Do you believe in evolution?

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You did ask about science. The decay of radioactive elements is part of science. your lack of scientific knowledge is showing.

“An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” - Proverbs 18:15.
So Buddhism is blank on this yet it talks about death.

Ideally, death of our bodies is decay of elements in the same manner as everything else. So whatever causes death also causes decay of elements because death is wholesome even for the non living.
When we say sin entered the world and caused death, this is what we mean. The whole world decays and there’s a good reason for that otherwise the world is supposed to be eternal.

You can’t be running between Buddhism and Science and expect to be taken seriously.
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I don’t have a problem with that, i have a problem with taking parts of science to cover gaps in Buddhism and taking parts of Buddhism to cover gaps in science. It doesn’t work.
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They don’t adhere to the fallen world and sin because they believe death is merely a consequence of being born. Such notion doesn’t take into account decay of elements.
1 Cor 15: 3For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4[that] [He was buried,] [that] [He was raised] [on the] [third] [day] [according to] [the] [Scriptures,] 5and that He appeared to Cephas and then to the Twelve.

Take note of the highlighted and the tense. He was buried and raised on the third day. Pure gospel.
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That’s an incredibly dishonestly edited video and you should consider carefully if it’s something you want to spread.
The four last things - we think about them. Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell. For a baptised soul, the Judgement is a moment before the perfections and glory of God. How did we use that divine gift? It’s good to meditate on this. When we stand alone before God - there’s nowhere to hide and it doesn’t matter what anybody else has done - only ourself and our creator. All we bring with us are our sins and our virtues - and whether we are in the state of grace or not at that moment.
That’s an incredibly dishonestly edited video and you should consider carefully if it’s something you want to spread.
And you know this how? Of course, you must have some facts to impugn Ben Stein as dishonest. I await your evidence.
I give you credit, Noose - for staying with those guys. I admire your stamina and perseverance.
So Buddhism is blank on this yet it talks about death.

Ideally, death of our bodies is decay of elements in the same manner as everything else. So whatever causes death also causes decay of elements because death is wholesome even for the non living.
When we say sin entered the world and caused death, this is what we mean. The whole world decays and there’s a good reason for that otherwise the world is supposed to be eternal.

You can’t be running between Buddhism and Science and expect to be taken seriously.
Are you really that desperate to criticise Buddhism. Please show us the quantum mechanics in the Old Testament. Which Epistle clearly describes the planet Neptune?

Science is science; I do not look in the Tripitaka for science. Nor do I look in the Bible.

Buddhism covers suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the path to that cessation. For other questions you will need to look elsewhere.

I look forward to your Biblical references to the planet Neptune.
That’s an incredibly dishonestly edited video and you should consider carefully if it’s something you want to spread.
And you know this how? Of course, you must have some facts to impugn Ben Stein as dishonest. I await your evidence.
Six examples here: Six Things in Expelled That Ben Stein Doesn't Want You to Know... - Scientific American
Stein is a buffoon and a charlatan. I’ll spend no more time discussing him.
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Are you really that desperate to criticise Buddhism. Please show us the quantum mechanics in the Old Testament. Which Epistle clearly describes the planet Neptune?
Simple. In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth, the visible and the invisible.
Buddhism covers suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the path to that cessation. For other questions you will need to look elsewhere.
Well, there’s more than suffering in this world.
I look forward to your Biblical references to the planet Neptune.
Neptune - named after Roman god a few centuries ago. The one who created it (in the beginning) has no interest in Roman gods.
Simple. In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth, the visible and the invisible.
Another fail. That was not a description of the planet Neptune. Is this really the best you can do?
Well, there’s more than suffering in this world.
So? You would rather not work to decrease suffering? Or is killing children, babies and pregnant women your God’s way of reducing suffering?
The one who created it (in the beginning)
When was that? How long ago was that beginning when the planet Neptune was created?
I’m late to the party here, but I’ll offer my thoughts.

I believe in both Evolution and Creationism; I do not think the two are mutually exclusive.

First, there is plenty of scientific evidence to suggest that some kind of human or human-like creature existed long before Genesis would have taken place. I don’t believe that Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth. They may be the first recorded people, but not the originals. I find it hard to believe that all of present day mankind began with a couple whose only children were two sons. And it takes Two to Tango if-ya-know-whut-I-mean. (yeah, there is always incest but we’ll rule that out.)

Now I don’t really know the exact evolutionary genealogy, but for the sake of discussion, let’s say Man really did evolve from an ape; perhaps a gorilla. This then begs the question “Where did the gorilla come from?” We’ll say the gorilla evolved from a chimpanzee.

Well, where did the chimpanzee come from? Maybe a monkey or some other lower primate.

Then where did the lower primate come from? Some four-legged mammal.

Where did the four-legged mammal come from? A lizard.

Where did the lizard come from? An amphibian.

Where did the amphibian come from? A walking fish.

Where did the walking fish come from? A swimming fish.

Where did the swimming fish come from? A shrimp.

Where did the shrimp come from? Plankton.

Where did the plankton come from? Some single-cell life form.

And where did the single-cell life form come from?

Etc. Etc. Etc.

So you can see that no matter how far back you go, you can always go back one more iteration.

This is where Creationism comes in. Somewhere way way way back something had to have initiated the whole process. Some entity would have had to have kick-started the operation; pushed over that first Domino, so to speak.

So, IMHO modern day mankind is a product of both creationism and evolution.

My two-cents.
So? You would rather not work to decrease suffering? Or is killing children, babies and pregnant women your God’s way of reducing suffering?
Decrease suffering? Did Buddha decrease suffering by detaching from reality?

We do know what suffering is and why we suffer. Rather than decreasing, it will definitely increase, it must before we see the glory - just like child birth, it is increasingly painful just before the birth.

Neptune is a Roman idol, it means nothing.
When was that? How long ago was that beginning when the planet Neptune was created?
Way before Buddhism.
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Did Buddha decrease suffering by detaching from reality?
The Buddha decreased suffering by showing the path to reduce and eliminate suffering.
Way before Buddhism.
So, you either cannot or will not tell me how old you think the planet Neptune is. If you cannot, then that is another indication of your ignorance of science and of your inability to google a simple fact. If you will not, then that is an indication that you are a young earther and are aware that admitting that fact will completely lose you any scientific credibility in this discussion.

Which one is it?
This is where Creationism comes in. Somewhere way way way back something had to have initiated the whole process.
Why creationism? Why not an eternal multiverse? While an initial cause is logically required, there is no necessity that the initial cause is alive, intelligent, omniscient etc. All that is required is that it acts as a cause, which is something the multiverse is capable of doing.
What is this “eternal multiverse” you speak of? That’s a new one on me.
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