Do you listen to "talk radio" Mark Levin- or Rush Limbaugh" Or?

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Pop music radio and talk radio are 2 different animals, I think. Demographic, advertisers, target audience, totally different!
That’s not “education”. Education is seeking out information from a wide variety of sources and making your own conclusions. What you’re doing is only seeking out people who are going to feed you conclusions you want to hear
When I was in college I listened to conservative radio and NPR/BBC news sources pretty equally so as to be able to form a more well rounded opinion. I’ve never been able to stomach the television mainstream news channels. It also helped me to have more civil conversations with people because I was familiar with their viewpoints. Now I stick to Catholic news sources. EWTN news shows on TV and online sources on Facebook/Instagram/YouTube.
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No, I am getting an education because they relate what news is being reported, what events are being reported and how they are being reported. Then I get educated about what is really happening.
I get the truth. It turns out 2+2 doesn’t equal 5 as some news media would like you to believe or that an apple is really an orange. I still hear all sides, but I get to choose which one I agree with. That is why the liberal media hates the fact FOX and the conservative radio shows are out there because they don’t have the monopoly anymore of how news is presented to the American public.
Hot take: people who only consume media they know they’ll agree with/reinforce what they already think are intellectually cowardly.

People like Rush and Hannity are part of that world. So are the Buzzfeeds and MSNBCs, of course
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The few big corporations that bought up so many radio stations are struggling with debt, predictably so. I don’t think that it means that radio stations themselves are no longer profitable.
How does Rush exploit people and situations?
Rush never went to college and yet he is able to do a 3 hour radio show 5 days a week about today’s politics and current
events. I started listening to Rush in my
early 40’s. I am 66 now. That is quite a career. I don’t know what year he began because I couldn’t and didn’t listen to him when he first started.
Yes, he is giving his opinion and whenever I listen to him I can choose to agree or disagree with him. He has a lot of insight and keeps me focused on what is really going on.
I have no idea what you are referring to when it comes to economic politics or your story about the 10 cookies.
I listen to EWTN radio…can’t stand the endless rantings of both right and left wing radio “entertainers”…that’s all the whole bunch of them are…feeding the gullible with what they want to hear while they reap multi millions of dollars…no wonder this country is so polarized…they should get rid of the lot of them and get back to reporting the news…unbiased and factual…same goes for TV…FOX…CNN…MSNBC…they also just cater to the same crowds…and it all comes down to the almighty dollar…whichever radio or TV station draws the biggest crowd to their “entertainment celebrity” gets the biggest sponsors

It was a joke, playing up on the OP managing to spell his name properly in the thread title, but not in the OP.

I like listening to Mark Davis-- usually. He has a few subjects that make me turn off the dial. He’s on the “local” stations in TX, but subs on a few national shows as well. He’s informative, fun, has great pacing, and is a sharp, articulate guy. I like that.

I like how Levin brings a very grounded-in-legal-history outlook to certain subjects. You don’t get that anywhere else. I like his monologues; the caller interaction is hit or miss, depending on my mood, the caller, and my tolerance level for getting-to-their-point or deliberately-not-understanding-the-point-the-caller-is-trying-to-make.

Limbaugh is entertaining. I know better than to rely on him for information regarding all sides of a subject— but he does bring perspectives that I don’t get to consume anywhere else, and so that’s healthy and enjoyable, and he does it in a fun way.

I’ve dabbled with a few others. Hannity is okay, except he spends three hours going over the same talking points, so it’s sort of like the plot progression of a soap opera. I prefer my information to be a bit punchier and more expansive. Laura Ingraham used to be cool, but the local stations dropped her program, and I haven’t heard her in years. I tried Michael Savage a bit, but his program was dropped as well-- I had the impression of a lot of bitterness/anger, and talk radio is cool when you’re pointing out flaws, and being frustrated with them is okay-- but when it starts crossing into truly negative emotions, that feeds the bad stereotypes.

The thing is, talk radio fills a niche. Not everybody is monolithic, and thinks the same way… but if you tune in to CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/whatever, they’re pretty interchangeable, frequently use the same perspective on a situation, talk about it using the same phrases, and so on. So, it can be a bit refreshing if there’s a subject, and you think about it in a particular way-- it’s reassuring to know you’re not the only one on the planet who thinks that way, and here’s a nice, smart, articulate guy who thinks similarly, as well, on subjects x, y, and z— so let’s listen to him and find out about current events through his filter.

But you always remember, everyone has a filter and a perspective, and no one’s job is to tell you all sides of an issue… so you don’t just live in an echo chamber, where everyone always agrees with you, but it’s even worse to live in a world where everyone disagrees with you, all the time! 😛
No, he advances the worship of the FALSE IDOL Donald Trump.

I quit listening to him when he abandoned his principles.

You are not being educated, you are being indoctrinated. There is no difference between Rush and the democrats.
No, he advances the worship of the FALSE IDOL Donald Trump.

I quit listening to him when he abandoned his principles.

You are not being educated, you are being indoctrinated. There is no difference between Rush and the democrats.
What principles did he abandon?
There is a difference between being indoctrinated and educated. I assure you I have not been indoctrinated and there is a huge difference between Rush and the democrats.
Rush and Trump look down on working class Americans. They are part of the Establishment Elite. I walked away from the GOP when Trump bullied his way into the nomination. If necessary I will do so again in 2020 to vote for a conservative candidate.
What gives you the impression they look DOWN on working class Americans. I disagree with your assessment 100%.
Listening to Levin’s calm and soothing voice is the high point of my day.
I like watching Tucker Carlson every night. He is very down to earth and fair. I am quite certain he is a Christian- judging from some of his subtle comments, my guess is Anglican.
I listen to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin as often as I can.
Yikes … I gave them a chance, but was turned off by their unchristian attitudes, comments and presentation.

I keep my family and kids as far away from them as possible…

Same for the loons over at MSNBC and CNN
What are some examples of unChristian attitudes, comments and presentation?
They are helping to keep America on track and not go off the deep end that the progressive liberals are pushing us to.
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