Do You Believe In Ghosts?

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I’ve been reading some of Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s books. She has a lot to say about the afterlife and such. Very interesting…

I believe that this life is about learning lessons, and we are given the opportunities to learn the lessons we are supposed to learn during our life. But if we don’t take those opportunities and end up passing away without having learned our lessons- then we are left with work to do in the afterlife. I believe that this might be one reason that people see, dream, or feel the presence of loved ones that have gone. I think they come to help us, and in doing so help themselves also.

I very much believe this is a spiritual world. More so than I ever imagined it to be. I agree with what has been said about living a sinful life invites evil, but it can also be said that whenever God has a plan for you- you can expect satan/evil spirits to come to try to stop it.
In UFO lore, MIBs, which, again, I believe to be demonic, always know about events in the lives of the people they are haunting, because they are being “watched” by demonic spirits.

By the way, this thing may have been your MIB, *not *your mother’s. In other words, you may have been the person being haunted.

Re “talk like an idiot,” I was referring to literalism and ignorance of colloquial meaning, not stupidity. Note that in my example of idiotic talk…

**(For example, asked “What is your name?,” they will answer something like, “It is the word associated with me identifying me to others,” instead of just giving their name!) **

…the answer is quite sophisticated, intellectually, but is characterized by a moronic level of understanding about the commonly accepted (colloquial) meaning of “What is your name?”

This is not the sort of thing which you should get oppositional over. Whether you like it or not, aside from the obvious fact that the being you encountered was not wearing black, it really does resemble a “Man-in-Black” in other ways.

And, “Men-in-Black” may actually be mentioned in the Bible, not under that name, of course, but perhaps under the ancient Hebrew name of 'owb, or “familiar spirit,” or perhaps under Paul’s title for the demon which haunted him, “Thorn in the Flesh.”

Thank You for the explaination. You are kind.
It depends on the definition of “ghost.” I believe in the spirit world and believe that demons roam the earth searching to corrupt souls. I belive that we have angels protecting and guiding us. I believe that hauntings exist but what they actually are is another story. I dont’ *necessarily *believe that they are lost souls of the dead. I do know that trying to communicate with these “forces” is strictly prohibited by the Catholic church for good reason. By trying to communicate, one is opening him or herself up to unknown entities. For example, An evil entity can certainly disguise as a harmless child “ghost.” Our human minds can’t fully understand the supernatural, and science has not fully studied it. My Grandma lived in what one would call a “haunted house” voices could be heard, strange things happened etc. They were also devout Catholics. Whatever caused those occurances, went unexplained and whatever it was,caused no harm but a few scared grandkids. There was some kind of presence there that I could not explain.

The Holy Spirit is powerful I have personally experienced that, as well as the connection to the community of Saints and Blessed Mother during prayer. That is all the supernatural I will ever need!
Exporter said:
I do not know what a “classic man in black” is. I have never heard if that term.

The man I saw was White (Anglo) with a medium suntan, with white hair, was about 5’ 6" tall, had deep blue eye color, his skin was very smooth, walked slowly and talked in a quiet voice.

