Do you have a hobby?

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Thank you for those recipes, Ma. Eugenia - they all look great! I think it was the last that I had at the home of a Filipina friend in California. No, I’m not Filipino, but a number of Filipinas were members of my Secular Discalced Carmelite Community in California, so it was through them that I became acquainted with a few Filipino dishes. They always had a Filipino booth at the annual festival at the friars’ monastery in San Jose, CA; I remember eating that dessert that includes peas - now THAT was a bit strange to me. 😉

Happy cooking! 🙂
Thanks FCEGM.

Am glad you like Filipino cuisine. 🙂
Hi again!

Nice hobbies you have.

I think its great to have hobbies because it allows us to do something we like while having a break from work.

Karen1996 is an accountant who likes to draw. That’s really different from her work.

I remember reading about my country’s former President —Cory Aquino. After retiring, she took up painting. Who would’ve known she had the talent?! I remember she once said that it was just a hobby for her. Some of her paintings she gave away to friends. I was telling friends that one day those paintings (in my opinion, are artistically made) are going to be worth something as she is an important figure in politics and in my country’s history–even if its just a hobby for her.

anamchara likes history channel. She’s just like my bestfriend who I just recently found out likes the History channel too. Before, I would have guessed my bestfriend’s preference as ETC or those Hollywood news channels because she seemed always updated with the latest Hollywood news—but no! I was really surprised my bestfriend likes history—she even told me the whole story of Idi Amin. I think learning about history is also learning about other people’s culture. It is interesting.

Lissla Lissar she does Middle eastern dance? Is that like belly-dancing? That’s interesting. I heard many people take it up to keep fit, though, I imagine, not many people have the grace required for that—me included. 😃 I think learning other people’s dance (ar any art form) is also a way of learning about their culture.

Thanks for sharing your hobbies with me. 🙂
I probably wouldn’t buy any either* but I love receiving them. Many are like little works of art and can live beyond the occasion and be displayed indefinetly, even framed. Even if they are not works of art 😉 I always appreciate the thought and effort.

*My mom makes them and I can see if she has extras or “commission” my own if I don’t want to make one myself. And I usually don’t want to mine are pretty craptastic.
Tell you what, though, I can’t imagine buying a card at Walgreens for $3 or $4 when I’ll sell you a one-of-a-kind keepsake care for $1 or so. People do love getting them. Well, women love them. I seldom make cards for men except my dad. He has every card any of us has ever given him squirrelled away in a box.

He has a cool hobby. He plays the guitar and sings at nursing homes and senior communities. He and his partner play old music from the 30s and 40s mostly, with a smattering of other songs. She plays the bailalaika (I’m sure that’s spelled wrong…it’s kind of like an Eastern European mandolin) and they both play guitar and banjo. They play 4 to 6 times a month, but now that she’s retired too, they’re planning to play more often. He’s as old as most of the people he’s playing for…he’ll be 77 next week. They’ve been doing this for over 20 years. He sings in a chorus too, the Gateway Singers (not the Gateway Men’s Chorus, which is a whole 'nother kind of chorus).
I like teaching dogs obedience. I think a well-trained dog is the best kind of pet to have and I am currently working with my own - my brand new Scotty. He is now 6 months old and his name is Shaw’s William Wallace MacDuff (nickname: Duffy the Wonderbeast) and he is doing pretty well with Heal, sit, stay and come…I have not started with “down” yet but that comes probably after he has the others down well enough to do off leash…
I pick a topic and learn everything I can about it. It’s usually something that I saw that piqued my interest, and often it’s religious in nature.

Currently it’s the Amish. I grew up around them but didn’t really know much. So I go to the library and get as many books as I can. Go online and read online resources, etc.

Then when my interest has been satisfied, I’ll move on to something else.

I thought I was the only one who did this! My DH thinks I’m a freak because I get totally immersed in one subject for a while, it’s all I read/think/talk about, then I’m done! Off to something new and exciting again.
I enjoy flying radio control model airplanes with my husband. We’re been doing this for 30 years.
Hahahaha!!! I used to fix the radios for Japan Remote, then I went to work for the competition doing tech support for their RealFlight software… I was awesome at heli’s in the software…but never wanted to crash a real one.
A couple others said role playing games. I am hooked on on-line RPGs. I’m in beta test for one and can’t wait for it to go live (just a few weeks more!) I also collect stamps, US, Canada, Australia, and German States.

