Do you follow Church Teaching?

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What if someone is following the teachings of the Orthodox Church? Is he not following the teachings of THE Church of Christ?QUOTE]

Yes and no at the same time. Yes, the Orthodox Church has the same Sacraments. But unfortunately the Orthodox Church is not part of the “one church”. It was St Peter who received the “key” from Jesus and not one of the other apostles. So the Church remains as is: in Rome and unified under the successor of St Peter.
You beat me to the punch:D . I have great respect for the Orthodox churches (Learning about it led me to the Catholic Church) and Pope John Paul II calls them the ‘other lung’ of the Catholic Church. However, they are currently in schism from the Catholic Church.
Peace be with you!
What if someone is following the teachings of the Orthodox Church? Is he not following the teachings of THE Church of Christ?QUOTE]

Yes and no at the same time. Yes, the Orthodox Church has the same Sacraments. But unfortunately the Orthodox Church is not part of the “one church”. It was St Peter who received the “key” from Jesus and not one of the other apostles. So the Church remains as is: in Rome and unified under the successor of St Peter.
God says:

“for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?
For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not mere men?” ( 1 Corinthians 3:3-4 )

Are you not fleshly when you say “I am of Peter”, and another, “I am of Andrew”, and another, “I am of the East”, and another “I am of the West”???

When will you pay attention to what God is saying?

In Love,
Peace be with you!

God says:

“for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?
For when one says, “I am of Paul,” and another, “I am of Apollos,” are you not mere men?” ( 1 Corinthians 3:3-4 )

Are you not fleshly when you say “I am of Peter”, and another, “I am of Andrew”, and another, “I am of the East”, and another “I am of the West”???

When will you pay attention to what God is saying?

In Love,
One could say the same thing about Protestants: “I am of Luther,” “I am of Calvin,” “I am of Wesley,” “I am of (insert founder of your denomination here).” However, Jesus gave Peter the keys to the church (Matt 16:18-20) and gave him the power to bind and loose, and we Catholics believe that Peter’s teaching authority has been handed down to the Popes through the centuries. Jesus founded ONE CHURCH, not thousands of conflicting denominations.
One could say the same thing about Protestants: “I am of Luther,” “I am of Calvin,” “I am of Wesley,” “I am of (insert founder of your denomination here).” However, Jesus gave Peter the keys to the church (Matt 16:18-20) and gave him the power to bind and loose, and we Catholics believe that Peter’s teaching authority has been handed down to the Popes through the centuries. Jesus founded ONE CHURCH, not thousands of conflicting denominations.
Grace to you!
One could say the same thing about Protestants: “I am of Luther,” “I am of Calvin,” “I am of Wesley,” “I am of (insert founder of your denomination here).” However, Jesus gave Peter the keys to the church (Matt 16:18-20) and gave him the power to bind and loose, and we Catholics believe that Peter’s teaching authority has been handed down to the Popes through the centuries. Jesus founded ONE CHURCH, not thousands of conflicting denominations.
Interesting! You look to the falts of others, and you measure yourself by that standard… Why don’t you look to the standard of God who says that we must not say “we are of Peter” etc, as you are saying here?

God lead you in all truth. Amen.

When the Catholic Church Teaches Doctrine and Dogma… she is teaching and speaking REVEALED TRUTH…REVEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. Therefore, in THAT capacity she is PERFECT and has ZERO FAULTS…in matters of this type of Teaching she is INFALLIBLE…INCAPABLE of ERROR…so much so that she couldnt lie if she wanted to…THAT IS HOW PERFECT our DEPOSIT OF FAITH (IS)
Grace to you!

Interesting! You look to the falts of others, and you measure yourself by that standard… Why don’t you look to the standard of God who says that we must not say “we are of Peter” etc, as you are saying here?

God lead you in all truth. Amen.

Because Peter was the Apostle that Jesus entrusted with the keys to the Church. I’m not saying that all the Popes have been perfect (a few Popes have been far from Holy and even Peter had his faults). The problem with the Protestant ‘reformers’ is that in their zeal to reform the ‘errors’ of Catholicism is that they shattered the ONE church-ONE-faith-ONE baptism that St paul stressed in ephesians, and made a mockery of Jesus prayer in John 17 that his followers be one.
I do follow Church teaching but it sure is difficult at times! I am ever reminded how human I really am! :o
Yes , I follow all church teachings that I am aware of. 👍

Except, of course, for sin.

