Please show me the proof of this type of reasoning chicago, as I do not believe that this is going to work in this case. These abusers/molesters/dissidents are indignant and uncaring individuals. Read about them on RCF’s website. They couldn’t give a hoot about what you think or want them to do.
I think that the proof is in the lives of the saints. As you seem to note in your own comments about “spiritual conversion”.
Again, I am not saying that we ought not call to task problematic concerns. I merely do not believe that we need to deal with it in the way RCF chooses.
We DON’T NEED a renewal chicago. What we need is a mass spiritual conversion of churchgoers on a drastic scale - so that they might become genuinely Catholic in their beliefs.
Well, gee, what underlies a renewal is continual conversion, no?
And, again, if conversion is the issue, then focus on helping the many laity to grow in their faith rather than spending so much time taking an easy out of attacking those who you find to be dissident (or at least not of your exact viewpoint which, itself, could be in some ways incomplete).
Don’t call me Shirley. My name is Tim.
The spiritual battle lines must be drawn.
Fair enough. But I am not sure that where RCF attempts to draw them is necessarily choosing the right battles.
The key characteristic of Christians is to carry the sword of Truth. Exposing heretics, dissidents, and the homosexual agenda in the priesthood is clearly part of that sword of Truth.
The key characteristic of Christians is firstly joy. Certainly it is joyfulness in the Truth. Yet, the truth must always be proclaimed in merciful love. The manner in which RCF goes about their task doesn’t seem to exhibit this spirit. And, in fact, at times one could probably legitimately challenge whether they are truly even acting in truth.
Accentuate the positive? And what would that positive be chicago?
I think that there is much positive which can be done to help matters and much attractiveness to a life well lived as a joyful Christian without our witness primarily being to run around wielding an angry sword. Again, the lives of the saints seems to show this forth quite well.
That Catholics have become totally de-catechized and no longer know or believe in the basics teachings of their faith?
So, then, kindly teach them something positive about the faith rather than spending time just whining about it and throwing stones at those who you think have failed.
That this type of de-catechization and indifference towards the True Teachings of our faith has caused a direct shortage in the priesthood - a shipwreck in religious vocations?
Again, mere whining. Do something positive, instead, and maybe you’ll help increase vocations. Men and women who might be attracted to such want something to be attracted
to, not merely something to fight against.
That because of the wayward and distorted teachings of those disobedient bishops and priests, these “sheep in wolf’s clothing” - that fewer and fewer Catholics now believe that the Body and Blood of our Savior is actually present in the Holy Eucharist?
On the one hand, I don’t necessarily believe that there are many, if any, of these such priests who would in any way deny this belief in the Eucharist. There are some who will emphasize certain genuine aspects more than others, certainly.
Secondly, again, there is much positive which can be done to help promote greater understanding and devotion. Energy most likely better spent than such castigations will effect.
(additional whiny emphasis yours)
I could really care less about “attactiveness” chicago. I only desire the Truth. It is the Truth that I desire, and nothing else.
The truth ought to be attractive. If one’s greatest example comes off as being nothing more than unhappy complaint, few will want to follow. As followers of Christ, we must be drawing people to Him through us by giving witness to that joy which is within. Evangelization is a proclamation of the “good news”. If one doesn’t seem happy to be bringing such tidings, but instead is generaly grimly griping, the proclamation of Truth Himself is stifled and undermined.
Sometimes we in the spiritual battlefield NEED a little self-affirmation, as these derelict/predatory priests and bishops have left us almost totally void of any spiritual nourishment.
But the self-affirmation being offered might not be, itself, genuine nourishment which brings about life, but mere feeding of a cancerous condemnation.