I have one other, but it takes so long it almost doesn’t count. I clean ancient coins. I have a Roman one in my pocket from about 50AD. It has the head of Caludius on it. They’re not nearly as valuable as they sound.

I liked reading about all your hobbies. Thank you.

God Bless You.
A couple others said role playing games. I am hooked on on-line RPGs. I’m in beta test for one and can’t wait for it to go live (just a few weeks more!) I also collect stamps, US, Canada, Australia, and German States.

I have one other, but it takes so long it almost doesn’t count. I clean ancient coins. I have a Roman one in my pocket from about 50AD. It has the head of Caludius on it. They’re not nearly as valuable as they sound.

I liked reading about all your hobbies. Thank you.

God Bless You.
I trust you mean Claudius - I saw that and thought ‘was there ever an Emperor Caludius?’

If you ever feel like a few extra Australian stamps …
My most important hobbies are writing, drawing/illustrating and now I’m starting up portraits as well. My first one (portrait of my nephew for a Christmas gift) turned out excellent! 👍

I LOVE drawing. 🙂
Might have been a cat in disguise. 😃
I’ve heard that there is a bobcat in my area. :bigyikes:

Hubby’s co-worker saw one go under his neighbor’s porch.

My hobby is hiking in the warmer months.

In the winter months I go into hibernation. 😛
(In other words I try to stay inside as much as possible)

Hibernation time is when I tend to read a lot.
I also do Middle Eastern dance, specializing in Egyptian. It is sometimes called danse orientale. Some people call it bellydance which does not always have a good image in the media. It is excellent exercise that teaches incredible control of the individual muscles because the feet, legs, hips, torso, arms and head may all be required to do different choreographed movements simultaneously. When I was performing regularly with a troupe, we had traditional costumes that covered all of the torso and long sleeves because in Egypt the torso must be covered by law even if it is with a semi-sheer fabric.

I’m an attorney, so imagine the surprise when people find out that particular hobby! I also sew, sing and embroider decently after many years of practice. I’m sort of a perpetual student, so I’m working on piano, swimming, a couple of additional languages, crocheting and knitting. I never have to worry about having idle hands.
I’m hooked on these things:

needlework collecting - used to do cross stitching
s h o p p i n g

Kumusta, kababayan Eugenia!
Hi everyone!

Sorry for my late reply. I had been busy with my Midterm exams since last week.

It is really nice to learn about your hobbies. Some of those who answered had really different hobbies from their regular jobs.

I think having a hobby makes life more interesting.

Thank you for sharing your hobbies with me.



To ilt:
Hello to you too, kababayan! Nice to meet another Filipino like me in this forum.
Downhill skiing–as often as I can make it happen. Yesterday there were 10" of new powder in the mountains and it took very little cajoling for a girlfriend to talk me into playing hookey for the day. My dh is wonderful about encouraging me to go–knowing how much I love it–and even volunteered to go into work an hour late to get my youngest on the bus so we could leave early. It was glorious!! The best part of the day was hearing my good friend giggling like a 6 y.o. as we floated through the snow–I don’t know if she even realized she was doing it, but you rarely hear such sincere, unrestrained expressions of joy. And if you think you’ve seen beautiful cathedrals made of wood or stone, try a forested mountainside covered in a blanket of fresh snow!
Downhill skiing–as often as I can make it happen. Yesterday there were 10" of new powder in the mountains and it took very little cajoling for a girlfriend to talk me into playing hookey for the day. My dh is wonderful about encouraging me to go–knowing how much I love it–and even volunteered to go into work an hour late to get my youngest on the bus so we could leave early. It was glorious!! The best part of the day was hearing my good friend giggling like a 6 y.o. as we floated through the snow–I don’t know if she even realized she was doing it, but you rarely hear such sincere, unrestrained expressions of joy. And if you think you’ve seen beautiful cathedrals made of wood or stone, try a forested mountainside covered in a blanket of fresh snow!
I hope another hobby is being nice to that sweet husband! Congrats on picking a winner.
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