Do you use any nicknames for your pet animals?

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I understand…

It can be frustrating, trying to break them from habits that they come with from their other home.

The kitty that we have now, came with some habits, too.

She is a counter and table surfer, and a table-beggar too, where she’ll want to eat what you’re having.

We used to catch her and her housemate jumping up on the table, after we finished eating our dinner if we didn’t clear the table right away.

They would be going after the scraps on the plates, and would be "cleaning the plates off’ for us!


If you leave any food out unattended, she’ll try and go after it. She’s sneaky and smart in that way, and if you accidentally drop any crumbs on the floor while preparing food or while getting a snack, she’s right there.

She’ll come out of nowhere, too. It’s like she has a “radar,” like she knows that food is being prepared, and she’ll come out for the remnants.

I call her “vacuum cleaner,” too, because she’ll come and suck up the crumbs/food off of the floor! LOL!! 😁
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I’ve only ever had fish… They had names but I never really called them anything besides those.

I guess I was around 10-12 at the time, and my brother and I weren’t very creative with names, hence “Sunny,” “Sunbeam,” “Sunset”… haha.

Well there was one that had patterns like a calico, that I named “Calico Jack,” after the pirate. 😛 Looking back, kind of a weird thing to name a pet after… :confused:
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I’ve only ever had fish… They had names but I never called them anything besides those.

I guess I was around 10-12 at the time, and my brother and I weren’t very creative with names, hence “Sunny,” “Sunbeam,” “Sunset”… haha.

Well there was one that had patterns like a calico, that I named “Calico Jack,” after the pirate. 😛 Looking back, kind of a weird thing to name a pet after… :confused:
I think that nickname is actually very clever, and that you’re probably more creative than you think that you are! 🙂
Yes, oh yes. My two dogs [ mother and daughter ] Mitsy, nickname Mit, Mit. Nicki , nickname [ Puppy ] The chinchillas were [ che - che] female [ chin-chin] male and [ poo ] for the baby they had. Baby boy for my horse. i love all animals, one of God’s greatest gifts.🦋🦋🦋
The dogs we have mother and daughter English Springer Spaniels are so much fun to have as part of our family. I put look alike sweaters on them , when I go to the store , Mitsy comes with me and waits out front patiently, when I come out she barks and jumps up because she wants a bag to carry and I always give her a small bag and people stop and laugh or beep their horns. She loves to showboat. I cannot imagine my world without the love and joy they bring.
All our dogs had nicknames:
Duncan (my beloved mutt dog who just passed 2 weeks ago) we call Munkin or Munkman
Haley (our westie) we call HayBay
Cali (our Norwich) we call CaliCat.

Previous dogs: Diego was Do-Do, Max was MaxPax, Samantha was Sammy-Sue, Nalu and Milu (rottie liter mates) were Na-Na and Mee-Mee
Hi @TK421,

I think that Meatball is a great name for that cute little pug! ❤️

Hi @anna,

I can’t imagine life without animals in it, either. 😊 🙂

I love all different kinds of animals.

They can bring such joy to our lives…

If I didn’t have a cat for a pet, I’d probably have some kind of small animal…

Maybe another type of small animal like a bunny or maybe even a lizard of some type. My husband is fascinated by different types of lizards and reptiles for pets.

Or…maybe fish again. I just love watching fish.

Hi @Hereiam,

I love the nicknames for your pets! ❤️

I’ve had so many for mine over the years…

I think that they must come from a place of such love and affection that we have for our pets over the years…

My husband said to me one time that the nicknames that I pick for our kitties suits them, and he doesn’t know how I come up with them! 😁

I said, “I don’t know…I’ll just look at them, and then a name sort of pops into my head and then it sticks, and then I’ll start calling them by that new nickname.”

