Will we also suffer God’s discipline? If so how so? Share your thoughts.
I think we are already suffering from making abortion legal and available. The promiscuity of young people, the brokenness of the family unit, absent fathers, lots of divorce, lots of people living together not married, the amount of people infected with sexually transmitted diseases and the new diseases that are now out there from promiscuity. Broken hearts, broken families, the financial cost to the nation. Who can measure these things? Who can imagine at this point, what life would look like if only 2 people, married to each other, were intimate? That the majority of children had both parents working together as a team under one roof, how would that play out in a nation? We are reaping what we have sown.
Here’s another angle. Back in the Old Testament, we have Moses and Pharaoh in this epic battle of wills. All kinds of things occurred, but the final stroke was the death of the first born. The Israelites slaughtered an unblemished lamb, marked the doorposts of their homes, and death passed them over. Passover. For Egyptians though, their first born died. Soon, the Red Sea parted, and they crossed on dry ground to the other side, and Pharaoh’s army was drowned in the sea.
Why bring this up? Many pieces of the Old Testament point forward in time to when Christ would come. When Christ walked the earth, he fulfilled over 600 prophecies that pointed to the coming Christ. (That would be a fun discussion) The death of the first born of Egypt, Moses parting the Red Sea, the escape of the Israelites and destruction of their enemy, is a foretelling of when
Christ comes a second time. Think about that. At the end of time Christ comes and separates the ‘sheep from the goats’, the ‘wheat from the weeds’ as he spoke in the New Testament. Here’s the big question. What happens if the death of the first born of Egypt is happening today as we witness the death of babies in abortion? Is that why the death of the first born of Egypt was written down to point ahead, to this time of promiscuity and abortion? We are seeing the ‘first born’ of those who do not follow God’s law on marriage and sexuality ending in abortion. This has to happen before Christ comes in glory, to gather his own to himself. When all is revealed at the end of time, we’ll see it all clearly.