Do You Believe In Ghosts?

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I believe in eternal life, and I believe that those who have gone on to that life can pray for me and love me in a way that is unimaginable here. I do not believe in ghosts in the “hollywood” or “popular” depiction. I believe that those I love never truly die and I hope that they are either in Heaven or Purgatory waiting for me.

Spirits being trapped or haunting? I’m not sure if that is the case or if there are some of us who have been granted the gift of a glimpse of purgatory.
I do not believe in ghosts (except the Holy Ghost aka Holy Spirit). I do believe in demons, I do not consider ghosts and demons one in the same.
I forget which saint, but one said (in a book that I read) that she often received requests (as in voices, not sure if she got apparitions also) from souls in Purgatory asking for prayers.

I remember reading that in Sr. Faustina’s diary, but other saints may have seen them as well.
We were raised Catholic but also very scientific - there is an rational explanation for everything. Noises in the house from overhead? Rats! Shadows in the hall? Tired eyes! Etc.

Well months ago we began to smell something dead. We searched everywhere. My husband would come home & complain of an offensive smell in the kitchen. I’d clean the trash can, refrigerator, freezer. I cleaned behind the refrigerator.

My husband would quit complaining. He later said that he didn’t want to insult me. I think he was afraid I’d bop him since I’d worked so hard. Then weeks later he’d complain again so there I was cleaning & scrubbing. This was the pattern for months. Because he wouldn’t say anything for weeks, I assumed it was a new problem each time.

Well once when my daughter & I were cleaning out a cabinet, & we found a rotten egg; it must have exploded & congealed into something unrecognizable. It reeked. We threw it out & cleaned with the strongest smelling disinfectant that we had. Now, no smells. Very scientific!

My point here is, even if there was some ghost trying to scare us, he’d be extremely frustrated because we try to find a rational explanation for everything. I have a friend, however, who would have, after the first cleaning, assumed it was something evil. Consequently, she is more likely to have deep spiritual experiences with God & can identify the smallest miracle while I, sadly, would be trying to explain it away.
there are evil spirits making whoopee around the globe, yes.

there are angels and saints appearing to help people, yes.

as for the souls of loved ones coming back for a “visit”, i haven’t experienced this, but i think people just better be careful. i mean how can one really be sure it’s not some demon masquerading as a departed friend?
i’d recommend reading ‘everything you ever wanted to know about heaven but were afraid to ask’ by peter kreeft.

he makes a strong case, completely in agreement with catholic teaching, for the existence of ‘ghosts’, meaning the souls of departed people.

there are more things in heaven and earth, dear horatio, than are dreampt of in your philosophy. 😉
As for Don and Dale though. I don’t want to demean what might have been a very meaningful experience, but isn’t it possible that Don just had a particularly vivid dream?
My father died in an accident when he was 49yr old leaving my mother with 5 children at home to raise (out of 12). She told me not to long after he died that she was in bed unable to sleep and my dad appeared beside the bed and told her that everything would be okay. Then he was gone. That was such a comfort to her and she said that she was able to go on. My mother wasn’t someone to tell tales and I definitely believed her because it made a difference. It never happened again.
This subject comes under the heading of “preternatural”.

One of the great Catholic Apologists in the 20th century was Dr. Leslie Rumble, M.S.C. (Missionaries of the Sacred Heart order). He is renowned as The Radio Replies priest. For some time he was also Editor of *Annals Australia{/i] (now Annals Australasia, which has been continuously published (10 volumes per year) for the past 115 years.

In that time, Dr. Rumble publisged in “Annals” thirteen articles on the preternatural. If you visit the Annals Australasia un-Official Home Page you will see the listed thirteen articles.

I have HTMLed all the articles, but as they form a part of the income producing assets of the MSC, I can only direct you to one - well, two of the articles.

The first article is Spiritism Seances and Mediums, and the second is

The Indian Tribe

I have a friend in another state who was engaged to be married to her boyfriend in the Navy. The boyfriend was pretty much a prime example of the sort of agnostic modern pagan which our age is producing. She was raised a devout Catholic, intent on establishing a happy marital relationship. Though a devout Catholic, she did not confess the pre-marital intimacy in their relationship, and went to Communion regularly.

At a particular point, her dog began to bark and express terror at something invisible in her apartment at night, and every night refused to sleep anywhere but on the bed. Every night the dog would shake with fright, shaking the bed itself. (He was a big dog.) Then the girl began to hear growling in the air at night right beside the bed, and she would be struck and grabbed by an invisble entity! This would happen at all hours.

