I’m an Alaskan, we support ANWR. Even our DEMOCRATS support ANWR. Why? Because there will be NO DAMAGE to the environment. Yes, it will use a bit of land. It will be LESS THAN ONE HALF OF ONE PERCENT of the refuge.
And for those people that want to go see the pretty Caribou…you can’t. ANWR is totally off limits to ‘regular’ people. Its not like yellow stone, there is NO tourism.
PLEASE go to for some FACTS before you start throwing around all the freaking Eco-Lies.
Please take my words to heart on this. We need ANWR. Yes, its jobs, yes its money on our pockets. But thats not all it is. If ANWR is even half as good as it looks, we could cut our imports in half. We’ve been fighting for this for years…and wondering why people are too stupid to see the truth. I blame California.
People just don’t understand about Alaska…we are huge. Two and a half times the size of Texas. The environment is almost totally untouched. Our environmental regulations are extremely tight. I would go so far as to say that the department of Fish & Game is anal retentive…we have to DIRTY our wastewater after it comes out of the treatment plant before we can dump it in the ocean. Its too clean and fresh…it would harm the local sealife if we dumped it without adding silt and other ‘contaminants’…
When construction started on the Pipeline, the local caribou herd had about 3000 animals…its population now stands at over 32,000. The animals use the pipeline and pumping stations as a heat source in the winter, they huddle around the pipeline on cold days.
I know that I’m ranting, but this means alot to us. You have to be here to understand…I have to chase off moose before I can have a BBQ. I’ve been late for work because there was a moose sleeping in the snow behind my car. There are bears in residential neighborhoods. Coyotes, foxes, and Eagles. I have Bald Eagles that live in front of my house. Eagles will eat small dogs…yes its a problem.
The thing is, I live in the BIGGEST city in Alaska. Anchorage has about 300,000 people. Half the population of the state. This is an ‘Urban’ area. Apartments, houses, condo’s. But still very wild.
I hope that people will understand…please visit