And I left Protestantism realizing how utterly false it all was.
Peace be with you!
Faithful 2 Rome:
When the Catholic Church Teaches Doctrine and Dogma… she is teaching and speaking REVEALED TRUTH…REVEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. Therefore, in THAT capacity she is PERFECT and has ZERO FAULTS…in matters of this type of Teaching she is INFALLIBLE…INCAPABLE of ERROR…so much so that she couldnt lie if she wanted to…THAT IS HOW PERFECT our DEPOSIT OF FAITH (IS)
My friend, if you call those teachings as revealed by the Holy Spirit, do you think that we can add them to the Bible? If no, why not?

In Love,
Are you asking do I obey perfectly, completely and always what the Catholic Church, divinely appointed interpreter of what Christ demands of us? The answer is none of your business…
Hello! Don’t forget that we are called to encourage each other * and to confess our sins to each other. * (Protestants are confused by this latter point, thinking that no priesthood is necessary and that the Sacrament of Penance is an accretion, but they forget the linkage established between forgiveness of sin and the Church. *)

et curabant contritionem filiæ populi mei cum ignominia dicentes
pax pax et non erat pax Jer 6:14
My friend, if you call those teachings as revealed by the Holy Spirit, do you think that we can add them to the Bible?
The Church which Jesus Christ founded on the Apostles, guided by the Holy Spirit, determined which were the God inspired Scriptures and collected them together into one place and put them into one book. This is what you know today as the Bible. Or is it your belief that that God handed the Bible to King James?
Peace be with you!

My friend, if you call those teachings as revealed by the Holy Spirit, do you think that we can add them to the Bible? If no, why not?

In Love,
First of all, Catholics do not base their teachings on ‘Sola Scriptura,’ or Bible alone, for the reason that for the first 400 years of the church there was no formal New Testament canon. The Christians looked to the Church for the final word on a given teaching. Therefore, she had to be infallible in order to keep her children from error. It was also the Catholic Church that infallibly determined the New Testament (BTW, when you accept the NT canon, you accept the authority of the Catholic Church). the Catholic Church relies on three sources for teaching: the Bible, Holy tradition (see 2 Thess 2:14) and the Magisterium (see Matt 16:16-20). None of these sources contradicts the other.
Peace be with you!
The Church which Jesus Christ founded on the Apostles, guided by the Holy Spirit, determined which were the God inspired Scriptures and collected them together into one place and put them into one book. This is what you know today as the Bible. Or is it your belief that that God handed the Bible to King James?
Great error: The Church didn’t DECIDE which books are Scripture, but She ACCEPTED as Scripture those books that were ALREADY accepted as Scripture ( because the Book imposed itself as Word of God ), and She rejected the other books that sects were trying to introduce as Word of God.

It doesn’t matter very much if they are in one volume or not! In all cases they are ONE Book, even if they are in many volumes.

And, by the way, all books of the Scripture were accepted as Word of God, even in the days of the Apostles. As Paul says also:

“For this reason we also constantly thank God that when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but for what it really is, the word of God, which also performs its work in you who believe.” ( 1 Thessalonians 2:13 )

And Peter mentions Paul’s Epistles with Scripture… ETC.

In Love,
First of all, Catholics do not base their teachings on ‘Sola Scriptura,’ or Bible alone, for the reason that for the first 400 years of the church there was no formal New Testament canon. The Christians looked to the Church for the final word on a given teaching. Therefore, she had to be infallible in order to keep her children from error. It was also the Catholic Church that infallibly determined the New Testament (BTW, when you accept the NT canon, you accept the authority of the Catholic Church). the Catholic Church relies on three sources for teaching: the Bible, Holy tradition (see 2 Thess 2:14) and the Magisterium (see Matt 16:16-20). None of these sources contradicts the other.
As I said before, when the New Testament existed and was accepted as Word of God, the Roman Catholic Church didn’t even exist as such, but there was ( and till today there is ) ONLY ONE CHURCH!
But in that time there wasn’t even any so clear HUMAN and CARNAL division in the Church as it is the case today.

In Love,

As I said before, when the New Testament existed and was accepted as Word of God, the Roman Catholic Church didn’t even exist as such, but there was ( and till today there is ) ONLY ONE CHURCH!
But in that time there wasn’t even any so clear HUMAN and CARNAL division in the Church as it is the case today.

