not believe Jesus was/is God, and so his torture and death, horrible as it may have been, is, as I said, irrelevant.
Who knows what they are brewing?
That would coffee, since I am cold and tired.
Our two magpies may have gone south for the winter.
No, but would be nice if I had the money. And no magpies here. 😃
Or they are doing a serious search to find the answer to my Question?
No, I was choosing not to answer your question because I found it irrelevant, as I’m sure you are referring to Jesus. I do not believe Jesus was/is God, and so his torture and death, horrible as it may have been, is, as I said, irrelevant.
Who knows what they are brewing?
That would coffee, since I am cold and tired.
No, but would be nice if I had the money. And no magpies here. 😃
No, I was choosing not to answer your question because I found it irrelevant, as I’m sure you are referring to Jesus. I do not believe Jesus was/is God, and so his torture and death, horrible as it may have been, is, as I said, irrelevant.

That would coffee, since I am cold and tired.
So you think it is irrelevant that our God would care enough for you that He would shed His precious blood for you.What sacrafice has your God done for you? P/s I have a book I would recommend that you read. Its called A Case for Easter,by Lee Strobel. :eek:
So you think it is irrelevant that our God would care enough for you that He would shed His precious blood for you.What sacrafice has your God done for you? P/s I have a book I would recommend that you read. Its called A Case for Easter,by Lee Strobel. :eek:
This post is also irrelevant, because if you thoroughly read my last post I said that you are saying this in reference to Jesus, and I do not believe Jesus was God and therefore I don’t believe that God shed any blood.
This post is also irrelevant, because if you thoroughly read my last post I said that you are saying this in reference to Jesus, and I do not believe Jesus was God and therefore I don’t believe that God shed any blood.
Oh well, just remember that the cross will always be there for you. Jesus loves you and He will come again knocking at your door.Hopeful one day you will let Him in. God Bless you as I fly south into the hands of our loving God. Peace. 😦
Oh well, just remember that the cross will always be there for you.
Hey that sound like idolitry, sounds like someone is worshipping the object that our lord was nailed and cast up upon. But I forgive you and anyone else here. For it is forgiveness that binds us all. I once read in the bible that we must love all.
Originally Posted by Prester John
Wiccans, prior to Robert Graves’s book, the White Goddess, and prior to a certain Mr Gardiner( a former devotee of Allaister Crowley), did not actually exist.
If that were actually true than why is there talk of “satan worship” in the days of the bible, and although wiccan in name is considered devil worship, i believe it is not, For i have heard god’s word unto me and he spoke, telling me that he allows me to practice wicca, as long as I do not turn and head toward the evil path.
I belittle nothing. Humans are animals. The Bible dictum that we are separate from nature has brought nothing but disaster to Mother Earth. The Abrahamic monotheists of the world, by breeding more than She can provide for and by thoughtlessly exploiting Her, are raping and despoiling Her. This is the one thing we pagans can and do decry as blasphemy!

Tell me something I didn’t know. :rolleyes: Come on, I’m not your typical fluffbunny teen instaWitch who’s read one or two books by Silver Ravenwolf and thinks Wicca is thousands of years old!

The concept of “intellectual property” is anathema to me. Fruits of the intellects cannot be stolen, they can only be copied, and this is not stealing; for stealing is when you have a chair, I take your chair, so you now don’t have a chair; whereas, when you have an idea and I take your idea, you still have that idea, so I have stolen nothing, I have only copied. Copying is no crime, except in the eyes of those who would control everything. But this is another discussion.

My father, of whom I have not, I admit, on good relations; has said, and I quote," You are a bit dim."
If that were actually true than why is there talk of “satan worship” in the days of the bible, and although wiccan in name is considered devil worship
I am not sure how Wicca can be construed as “satan worship”. Its as are other Neo-Pagan religion/beliefs is a sincere quest for/or worship of a Supreme being(s). Abraham was a devout Pagan, as were many early jews, and many many early Christians. For some reason some have not had the calling to the true spirit of the Gospels, because if they have they would be Christian.
Prester John:
I belittle nothing. Humans are animals. The Bible dictum that we are separate from nature has brought nothing but disaster to Mother Earth. The Abrahamic monotheists of the world, by breeding more than She can provide for and by thoughtlessly exploiting Her, are raping and despoiling Her. This is the one thing we pagans can and do decry as blasphemy!

Tell me something I didn’t know. :rolleyes: Come on, I’m not your typical fluffbunny teen instaWitch who’s read one or two books by Silver Ravenwolf and thinks Wicca is thousands of years old!

The concept of “intellectual property” is anathema to me. Fruits of the intellects cannot be stolen, they can only be copied, and this is not stealing; for stealing is when you have a chair, I take your chair, so you now don’t have a chair; whereas, when you have an idea and I take your idea, you still have that idea, so I have stolen nothing, I have only copied. Copying is no crime, except in the eyes of those who would control everything. But this is another discussion.
beloved fluffy bunny, you are incorrect in many of the assumptions that define your life. In my opinion,

Prester John
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