Funny really, that in the whole and actually long, though long ago ended CAF-thread
DO YOU FEAR DEATH< more or less all stated to fear death. Named reason among others was „It’s unnatural to have no fear“
here the additive „of death“ is missing.
OK, it’s really unnatural to have no fear, for if we had no fear of anything, then we wouldn’t take care of life by either fleeing the danger, or fight it.
But a very much other thing is „Fear of Death“. No animal fears death - it doesn’t know what death is and just fears to be painfully injured, so avoids painful thorns, deep waters, steep rocks etc. by not getting near them, as well as painful raptors by fleeing them. We know what death is and that we eventually can’t escape death - all humans before us died - we will too. The decisive problem though, is the very much different comprehension of DEATH. To atheists it’s the end of everything, to believing Christians it’s the start of our real life in God’s kingdom. Fear we only can feel actually, if St. Paul’s word applies to us, when he said in Hebrews 10,31: It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. This only hits us, if we denied God and disregarded His but 2 commandments of >love God and love your next< (John 13,34 and Matthew 22:36-40).
Now, you might say; this guy is talking folly, as he never was near death!
Well, with 3 heart-attacks and 4 strokes I actually often was. I often was convinced to die RIGHT NOW. All that really very much bothered me then, was to leave my wife alone.
I’m ok now thanks to prayers, and survived all attacks of „The Grim Reaper“ which of course doesn’t exist and is a faithless invention of irreligious minds, scaring children and simple minds.
Some say: No, it’s a Church-invention, as in so much sacred art he scull or skeleton plays a role. Yes is does, but not as the fairy-tale figure of the Grim Reaper, but simply as a Memento mori (Latin: „Remember that you will die“) - meaning; “remember that you are not this body of Yours, but you are your soul who will see God”.
As I countless times repeated in so many talks as well as in forums "THERE IS NO DEATH!“ Paul tried to point that out in 1Cor 15,55: „Death where is your sting?“ meaning THERE IS NO DEATH! Not to a believer who will never die, but will „in one instant“ as Paul writes in 1Cor 15,52, see Jesus Christ.
OK - Paul describes here the Last Judgement. But it was Jesus Christ Himself who underlined in : John 11,25: He who believes in Me will come to life even if he dies, and the one who lives and believes in Me will never die forever.
Jesus here even adds in a commanding question: DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
So, a new question arises: If we fear Death; do we then not believe Jesus’ word of: He who believes in Me will never die forever ?