She contacted me (she knew me to be very religious) and I told her that I had heard of this. I explained that consummate physical and moral corruption – such as accompanies drug abuse and sex abuse and sex mixed with drugs, and also receipt of Communion after committing these sins – tends to generate this problem, and advised her to immediately commence obeying God’s laws perfectly, find a confessor she could trust and confide everything to him, pray relentlessly and keep sacramentals in the house.

It worked. The evil presence left.

The boyfriend left soon thereafter, too, however – he could not stand the extent to which she allowed her religion to interfere with sex.

And then, later, she contacted me and confided that her ex-boyfriend complained that the evil presence had followed him onto his ship!
As a Catholic with 8 years of University work in Chemistry I should say that I do not believe in ghosts. If I were to meet you somewhere I would say that I didn’t believe in ghosts. But then I would not be telling the whole story. I will not repeat another’s story; I will only say what I saw, what I actually saw.

I was living with my mother who had cancer in my house. The Hospice Nurse came every day, she was a Nun. My mother died about 10 PM one night. The Hospice Nurse stayed untill the furneral home took my mom. For some reason ( a Nun had said this years ago) I went to my mom’s room and told her it was time for her to go, that she was dead. I made a breakfast and about 2AM I was getting a creepy feeling so I hopped on my motorcycle and took off into the country. I rode 'till daylight. Heading back to town I saw a short man with snow-white hair pushing a bicycle maybe 1/2 mile from town. I went home to make the phone calls.

About 9 AM thru’ the kitchen window I saw that man stopped in front of my house - he had his back to me. In a minute I heard a knock at the front door. He had his back turned to me .He was about 5 feet six inches tall. He asked to paint numbers on the curb. I said O.K. I watched him with his back to me. He seemed to be painting numbers upside down. I turned away and he knocked on the door. I had a five-dollar bill ready. This time I saw his face. He had smooth skin, hair smoothly combed back. I asked his if he knew what had happened here. He said. “It happens in all families”. I asked where he came from. He said,“I come from the East”. I asked where he was going. He said, “I will go to the West”. I asked if he had a name. He said “Yes” and started to walk to his bicycle. He didn’t take the money.He didn’t say his name. He started pushing his bicycle. I was a little scared. I walked thru the house to the garage and went out to the street quickly to see where he went. He was gone, I couldn’t see him. I don’t know who he was. Later I thought maybe he was my guardian Angel. He was very clean and neat. He had a sheep skin coat on, It was February. I never saw him before or after. Who was he?
As a Catholic with 8 years of University work in Chemistry I should say that I do not believe in ghosts. If I were to meet you somewhere I would say that I didn’t believe in ghosts. But then I would not be telling the whole story. I will not repeat another’s story; I will only say what I saw, what I actually saw.

I was living with my mother who had cancer in my house. The Hospice Nurse came every day, she was a Nun. My mother died about 10 PM one night. The Hospice Nurse stayed untill the furneral home took my mom. For some reason ( a Nun had said this years ago) I went to my mom’s room and told her it was time for her to go, that she was dead. I made a breakfast and about 2AM I was getting a creepy feeling so I hopped on my motorcycle and took off into the country. I rode 'till daylight. Heading back to town I saw a short man with snow-white hair pushing a bicycle maybe 1/2 mile from town. I went home to make the phone calls.

About 9 AM thru’ the kitchen window I saw that man stopped in front of my house - he had his back to me. In a minute I heard a knock at the front door. He had his back turned to me .He was about 5 feet six inches tall. He asked to paint numbers on the curb. I said O.K. I watched him with his back to me. He seemed to be painting numbers upside down. I turned away and he knocked on the door. I had a five-dollar bill ready. This time I saw his face. He had smooth skin, hair smoothly combed back. I asked his if he knew what had happened here. He said. “It happens in all families”. I asked where he came from. He said,“I come from the East”. I asked where he was going. He said, “I will go to the West”. I asked if he had a name. He said “Yes” and started to walk to his bicycle. He didn’t take the money.He didn’t say his name. He started pushing his bicycle. I was a little scared. I walked thru the house to the garage and went out to the street quickly to see where he went. He was gone, I couldn’t see him. I don’t know who he was. Later I thought maybe he was my guardian Angel. He was very clean and neat. He had a sheep skin coat on, It was February. I never saw him before or after. Who was he?
Except for the clothing, he sounds like a classic Man in Black. They are smooth skinned, and given really stupid answers to questions – and in my opinion are uniformly demonic.
Except for the clothing, he sounds like a classic Man in Black. They are smooth skinned, and given really stupid answers to questions – and in my opinion are uniformly demonic.
I feel incredibly stupid for asking this, because I must be missing something obvious…but what is a “classic man in black”…the only thing I can think of is priest.
Except for the clothing, he sounds like a classic Man in Black. They are smooth skinned, and given really stupid answers to questions – and in my opinion are uniformly demonic.

