Do you think God will chastise America for Abortion in the near future?

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What “blind support”?
By blind I mean ignoring his managerial incompetence, as if he could turn his real estate bankruptcies and reality tv experience into something that could run the country. Hilary Clinton is irrelevant, Republicans should never have allowed him to get the nomination.

And I most certainly include the distorted Democratic defense of abortion rights in the condemnation of single issue politics.
By blind I mean ignoring his managerial incompetence, as if he could turn his real estate bankruptcies and reality tv experience into something that could run the country.
You still don’t get it.
It was fear of where the Democrats were taking the country.
I mentioned gun rights only because it has become a binary issue, where it is all or nothing. Any suggestion of an effort to keep people from shooting up schools and movie theaters and concerts is met with an unyielding “I have the right.”

Children do not have the right to live if someone wants to shoot up a school. That sounds pretty pro choice to me.
Yeah, I do believe we will be chastised…what happened to Babylon when they sacrificed children to Baal?
You don’t get. It is the propagation of fear by exploiting single issue politics that made you afraid of HRC. Fear was more important than competence in running government.

That fear, joined with Republican’s hiding their corruption, is what led to our chastisement by Trump.
I mentioned gun rights only because it has become a binary issue, where it is all or nothing. Any suggestion of an effort to keep people from shooting up schools and movie theaters and concerts is met with an unyielding “I have the right.”

Children do not have the right to live if someone wants to shoot up a school. That sounds pretty pro choice to me.
I wish there were some way to screen out people who would do things like this, and make it the decision of the dealer not to make the sale. Sadly, though, there is no way to know, aside from background checks, and those only indicate past activity, and rely upon the buyer to tell the truth.

Do we try to make sure that someone buying a car isn’t going to use it one day to run down a crowd of people on a busy street? That someone isn’t going to enter a buffet restaurant and surreptitiously spray e.coli on the food, possibly killing other diners? To buy gasoline to pour out inside a crowded building and set fire to it, blocking the exits?

I am going to leave it at that, as this discussion has been going on in this country for years, and there’s nothing I can add to it. Also, I know we have readers who dislike going “off-topic”, and this is beginning to veer away from the OP’s subject.
You don’t get. It is the propagation of fear by exploiting single issue politics that made you afraid of HRC. Fear was more important than competence in running government.

The previous administration’s HHS Contraceptive mandate directly threatened a major chunk of my family’s income, which is from a faithful Catholic institution.

This was a real threat, not something I read on teh Internet. To the point that they were about to lawyer up and have to fight this out in court.

Kindly don’t tell me I got all scared over some silly rumor.
Thanks, that is interesting to know more about the Polish abortion laws at the time.

A little digging online suggests where the OP may have been getting this idea. E.g.:

Her confessor [Fr. Sopocko] later discovered that, between the First and Second World Wars, the city of Warsaw, which as the capital of Poland, was also one of the great capitals of abortion in the world!
She answered: "Especially for the killing of infants not yet born, the most grievous crime of all.” (Poland allowed no abortions until the horror crept in from the Soviet Union. Warsaw, capital of Poland, became the destination for those seeking abortions.)
Warsaw, the cosmopolitan capital of Poland now comes to be known as “the place to go” if one “needs” an abortion with reports that as much as one out of every three pregnancies was terminated there between the two world wars.
In 1932, Poland legalized abortion for medical cases, and became the first country west of the USSR to allow abortion for rape or incest. With the crack in the dam established, a flood of illegal abortions overtook the capital of Poland, Warsaw. Since the abortion paradise of the USSR was off-limits for most of the world, Poland was the only accessible country in Europe that had doctors trained in abortion procedures. People began taking abortion holidays to Poland to murder their children. Poland literally became the abortion capital of Eastern Europe.
Turns out that, in the 1930s, Poland had become the abortion capital of Eastern Europe.
A lot of the “chastisement” for abortion (and contraception as well) may be that those people, who want to have more children, who welcome them, and who view increasing numbers of themselves as a good thing, who recognize that children are the only hope for the future, will eventually take over by sheer numbers. The few will be ruled by the many
Do you think these views are inherited? What chromosome are the genes that code for them on?
If the claim about Poland being ‘chastised’ for abortion is correct, how can the deaths of what must have been many, many thousands of ‘unborn children’ as a part of this chastisement by bombing, artillery, gassing and shooting be explained?
According to the Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Akita, Japan, which has been approved by the Catholic Church, there will be world-wide destruction, and some nations will be destroyed. What will happen to particular nations?
I often think of what was predicted then.
Are such predictions possible? The Virgin Mary at Fatima predicted World War II.
That punishment is already here. It is COVID19.

Folks do not realize that punishment for sin is often caused directly by the effects of the sin. We have made an idolatry of “freedom” and “bodily autonomy” (sexuality, abortion;) and are now reaping the fruits of this misplanted seed (rioting and an out-of-control virus.)