In Love,
So… I suppose the New Testament just sorta dropped from the sky and the Church said “Looks good to us.” :rolleyes: Seriously, though, in the first few centuries of the Church there was alot of disagreement as to what the NT Canon consisted of. Some of the Early Church Fathers thought that James, Revelation, Hebrews and a two others (I think 2 Peter and 3 John, but I can’t remember for sure) did not belong in the canon (perhaps that’s why Luther put them in the back of his Bible). Other Early Church Fathers were convinced that other writings (like the Didache, the epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, and epistles of Ignatius of Antioch) were part of the canon. So, how could the church simply “accept” the canon if good and holy men like the ECFs differed as to what the canon consisted of.

BTW, Yaqubos, since you seem to be of the ‘Bible only’ type, I have 4 questions for you that I want you to answer using THE BIBLE ALONE. These questions were originally posted by fellow forum member BobCatholic on the “Why I rejected Sola Scriptura” thread in the non-Catholic religion section.
My “infamous 4 questions” are as following:
Using Scripture alone, please tell me:
  1. Where it says that the number of books in the New Testament is officially 27.
  2. Where does it say what books belong in the NT?
  3. Where does it say what versions of the books belong in the NT? For example: There was a version of Matthew’s Gospel that had 8 chapters worth of text. Another with 18. A third with 28. Which one is the correct one, using Scripture alone?
  4. Where does it say which TRANSLATION of the books in the NT is the correct one?
    The answers to these infamous 4 questions were determined infallibly, and correctly. If they’re not, then there’s no way to practice the principles of Sola Scriptura, since there’s no “Scriptura” to be the “Sola” authority.
    According to Sola Scriptura, there must be a scriptural basis for these infallibly determined beliefs. So I look forward to the Bible verses that answer these 4 questions /
Oh, and one last thing… the table of contents doesn’t count! 😉
Peace be with you!
So… I suppose the New Testament just sorta dropped from the sky and the Church said “Looks good to us.”
Wrong! Totally wrong! We don’t believe about the Bible what the Muslims believe about the Qur’an!

First: what is the Church?
Do the Disciples belong to the Church?
Did God choose to reveal His Word without humans understanding and obeying to that Revelation?
If humans contributed in writing the Inspired Word, does this mean that they have authority over that Inspiration?
Seriously, though, in the first few centuries of the Church there was alot of disagreement as to what the NT Canon consisted of. Some of the Early Church Fathers thought that James, Revelation, Hebrews and a two others (I think 2 Peter and 3 John, but I can’t remember for sure) did not belong in the canon (perhaps that’s why Luther put them in the back of his Bible). Other Early Church Fathers were convinced that other writings (like the Didache, the epistle of Clement to the Corinthians, and epistles of Ignatius of Antioch) were part of the canon. So, how could the church simply “accept” the canon if good and holy men like the ECFs differed as to what the canon consisted of.
Ah, yes. And some Church Fathers believed in universalism ( like Origen ), so you must believe in Universalism…
Another Father ( Tertullian ) became a Montanist! So you must follow montanism!!!..

My friend, do you know that all New Testament books were accepted by the Church without any problem, until some philosophers like you appeared in the history of the Church?
And do you know how the Church finally rejected all books that didn’t belong to the Bible?
BTW, Yaqubos, since you seem to be of the ‘Bible only’ type, I have 4 questions for you that I want you to answer using THE BIBLE ALONE. These questions were originally posted by fellow forum member BobCatholic on the “Why I rejected Sola Scriptura” thread in the non-Catholic religion section.
Oh, and one last thing… the table of contents doesn’t count!
First, thank you for not respecting me by putting me in a group that you call “type”.
Second: if you don’t want God’s Word alone, whose words do you want?
Scripture alone is Scripture alone in matters of doctrine and practice. The strongest proof that those books belong in the Bible is INSIDE them. And that is principally what helped the Church keep them against all the attacks.

So these 4 questions are just another way to ask one question which is:
Which human authority decided which books are the Word of God?

And this question is a totally wrong question!

We must ask: Can God keep His Word against the human and satanic attacks?!!!

To be continued in the next reply…

In Love,

We believe in what God teaches, and not humans. This is simply what that Bible only mean.
As the Apostles said:

“We must obey God rather than men.” ( Acts 5:29 )

That is what Christians believe!

We believe:

“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” ( 2 Timothy 3:16 )

So as we want to obey God rather than men, we must obey just what He inspired!

