Not very convincing.Because he was detached. Ageing happened, but because he was not attached to it, it did not cause him suffering. If you have a desire to appear young and beautiful, then ageing will cause suffering because your desire is thwarted. If you do not have that desire then you do not suffer.
Why would anyone follow the teachings of a ‘detached’ person.
Aha, i now get it, killing women (ova) and killing men (sperm) = killing of potential babies and thus God ordered the killing of unborn babies.Going back to an earlier point, Numbers 31:17 says:
Please explain how that verse does not mean God ordering the killing all the pregnant Midianinte women, and hence killing all their unborn children?So now, kill all the boys, as well as every woman who has had relations with a man,
Buddha died at age 80, buried with him were millions of potential babies, why is he such a killer?
Num 31 does not talk of pregnant women.
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