Do you have a hobby?

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I like to read. So boring. I like hiking too.

I wish I had a useful hobby like sewing or cooking. But, of course I hate cooking and sewing. sigh.

My dh has a neat hobby. He does competitive archery. And, he is a 4-H leader in shooting sports.

After my kids grow up and if God doesn’t have some other time consuming work for me, I want to learn to paint. I also want to write a book. Someday…
I have both an avocation and a hobby. My avocation is calligraphy and illuminated manuscripts. Yes, I actually cure and cut my own goose and turkey quills for use as pens (and yes, I do have geese and turkeys…No, I do not pull their feathers out. They moult and I pick them up). Yes, I actually use gold leaf.

My hobby is painting military miniatures. When I was younger, I painted entire armies on commission for war gamers. My personal favorites are 54mm historical figures like this one:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

I have a fair collection of figures from ancient Greece up to the American Civil War. My favorite period for figures is the Napoleonic Era.
Chevalier, my dear husband (of six years) and I play on-line RPGs together, so there is hope and even joy for your future 😉

Since marriage and motherhood are my vocation, I don’t have much time for hobbies, but I have a few that are very enjoyable and profitable. I have a part time job is a Christian bookstore which I love - I do store parties, the store website, and just sell obsessively. I also sell Avon and grow veggies, both of which are also delightful to me. All three of them, in addition to being fun, are profitable for my family!

Now if only housework could also be a hobby for me…
I also want to write a book. Someday…
Leonie, if you’re interested in writing fiction, try National Novel Writing Month! 👍

My hobbies are sudokus, music (I play and teach a variety of instruments), and writing. I’ve written three novels, two of them through NaNoWriMo (link above) in the last 15 months. I go to a writer’s group every week where we take turns reading and giving/getting critiques on our writing.
I have both an avocation and a hobby. My avocation is calligraphy and illuminated manuscripts. Yes, I actually cure and cut my own goose and turkey quills for use as pens (and yes, I do have geese and turkeys…No, I do not pull their feathers out. They moult and I pick them up). Yes, I actually use gold leaf.

My hobby is painting military miniatures. When I was younger, I painted entire armies on commission for war gamers. My personal favorites are 54mm historical figures like this one:

I have a fair collection of figures from ancient Greece up to the American Civil War. My favorite period for figures is the Napoleonic Era.
This is very impressive - beautiful detail! 👍
I am TOTALLY ADHD, I have so many hobbies and can’t stick with any of them!

Web Design
Shopping (mostly just looking though!)
Doing crosswords with hubby
Addicted to politics and pro-life

Mostly I start something and get distracted and leave it half done. See? I even bore myself!
Oh, and I collect vintage hankies. How strange is that?
Mostly the silk screened kind.
I am TOTALLY ADHD, I have so many hobbies and can’t stick with any of them!

Web Design
Shopping (mostly just looking though!)
Doing crosswords with hubby
Addicted to politics and pro-life

Mostly I start something and get distracted and leave it half done. See? I even bore myself!
Apart from cooking well (and eating well, which usually goes hand in glove with it) my passions are Asian and Impressionist art (mainly Van Gogh), and reading up about history (mainly Tudor/Elizabethan era England, though Ancient Rome is lots of fun too).

Not to mention crochet, which I’ve done on and off for years. There’s a thread around here somewhere that is an informal knitting/crocheting club. One of the posters spoke of prayer shawls, which sounds great, just started on my first one :cool: 👍
Not very unusual, but I love scrapbooking and card making. I’ve been scrapping for about 10 or so years, and have completed about 30 scrapbooks. Most are my kids pictures, but I’ve made “gift” books for my sister’s 40th birthday and my aunt’s 80th. I did an album for my parents’ 50th anniversary with my sister.

I started making cards a few years ago after I went to a Stampin’ Up party at a friend’s house. I have lots of stamps and stickers and paper…a room full. I’ve done Christmas cards for various people and groups and some wedding invitations. I feel like I’ve really accomplished something when I make these cards. BUT when I tried to sell them at Craft Fairs, nobody wanted them. Hmmm…maybe they’re not as cool as I thought they were.
I probably wouldn’t buy any either* but I love receiving them. Many are like little works of art and can live beyond the occasion and be displayed indefinetly, even framed. Even if they are not works of art 😉 I always appreciate the thought and effort.

*My mom makes them and I can see if she has extras or “commission” my own if I don’t want to make one myself. And I usually don’t want to mine are pretty craptastic.
Hi everyone!

It was really nice reading about your hobbies.

It seems a lot of people are into bird-watching. I used to like to do that too—because there was a time a lot of birds used to fly around the garden at the back of the house of my parents. I don’t know what happened, but one day they just stopped coming. I remember the soothing, melodious sounds of birds chirping when I woke up. I miss that a lot.

It was also interesting to know that some shared their hobbies with their spouse. I think that’s a nice way of spending quality time together.

