If you’re of a certain age, you need glasses to find your reading glasses.
That is if you don’t use bifocals.
That is if you don’t use bifocals.
I agree. My friend with the coke bottle glasses doesn’t need anything close to what he needed before the surgery. Most of them are just very disappointed that needed to back to correction at all. Ten years is still ten years but it isn’t for life! I guess it depends on your expectations to begin with.But the good thing is my vision is still much better than it used to be.
BrilliantContacts won’t hold enough beer to be able to smell the hops, so I use glasses . . .
oh, wait . . .
How about large glasses?I wear glasses currently, but I’m thinking about switching to contacts because I don’t like how I look in glasses. Which one do you guys prefer?
I had the new type of lasik called RELEX SMILE two years ago, and what we were told to expect is that the correction lasts roughly until you reach forty, since you can’t stop the natural changes that happens to the eye over time. It could also happen sooner, especially if your vision isn’t stable before having the surgery.You know, all of my children talk about getting lasik surgery and I keep saying to wait. They ask why and I say that because for me, the jury I’d still out on what happens when you get older.
Not an option for me, as the serious stuff corrects in the other direction: the radial cuts/lasering pull flesh together, which changes the roundness of the eye in the direction to cure nearsightedness. But being farsighted, I need correction in the other direction.At one point in time, everyone I worked with seemed to be getting corrective eye surgery. I would have too but I wasn’t a good candidate for the procedure (now, it may be different).
Yes, this was the issue with me as well as astigmatism in my left eye but none in my right. Being farsighted is often handy, though…I could read street signs well before anyone else. When age degeneration hit me, my arms were no longer long enough to read the paper! I used to say I didn’t need glasses, I needed longer arms!the eye in the direction to cure nearsightedness.