Do you pray the rosary daily? Is it helpful?

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I pray it daily and have found that it is so very helpful… Try it!

God Bless… JMJ

Laura :getholy:
Yes indeed it is very helpful…I pray at least four a day…has brought me not only closer to Our Blessed Lady…but to her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ…🙂
I try to pray the Rosary daily. Around lunchtime. At first I thought I was only saying it though, but now I find it helps my day immensely. Around lunchtime I get tired and I yawn often during my prayers but afterwards I’m fully refreshed for hours. The Rosary is so relaxing to me.
almost everyday. about 0.9 time/day, that is something like 1.042e-5 Hz
I began praying the Rosary in my car when Living Bread Radio began transmitting last summer. Through the 20 mysteries Mary leads us through the gospel.

I now begin each CCD lesson with one decade of the Rosary. You should see the effect it has on these kids. They desperately need it.

I have a tape of the Rosary and pray it while riding my exercise bike.

Just do it!
I have prayed the rosary daily. But, lately I have not. I try to do it as often as possible though. I love praying the rosary. It is like my meditation and makes me feel so thankful for what I have. Does that make any sense? If you prayred the rosary often you will know what I mean.

God bless all of you,
I try to pray it every day and usually succeed. Most often I can work my way through all the mysteries while running or taking a long walk, but if I don’t make it outside for the day, I try to say at least one mystery before I go to sleep.

I provides me with such a great resevoir of peace and at the same time a hunger to seek more spiritual nourishment. An amazingly comprehensive devotion. Can be done any where and includes prayers to God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as well ask requests to Mary to lead us on the correct way in life through the “pray for us sinners now,” from the Hail Mary. I love how meditation forms a backdrop for the prayers; great synthesis of vocal and mental prayer. I don’t understand how people have a full prayer life without it.
I didn’t read EVERY post, so I maybe the only one with this take…I try to pray the Rosary every Sunday. I find that I struggle during that time. I struggle to keep my mind focused on the praying and not letting it wander to other things in my life. I find it hard to stay focused and in one spot the entire time.
I also pray the Holy Rosary daily and I pray The Chaplet of Divine Mercy a few times a week.

Infrequently, I may request guidance or intercession in time of despair however I truthfully do not “expect” grace in this regard.

My continous goal, which I continue to attain, is to be closer to God and The Blessed Mother and to continuously strengthen my faith while becoming a better christian. This is truly the most fundamental and essential grace anyone truly needs in my opinion.
I try to pray it most days before bed. Most times I fall asleep before I get far. It does help alot. It also helps me relax and helps me get to sleep.
i said yes, but that’s more what i TRY to do, and sometimes do, than what i usually do.

i LOVE the rosary. i’m a convert, so the rosary was a big step for me. it was hard to get over the anti-marian teachings i’d been brought up on.

but experientially - i learned quickly how efficacious the rosary can be. i always gain SO MUCH from just one ring around the rosie… 🙂

since starting to pray the rosary, i’ve spent so much more time in prayer, and praying for specific things (and people) than i EVER did before.

i love the rosary - it’s a great gift.
I have been praying it everyday for a while now. I really grew and matured in my faith once I began praying it. Mary really went to work on me and brought me closer to her Son.
I pray the rosary every day after daily mass, and it most deffinetly helps. I’ve found that I’ve developed a closer connection with Mary and Its amazing how once you reach out to her she really takes the nurturing, mother figure and watches over you in amazing ways! Mary also brings a peace, and leads you closer to her son, and i strongly reccomend if your not already praying the rosray daily, to hop to it!

God Bless
Not really. 😦 I should though because I have a rosary and sometimes I just lay on my bed holding the crucifix in my hands just doing nothing but meditating! I sometimes say 1 Hail Mary on the way to school or 10 but not holding the rosary. Is this okay too?

I need to pray to start praying the Rosary the right way! Is there a right way?
I do pray the Rosary every day, but seldom for myself. I don’t know if its been helpful for the people for whom I’ve prayed.
I pray the Rosary before bedtime - I think I’ve missed about 3 nights in the last five weeks. I’ve found that it helps me sleep better, and the next day is easier to wake up and just feel good. 🙂

The mornings after nights when I didn’t pray it are usually more rocky - harder to get up, and I just feel icky for a good part of the day.
I used to pray all of the mysteries each day on my drives to and from work and on my lunch break. I found it very helpful. Unfortunately 😦 I haven’t been doing it lately. It’s something I have to start doing again.
i do not understand your second question. helpful in what way. how would you determine if it is “helpful?” Who said prayer has to be “helpful” or have and discernable, measurable “effect”, what is important is to be faithful in prayer, not to go looking for “results”
I pray the rosary but it is dry. However, that does not stop me from praying it. It takes Fatih to pray and not know the outcomes of the prayer. There are ‘things’ going on that we are not aware of when we pray…or should those be left not to our knowing…at least we will know in Heaven what are prayers meant to those they were applied to.
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