Do you pray the rosary daily? Is it helpful?

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No! But that changes today… no reason (at least no good one) why i shouldn’t start today…

thanks for the idea…
I have been a Catholic now for about two years. I fumbled around trying to say the Rosary every now and then, maybe three or four times in the last three years. But I received (what I believe to be) a special grace on the death of our Holy Father John Paul II. I have now managed to pray the Rosary every day (five mysteries anyhow) since April 2. Yes, sometimes I fall asleep before I finish, but I figure I am just learning how to do it right.

For instance, at first I was so timid about saying it in front of my husband (not a Catholic) that I waited until he was asleep and said it only mentally laying down. (Guess what happened after a few days?) Then, I realized I needed to sit up and say it to make it through more reliably. Now I am thinking about saying it in the daytime as well.

I can’t say that I always am aware of what the purpose is of saying the prayers. But in my best moments of meditation, I am truly able to meditate on our Lord’s life and sufferings as well as his triumph and the role of his mother in everything. I found Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s book to be very helpful too (Rosary, Chain of Hope). Each section is quite short and packed with information.

I do find praying the Rosary helpful. It is a time of “checking in” with God, a time to meditate on his will in the midst (or at the end of) a very busy day at home with children. I certainly have not mastered the art of it yet, but I thank God that at least I have gotten started down the road. It’s never too late to start praying the Rosary, that’s what I’d say! 🙂
Gene C.:
Hi all,

Do you continue to contemplate the Mystery as you pray the ten Hail Marys? If so, is this hard, do you have a technique?

Thanks in advance for your help,

Gene C.
Y’all have some wonderful meditation methods that I will definitely try. Thanks for asking such a good question, Gene!

One method of staying “on track” I learned from The Secrets of the Rosary by St Louis de Montfort is to say a little phrase that relates to the particular mystery after **each **" Jesus" in the 10 Hail Marys. For example:

The Agony in the Garden:
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, suffering in the garden for the sins of the world. Holy Mary, mother of God…

The Scourging at the Pillar:
thy womb, Jesus, brutally scourged at the pillar. Holy Mary, mother of God…

I started doing this during Lent because I tried to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries everyday and really wanted to stay focused.
It has helped me a lot. I highly recommend everyone get a copy of St Louis de Montfort’s book.

Mrs P
I guess I’m lucky, I have the time to pray the Rosary 3 times every day.

Going to work in the morning, on the bus (joyful), coming home on the bus in the evening (sorrowful) and before I go to sleep (glorious).

Very often, my boss leaves the office for a while, so I do the sorrowful mysteries while he’s out, and then I don’t have to do it on the evening bus, which is always crowded.

Meditating on the glorious mysteries just before going to bed is best! It just clears my mind of all the frustrations and annoyances of the day, and makes me feel very calm and peaceful, and I sleep much better.

I also dedicate each Rosary to a specific cause- the first of the day is for the Souls in Purgatory, the second is for the clergy, and the third is for my own intentions, whatever I think I need help with.
You asked , “Is it helpful”:?

How did you measure "helpful?"
No! But that changes today… no reason (at least no good one) why i shouldn’t start today…

thanks for the idea…
Bravo!!! I am so happy to hear that.

I pray three every day with my mom (she lives close) and I pray a rosary every night with my husband.
I think we need more options… . I pray the rosary usually at least three times a week. I alternate with the Divine Mercy chaplet (some weeks I say the rosary every day, though and some it’s the Divine Mercy one every day). I have a special affinity for the Rosary as I am converting to Catholicism and it’s been a real help for me. I believe Mary is up there praying for me as I draw closer to the church… 😃
I pray the rosary twice a day. Its been such a tremendous grace in my life!

As long as i can remember, my mother has been praying at least 6 rosaries a day!! can you believe that! Her devotion its absolutely nuts! When i used to come home late from partying, she would be in front of the alter in the hallway praying intensely, with her lips moving silently. On other days In the wee hours, there was my mother, engulfed in her rosaries, as i stumbled my way into the bathroom. Its beautiful.
I try to pray the Rosary every day, but it’s hard to remember, and I get so tired sometimes that I slip away from doing it. I definitely see it as a good in my life.
Gene C.:
Hi all,

Do you continue to contemplate the Mystery as you pray the ten Hail Marys? If so, is this hard, do you have a technique?

Thanks in advance for your help,
Gene C.
If you’re like me and your mind wonders easily, I’ve found that looking at pictures of each mystery really helps me focus on meditating on each mystery.

There are many websites out there that have great artwork, and biblical passages pertaining to each mystery of the Rosary.
There are lots of good books and tapes that can help to concentrate on the mysteries as you pray the rosary. I have one by Pope John Paul II that has all 20 mysteries - a scripture for each and an appropriate excerpt from the catechism . It’s not too much and not too little.
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