And we strongly believe that no human can interpret the Bible as he wants, but that the Scripture interprets Scripture, because:

“But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation,
for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.” ( 2 Peter 1:20-21 )

I guess it’s clear that we must obey God ALONE, who speaks to us by His Holy Spirit in the Scripture.

So these questions are hypocrite questions.

Take for example the first question:

“1) Where it says that the number of books in the New Testament is officially 27.”

This is a very hypocrite question. For you are just like asking a non existing book to witness for itself! I mean, if we take now a book where it is written the number of books belonging to the NT, how can we know that this book belongs itself to the Bible?

You see? The whole question is like asking: where is the sun, while looking to the sun.

Nobody decided the number of the books of the New Testament! The case is that only 27 books contained the Word of God, and these books imposed themselves on the Church.

Take the second hypocrite question:

“2) Where does it say what books belong in the NT?”

It is just the same question! The Bible belongs to the Bible! The Word of God is the Word of God. And when you read the Bible, you find all the elements that make the Bible the Word of God.
The People of God always believed in it, until some vain philosophers questioned it! Even the writers of those books said that what they are writing is inspired! And other inspired writers witness for each other’s writing!

The third question:

“3) Where does it say what versions of the books belong in the NT? For example: There was a version of Matthew’s Gospel that had 8 chapters worth of text. Another with 18. A third with 28. Which one is the correct one, using Scripture alone?”

The one that was always there until some people made some mistakes in copying or in preserving their copies!
The Bible didn’t need to tell you that it is the Bible!

“4) Where does it say which TRANSLATION of the books in the NT is the correct one?”

All translations are just translations. All are good if they follow faithfully the original text! What need to ask the Bible about this? The Bible has the words in it! It is up to you to understand those words well, and to translate them well in the context of the Bible.

So as you see these questions are not about doctrine, but about unbelief in the heart of the person who asks!

The Bible clearly teaches that the Scripture must be explained by the Scripture, because it is not a human book!

I have explained this before.

In Love,
Hello Yaqubos. Your answers do not help us support “Sola Scriptura”, which says that Scripture Alone, with not external information necessary, is sufficient.
So these questions are hypocrite questions.
These are valid questions and if “Sola Scriptura” is correct, the answers must be in scripture.
1) Where it says that the number of books in the New Testament is officially 27.”

This is a very hypocrite question.
You are avoiding the question. If Sola Scriptura is correct, pleas point out within scriptue where the answer is.
"2) Where does it say what books belong in the NT?"

It is just the same question! The Bible belongs to the Bible!
Once again, you did not answer the question from Scripture.
"3) Where does it say what versions of the books belong in the NT? For example: There was a version of Matthew’s Gospel that had 8 chapters worth of text. Another with 18. A third with 28. Which one is the correct one, using Scripture alone?"
The answer is not from scripture. Again, if Sola Scriptura is correct, the answere must come from Scripture alone.
4) Where does it say which TRANSLATION of the books in the NT is the correct one?”
All translations are just translations. All are good if they follow faithfully the original text! What need to ask the Bible about this?
By Sola Scriptura, we are to go to the Bible Alone, therefore we must be able to tell from Scripture alone if a translation is in error.

The whole point is that Sola Scriptura says all matters of doctrine must be provided by Scripture alone. If we cannot show the doctrine of Sola Scriptura using only Scripture, the doctrine of Sola Scriptura is a false doctrine and must be rejected.

Yours in Christ.
Hello Yaqubos. Your answers do not help us support “Sola Scriptura”, which says that Scripture Alone, with not external information necessary, is sufficient.

These are valid questions and if “Sola Scriptura” is correct, the answers must be in scripture.

You are avoiding the question. If Sola Scriptura is correct, pleas point out within scriptue where the answer is.

Once again, you did not answer the question from Scripture.

The answer is not from scripture. Again, if Sola Scriptura is correct, the answere must come from Scripture alone.

By Sola Scriptura, we are to go to the Bible Alone, therefore we must be able to tell from Scripture alone if a translation is in error.

The whole point is that Sola Scriptura says all matters of doctrine must be provided by Scripture alone. If we cannot show the doctrine of Sola Scriptura using only Scripture, the doctrine of Sola Scriptura is a false doctrine and must be rejected.

Yours in Christ.
Thank you- I couldn’t have said it better myself!👍 :cool:
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