Your story makes me very curious. How did the person make you feel after the fact. What exactly did he paint on the sidewalk? Did you feel any nagging feelings of something you should do? Even if it was out of the ordinary for you? Did you feel compelled to feel closer to God?
Here is an unusual story. My paternal Grandmother left the Church when she married my non-Catholic Grandfather, she returned to the Church after his death. My Grandmother died when my Daughter was three years old. My daughter is now 7 and we moved last month. I had to force myself to give alot of the things we no longer need to charity. I came upon a doll my grandmother gave me for Christmas when I was 7. It was a soft sculpture doll, ( a fake cabbage patch kid because they could not be found in stores for Christmas.) and my husband thinks its creepy as heck so he wanted me to give it away. I wanted to keep it for sentimental reasons but I tend to be way too sentimental to the point of having trunks full of keepsakes, I reluctantly put it on the pile. My daughter walked into the basement and said “OH MY GOODNESS what a beautiful doll.” I heard my husband saying “we can’t keep everything.” and my daughter begged, to my relief. She had no idea who it was from or why it was special to me. She named it Agnes. She has trouble pronouncing it. My daughter treats the doll like gold and has found all kinds of pretty clothes for it. She thinks it is the most beautiful doll ever. I stress this because it is FAR from what most woudl consider the most beautiful doll ever! The soft sculpture nose has come undone, and the mouth is just a pale pink thread across where the mouth woudl be. The eyes are painted on. The hair is something like fake fur sewn on. I asked my daughter why she named the doll Agness, where she heard the name… .she said “I just heard a soft voice tell me that her name was Agnes.” My daughter has no idea that my grandmother’s Middle name was Agness because I forgot that it was her middle name until yesterday when I told my mom that my daughter rescued the doll from grandma that I secretly wanted to keep, but my husband thought it was ugly and creepy. My mom said that it was a gift from Grandma to my daughter, and I have the same feeling, as much as I hate to admit it. PLease dont’ get me wrong, I dont think the doll is posessed or anything like that, but I think my grandma must have communicated with my daughter a bit.
Here is an unusual story. My paternal Grandmother left the Church when she married my non-Catholic Grandfather, she returned to the Church after his death. My Grandmother died when my Daughter was three years old. My daughter is now 7 and we moved last month. I had to force myself to give alot of the things we no longer need to charity. I came upon a doll my grandmother gave me for Christmas when I was 7. It was a soft sculpture doll, ( a fake cabbage patch kid because they could not be found in stores for Christmas.) and my husband thinks its creepy as heck so he wanted me to give it away. I wanted to keep it for sentimental reasons but I tend to be way too sentimental to the point of having trunks full of keepsakes, I reluctantly put it on the pile. My daughter walked into the basement and said “OH MY GOODNESS what a beautiful doll.” I heard my husband saying “we can’t keep everything.” and my daughter begged, to my relief. She had no idea who it was from or why it was special to me. She named it Agnes. She has trouble pronouncing it. My daughter treats the doll like gold and has found all kinds of pretty clothes for it. She thinks it is the most beautiful doll ever. I stress this because it is FAR from what most woudl consider the most beautiful doll ever! The soft sculpture nose has come undone, and the mouth is just a pale pink thread across where the mouth woudl be. The eyes are painted on. The hair is something like fake fur sewn on. I asked my daughter why she named the doll Agness, where she heard the name… .she said “I just heard a soft voice tell me that her name was Agnes.” My daughter has no idea that my grandmother’s Middle name was Agness because I forgot that it was her middle name until yesterday when I told my mom that my daughter rescued the doll from grandma that I secretly wanted to keep, but my husband thought it was ugly and creepy. My mom said that it was a gift from Grandma to my daughter, and I have the same feeling, as much as I hate to admit it. PLease dont’ get me wrong, I dont think the doll is posessed or anything like that, but I think my grandma must have communicated with my daughter a bit.
Do you guys believe in ghosts/spirits on earth. What do you make of them to be, or why they are here?
Hi Steven87,
This is a very enlightening poll.
Here is a summary at this point. Forgive me if I have made a mistake.
Posts 63, 23,22, 18, and 13 mention the Holy Ghost, who you receive when you believe John 7:39
From the Poll
  1. Code:
     Those in the presence                   24%  ( 4%+ have the Holy Ghost so which is the other spirit)
  2. Yes but never witnessed. 38%
  3. No never 38%
And you are all supposed to have the Holy Spirit.
Truly every one should have immediately shouted yes I do have the HOLY SPIRIT. Then you can talk about any other experiences you may have had, but HE should be first
He is after all as one with Jesus Christ.
walk in love
Ha! I do not believe but take a look at these and YOU see if they’re real or not!!!
Interesting question, my son just asked me this the other day. He said one of his friends stayed in an old house in Annapolis, and experienced first hand some creepy phenonmena (things moving about on their own. I would have left that house immediately and never returned, they didn’t).

Personally, I believe demonic possession can occur. Christ Himself cast out spirits.

Ghosts in the classic sense I don’t buy into. Angels and apparitions of saints, Mary or Jesus, I accept as fact, as many saints have personally experienced these events. I can’t see any reason why a holy and pius person would lie about such things.

Hi Steven87,
This is a very enlightening poll.
Here is a summary at this point. Forgive me if I have made a mistake.
Posts 63, 23,22, 18, and 13 mention the Holy Ghost, who you receive when you believe John 7:39
From the Poll
  1. Those in the presence 24% ( 4%+ have the Holy Ghost so which is the other spirit)
  2. Yes but never witnessed. 38%
  3. No never 38%
And you are all supposed to have the Holy Spirit.
Truly every one should have immediately shouted yes I do have the HOLY SPIRIT. Then you can talk about any other experiences you may have had, but HE should be first
He is after all as one with Jesus Christ.
walk in love
I think most people, including me, mentioned the Holy Spirit
Paris Blues:
Ha! I do not believe but take a look at these and YOU see if they’re real or not!!!
Whoa…this one is especially creepy. She can’t be in hell…is she paying penance for what she did? Seems like an innocent mistake.
I think most people, including me, mentioned the Holy Spirit
Hi Peace-bwu,
From memory you mentioned the Holy Spirit in your first post. But I have provided the numbers and there is no need to “think”, just check. Choose a different number and re-read.
walk in love
I don’t believe that “ghosts” are actually the souls of the departed, which I believe are either in Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. Rather I believe that they represent something that isn’t properly understood yet. I think they are more a “residual” emotional or spiritual imprint on a place, rather than a rational soul lingering in this world. They are similar to a photograph, or a video, caught in time.