A lot of the “chastisement” for abortion (and contraception as well) may be that those people, who want to have more children, who welcome them, and who view increasing numbers of themselves as a good thing, who recognize that children are the only hope for the future, will eventually take over by sheer numbers. The few will be ruled by the many
Do you think these views are inherited? What chromosome are the genes that code for them on?
I have to think it is culture-defined and not genetic. Cultures that prize fertility, inculcate this in their children, and they grow up seeing it as “normal” and desirable. These tend to be communitarian cultures, where “everybody’s got everybody else’s back”, people “live in each other’s pockets”, there are extended kinship networks, economics are seen as cooperative (the African concept of umoja), and very often, there is an agricultural aspect to it. In these cultures, large families are seen as a sign of wealth, prosperity, and yes, femininity and virility as the case may be.

Now contrast this with affluent, modern, westernized society. People either want to have one, two, or possibly three children, “timed just-so”, compact, orderly, “bespoke” families where resources can be lavished upon a small number. It is good to want to have order and prosperity, but the hard reality is, unless couples have somewhere between two and three children, they are not even replacing themselves, let alone multiplying. Their cultures and societies will either die out, or be replaced through immigration and greater fecundity among groups within those societies that have more children. That is just reality, that is just simple math. And there are many of these children who do not have children themselves — that is why an average of two, and just two, children per family is not replacement level.

If cultural groups and social demographics want not to ensure their numbers, that is their choice, but they need to realize that they will lose power and influence in a democratic society, and will be ruled by those who have chosen to “be fruitful and multiply”. Their call.

I freely admit that, through bad life choices in earlier years, I myself failed to “practice what I preach”, and I only have the one son. I wish with all my heart, that I had possessed the resources, circumstances, gumption, and foresight, to be a father to at least three or four children. It didn’t happen that way, and much of it is my own fault. So I am not hectoring other people from some position of perceived self-superiority. I am part of the problem myself.
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Wow. Nazis and partisan politics before 30 posts, has to be a record!!

In seriousness, aside from opinion blogs, can you show me in official Catholic teaching that, aside from the final judgement, we are taught that God today chastises countries?

God deals with His universal Church and with each of us individually in my opinion. God does not take sides in modern geopolitical issues.

Abortion will end when we Christians make this society a place where no woman ever is afraid to bring a baby to term.
Abortion will end when we Christians make this society a place where no woman ever is afraid to bring a baby to term.
You are one of my favorite CAF posters and I generally find myself in hearty agreement with what you say, but I think this comment only highlights one aspect of it. Probably a majority of abortions happen because the mother simply doesn’t want to have the child under any circumstances — either birth control failed, or the couple got careless in a moment of passion, and a pregnancy, not to mention the two or three decades of responsibility going forward, just wasn’t in their life plan. It means their whole life will change, and they do not want that to happen. Modern people want to separate sex from any consequences, and now that the technology exists for them to do so — contraception to perform this separation, abortion as a back-up plan for when contraception either doesn’t work or gets neglected — that’s precisely what they do.

Abstinence until marriage, and obedience to God’s plan in matters of sexuality, eliminates all these problems. And just to address this objection, yes, there would still be pregnancy in cases of rape. Imprisoning the rapist, and putting him to work within the prison, paying him a fair wage to be given to the mother and/or child, and seizing all of his assets (assuming he has any) likewise to give to the mother and/or child, could be one way of making rape seem less attractive to men who are disposed to do that kind of thing. (I say “and/or” because you have two claims here, first, damages to be paid to the mother for her suffering, and support for the child who was conceived. These would exist whether the mother kept her baby or put it up for adoption.)
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Wow. Nazis and partisan politics before 30 posts, has to be a record!!
To be fair, Nazis and partisan politics were in he first post:
She spent her life atoning for the sins of her country and a year after her death in 1938, Poland was invaded.

This got me wondering, surely America has been guilty of many of the same crimes. Will we also suffer God’s discipline?
I agree with you otherwise. God probably will not intervene to chastise us. We are doing a good enough job by ourselves.
A big species of the fear I speak of is the fear of raising a child, for a myriad of reasons. This is why a big part of reshaping our society is to remove the stigma from placing a child for adoption, for expanding knowledge of safe Haven laws, etc.

One ought to be a hero if they place a child for adoption, be they single or married. Instead we find a married person who does this to be a monster.
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I think if one take an honest look at all of human history across the globe, there is always conflict, always pestilence etc. Always.

The idea that there has ever been a time other than that is pure fiction and fantasy born of the time of “Father Knowns Best” era of Hollywood.

God chastising the world? If so, then He has forever been doing so since the beginning of the world.

There has never been a time of so-called “non-chastisement”
Abortion? Also has been around for millennia. It’s not new

Please, people, facts, not emotion, when taking a look at what we are dealing with. It’s not new
One ought to be a hero if they place a child for adoption, be they single or married. Instead we find a married person who does this to be a monster.
I agree, people who do not want to raise a child, should just give the child up for adoption, and get on with their lives. What kind of a home would that be to grow up in, to know you were never wanted, that you threw a monkey-wrench into your parents’ plans and lifestyle?

This said, there are parents who didn’t set out to be, but they accepted the change in their lives, and made outstanding parents. I’ve known of cases.
I don’t believe God chastises us at all. That was Old Testament thinking and of course the current believe among many Islamic’s.

Sin brings it’s own consequence and that’s what we’re seeing.

God is here for us when we turn to Him, not to avoid suffering, for Jesus Christ himself couldn’t avoid it, but to help us get through it.
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