Some who answered said they enjoyed reading—which I also like to do. I think its great to know about different people and places. My grandfather (who passed away already) and my dad collected books on varied topics and the house is full of them. It was great growing up in such an environment.

Camping—I used to be a girl scout long, long ago. I remember camping in a mountain for a National Jamboree once where I learned to be resourceful. It was a fun thing then—wish I could do it again. Right now, as an adult, vacations are spent mostly in rented huts near beaches with friends and not in the great outdoors in a tent. I think camping is a nice hobby to do.

Some answered scrapbook making, cardmaking, building houses out of Lego,carpentry, fishing, music, astronomy, showing dogs, puzzles, cooking, photography, role-playing, history, webpages, archery, calligraphy, painting military miniatures, illuminated manuscripts, growing vegetables, baking, the arts, crocheting etc… what a lovely list!

Exercising as a hobby? --Wow! I should make it MY hobby coz I need to loose some weight after the holidays

It was funny comment that Orogeny made about guessing where puzzleannie got her screenname—she obviously like puzzles a lot. What an interesting hobby, puzzleannie!

Overall, it was nice finding out what other people’s hobbies are. 🙂

Thank you for referring the foodnetwork site to me. I used to watch it on cable TV, but since we changed our cable provider, I haven’t been able to see it anymore. It used to be my favorite channel.
Ma. Eugenia, do you specialize in Filipino cuisine, or do you collect recipes from elsewhere?
I love to eat Filipino food. However, I am not a specialist in it like my mom who used to do some cooking and baking demonstrations on TV a few decades ago. I like to do simple pasta dishes like Fettucini, though I cannot say I am a specialist at it. I like to bake too. I think I am more of a “student” than a “master” when it comes to cooking. I joined food clubs that gives free cooking lessons which I sometimes attend.
Oh, and I could do with a good recipe for pancit.
FCEGM, you know about pancit? Wow, are you Filipino just like me?

Anyway, I am not an expert in pancit. All I know is that I like almost all the varieties of pancit. Coming from Manila (Luzon), I love Pancit Malabon, Pancit Luglog, Pancit Bihon and Pancit Canton. There are other kinds of pancits from other regions like in the Visayas.

I have a friend who lived about an hour’s drive from where I live. One Christmas, she gave me a “bilao” or big round container made from dried leaves filled with Pancit Malabon she had bought near her place… It was the best I had ever tasted. Many times, my parents would make the trip to the restaurant just to order a big “bilao” of Pancit Malabon for some celebrations in the house. Yummmm!

Anyway, I researched the internet for some recipes, I hope they will be helpful for you.🙂

Here are the sites:

For Pancit Canton:

For Pancit Malabon:

For Pancit Bihon:
FCEGM, you know about pancit? Wow, are you Filipino just like me?

Anyway, I am not an expert in pancit. All I know is that I like almost all the varieties of pancit. Coming from Manila (Luzon), I love Pancit Malabon, Pancit Luglog, Pancit Bihon and Pancit Canton. There are other kinds of pancits from other regions like in the Visayas.

I have a friend who lived about an hour’s drive from where I live. One Christmas, she gave me a “bilao” or big round container made from dried leaves filled with Pancit Malabon she had bought near her place… It was the best I had ever tasted. Many times, my parents would make the trip to the restaurant just to order a big “bilao” of Pancit Malabon for some celebrations in the house. Yummmm!

Anyway, I researched the internet for some recipes, I hope they will be helpful for you.🙂

Here are the sites:

For Pancit Canton:

For Pancit Malabon:

For Pancit Bihon:
Thank you for those recipes, Ma. Eugenia - they all look great! I think it was the last that I had at the home of a Filipina friend in California. No, I’m not Filipino, but a number of Filipinas were members of my Secular Discalced Carmelite Community in California, so it was through them that I became acquainted with a few Filipino dishes. They always had a Filipino booth at the annual festival at the friars’ monastery in San Jose, CA; I remember eating that dessert that includes peas - now THAT was a bit strange to me. 😉

Happy cooking! 🙂
I wonder if other people here also have hobbies that are far from what they really do in their regular jobs.

Anyone wants to share what his/her hobby is?
I like to draw and I’m an Accountant for a living. 😃 I also like scrapbooking, but I think I love the idea of it more than actually doing it. I have so many pictures it’s just too overwhelming, so mainly I like to just make other paper crafts like collages and bookmarks.
I used to do cross stitching, but would lose patience.
Oh and I collect recipes too 😉 , but just usually never have the time to try them out.
I enjoy doing my famlies genealogy, I love history in general so I like to soak up what I can either through books or the history channel which can be fun to watch. I don’t seem to have the time for my hobbies of late but I try 🙂
Many hobbies, which I rotate between depending on how I’m feeling. I bake a lot, really enjoy cooking in generally, make chainmail and bead jewellery, design and sew some of my own clothes, read compulsively, and do Middle Eastern dance. I’ve done spinning and weaving, but I haven’t done either in a couple of years.

I’m probably forgetting something .
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