My reason for this is that they rarely seem to exhibit any kind of rational behavior, and instead seem to simply be a repetition of image or emotion. They don’t interact with us as a soul might, with an intellectual back-and-forth, nor do they seem to respond to our concious actions.

I believe in ghosts, they are mentioned in Scripture, but I think they are very, very different from souls. I also believe in demonic and angelic activity, but I don’t think most “ghosts” represent true demonic occurances or angelic apparitions.
Those of you that know my name and have read my posts know that I am 100% orthodox Catholic. But I absolutely tell you, as God is my witness, that I once lived in a “haunted house.”

Stuff regularly happened there that absolutely **defies **logical explanation (and I’m a mathematics major and computer programmer - I’m *pretty *logical). We later discovered that the house was formerly occupied by a couple, and the husband, upon learning he had terminal cancer, shot himself in the head. The widow was eager to sell the house, which probably accounts for the low price that my parents bought the house for.

Once we learned of this, when stuff would happen, we would rebuke the “ghost” by name, and the situation would resolve itself.

I know this sounds wacky. I am not a nutjob. There is something else out there that we don’t know about. This is not part of the Church’s teaching, but we have no assurance that the Church will teach EVERYTHING.
My sister’s house has some odd things going on. Objects lost and then found days later in the most strange places.

My niece when she was younger in the same house used to see an old man sitting in the corner of her bedroom - although nobody else saw anything at the same time.

My Sister puts up with it and has a name for it (him?) “Mr Porkpie”. I don’t know why.

Anyway - I’m convinced something is happening, I’m not sure it’s a lost human soul though - a spirit maybe.

It makes me shiver.
It is even believed that UFO sightings might be the activity of angels coming down to earth, or most possibly demons manifesting themselves.
Some friends of mine and I were discussing this once and I expressed my opinion that I thought that “little green men” were demonic and that their purpose was to distract humanity from looking for God. They looked at me like I was nuts, but totally bought a story from another friend of ours that she had seen a little green man during a camping trip in Sedona and after she’d consumed magic mushrooms. Because, you know, that’s so much more rational than, say, belief in angels.
:whacky: you my thank i’m whacky but i totally belive. espeselly becuase i lived in a hunted house. I heard scrching in my second story bed room wall and got hedaces for no resins andheard voises and a raser shot of the bathroom counter and floted for a secind.
From my experience the Ghosts which we see are actually Demonic. They my pose or pretend like they are ghosts of dead people but they have always turned out to be demonic trickery. With that said there is no reason why on some occasions that God wouldnt allow someone form Heaven or purgatory to communicate something to us. Sometimes God lets mother mary appear to people. Or angels appear to people. But here there is caution to be taken
Rather I believe that they represent something that isn’t properly understood yet. I think they are more a “residual” emotional or spiritual imprint on a place, rather than a rational soul lingering in this world. They are similar to a photograph, or a video, caught in time.

My reason for this is that they rarely seem to exhibit any kind of rational behavior, and instead seem to simply be a repetition of image or emotion. They don’t interact with us as a soul might, with an intellectual back-and-forth, nor do they seem to respond to our concious actions.
I think this explanation makes a lot of sense, and it goes along with what I’ve heard from people who have experienced ghosts; I haven’t but my father and sister have.

One of the eerier stories my dad told me was of a haunted house, in which the attic window constantly opened and closed itself. The reason for it was that someone died by hanging themselves out that window. Of course, that moment in which they opened that window was one of the most critical moments in their life. And part of them was still attached to it, obsessed with it. That’s why it kept repeating.

I think that both the corporeal and non-corporeal consist of a certain energy. Energy doesn’t just disappear. Usually, it leaves earth for the next life, in heaven or in hell, but I consider it plausible that in some cases, a bit may be left behind, especially if the departure from earth was very sudden and/or traumatic. But as Ghosty said, it’s not a rational or feeling energy. It is matter, but not essence. The essence is the soul, and I don’t think it ever remains on earth.
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