I do not know what a “classic man in black” is. I have never heard if that term.

The man I saw was White (Anglo) with a medium suntan, with white hair, was about 5’ 6" tall, had deep blue eye color, his skin was very smooth, walked slowly and talked in a quiet voice.
:irish2: JN 3:6 What is born of flesh is flesh and what is born of spirit is spirit.

And the Spirit we given in this life, comes to end in a decaying human carcass soon enough.

GEN 6:3 Then the LORD said: “My spirit shall not remain in man forever, since he is but flesh. His days shall comprise one hundred and twenty years.”
Hey, I don’t believe in “ghosts” and I have never experienced an encounter with one either but I do however believe demons exist and even moreso after one of my good friends told me what happened to her…she told me that one morning at around 5am, her boyfriend got up to go to work and she kissed him goodbye and then went back to sleep and as she tried to sleep, she heard footsteps outside the bedroom in the hallway and then heard them stop in the doorway of the bedroom. They then started again, becoming louder and then she heard them stop right at the foot of the bed. She thought she was just imagining things and tried to ignore the sound. She then put her hand under the pillow next to her and felt an arm and hand and then she jerked it away and sat up then she felt a force throw her back down onto the bed and began shaking her. She was terrified and didn’t know what to do then she said that the first thing that poped into her mind to do was to say the Lord’s Prayer so she did and a bright light filled the room and the force was gone. She moved to another apartment after that. She’s not really religious but that experience made her want to get baptized really bad. I’m not sure if she did or not, but I hope so. She said that everyone else she told the story to thought she was nuts and everyone I told about it thought she was just making it up for attention and that I would be stupid and gullible to believe her. I’m not so sure it didn’t happen, but I wasn’t there. The way she said it made it more believable. I think it was a warning of some sort…but I could be wrong. She was pretty shaken up and I’m sure I would be too if I were her…
I don’t believe in ghosts. I still get scared in dark places though or sometimes I get that feeling something is peering over my shoulder. It makes me sad that my faith apparently isn’t strong enough to have no fear of such silly things.
i’d recommend reading ‘everything you ever wanted to know about heaven but were afraid to ask’ by peter kreeft.

he makes a strong case, completely in agreement with catholic teaching, for the existence of ‘ghosts’, meaning the souls of departed people.

there are more things in heaven and earth, dear horatio, than are dreampt of in your philosophy. 😉
would you happen know any similar articles online?
At night you can also sometimes hear scratching and knocking on their walls which was the thing that freaked me out the most
Last time I checked these were classic signs of possible demonic infestation. I dont belive in ghosts, from what your saying maybe it’s a good idea to have a priest come by and bless the house. If people are there talking to it or taking it all as a joke or welcoming it thats a bad thing. The home owner should not accept this as ok or cute.

I feel incredibly stupid for asking this, because I must be missing something obvious…but what is a “classic man in black”…the only thing I can think of is priest.
Do you know the two “MIB” movie comedies? Well, they are poking fun at something real in UFO lore.

UFOs are probably a demonic phenomenon. Almost undoubtedly. Since the 1940s, many who have seen UFOs or recovered evidence from a “Close Encounter of the Second Kind” are subsequently visited by one or more “men in black.” They are usually dressed head-to-toe in black clothing, have very smooth skin, walk like ducks (with legs and arms swinging in dissonance, right arm when their right leg goes forward, left arm when their left leg goes forward), don’t know how to use table implements such as a knife and fork, and talk like idiots. They answer questions with painful literalism. (For example, asked “What is your name?,” they will answer something like, “It is the word associated with me identifying me to others,” instead of just giving their name!) When they show up at the door of UFO experiencers, they spookily repeat warnings like, “Don’t you tell anyone about that UFO you saw. Don’t you tell anyone about that UFO you saw. Don’t you tell anyone about that UFO you saw. Don’t you tell anyone about that UFO you saw. Don’t you tell anyone about that UFO you saw. Don’t you tell anyone about that UFO you saw. Don’t you tell anyone about that UFO you saw. Don’t you tell anyone about that UFO you saw.” Frequently, the MIBs will haunt someone for months.

Many, many thousands of experiencers have been haunted by MIBs.

One writer suggested that they are dead bodies possessed by demons not used to operating dead bodies (thus, their clumsy, ridiculous walking and eating habits) sent to haunt people.
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