So, that’s how I got the name “meatball” for our kitty. I was picking her up one day after she started gaining weight again, and I said to her, “Come here my little meatball, let me pick you up and cuddle you and see how you’re doing.” ❤️
Sorry to hear about your Duncan. I know the heartache of loosing a pet. they are part of our lives You have Haley and Cali who I am sure will still fill your heart and life with lots of love. God Bless 🦋🦋
LOL!! @Dlee and @(name removed by moderator)! 😁

I “get” the Sheila and Joey references, Deacon Jeff. That’s actually very clever. I love word puns, as they make me laugh!

Those are beautiful dogs, too. 😀

I’m really enjoying the nicknames that everyone has for their family pets! It’s so much fun reading about them!
Lots of them. CloClo (Chloe) and Jaxo (Jack) - also on occasion “bugga bugga” for either one or both (singular and plural). There are more. I have pet names for their toys too - Buddy (reindeer), Nowhere Man (Nomo for short) (some kind of primate I think - catnip stuffed yarn) and Priscilla (quite colorful yarn bird that I think Chloe is a little threatened by - she keeps shoving her under the dresser).
Let’s see:

“Ridiculous Ball of Fur”
“Spoiled Princess”
“Miss Priss”
I name the toys, too! 😁

We have this cute boomerang-type toy that I call a “banarang,” since it’s shaped like a banana. 😀

Kitty girl has these little catnip toys that have feathers sticking out on the end that I call her “frou-frou” toys. 😆

@DarkLight, I love the Princess/Priss names…

I have names like that for mine, but I also call her other royal names, too, or I’ll refer to her royal living arrangements like, “It’s time to feed her, as she has just arisen from her throne!” 😁
@DarkLight, I love the Princess/Priss names…

I have names like that for mine, but I also call her other royal names, too, or I’ll refer to her royal living arrangements like, “It’s time to feed her, as she has just arisen from her throne!” 😁
She really is a fussy lady! She’ll meow at me if she wants to lie down, but the blanket is too rumpled up and she doesn’t like it.
My late friend, Lesa, nicknamed one of my kitties “Mamsie.” So we called her that until she passed away. Mamsie was a TV addict who hated having the TV turned off. So we bought her a TV of her own.

Most of my kitties have nicknames related to food. (“Sweet Potato,” “Pumpkin Pie,” “Dumpling,” “Sweet Potato Pumpkin Pie Dumpling”.) One kitty’s name is Sweet Pea and nicknamed “Sweetie Pea.” We also have “Black Baby” and “Georgie Porgy” who has to have the whole nursery rhyme recited every time we see him.

Our rooster is named Chicky Roo and I call him “Chicky Roo Roo” or “Chicky Chicky Cocoa Puffs.”

Our dog is Sunshine Sunny Guy. Mama sometimes calls him “Sunny.” I call him “Stink Pot” because when he passes gas, it nearly sends you out of the house. He fires his little gas bombs when he gets excited. Just seeing a kitty will make it fly.😷😷😷
We are going to be getting some Guinea birds some time this spring. We are planning to name them all after famous world conquerors. Caesar, Ghengis Khan, Napoleon…
Yes, I have endless nicknames for my endless hordes of animals. Here are a few:
Adding " - pants" to a diminutive of their name, for the boys, as in Jackiepants, Olliepants, Freddypants. (This got started because I actually knew a musician in real life whose stage name was “Freddy Pants”)

I had a dear kitty who died last year who had the un-kitty like habit of wagging her tail when she was happy. Cats don’t normally do this - a wagging tail means they are ready to attack you if you don’t knock off whatever annoying thing you are doing - but she wagged all the time. I used to call her Wagga Wagga or Wagger Road (the name of a street where I grew up).

I have a new cat who came with her own name but right now she is scared and hiding almost all the time so my friend said I should call her “Heidi”.
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Thanks for your responses, @lilypadrees, @Entwhistler, and @Tis_Bearself. 🙂

They have all put such a smile on my face as I have read through them!

Lily, kitty girl’s housemate used to like to cuddle with me and liked to lay on my lap. He would be in “GI discomfort,” and it was kind of funny yet not quite so funny when you would get a nose full of that fishy type of discomfort! 😆

I love those names of famous conquerers for the hens, Entwhistler. That’s so creative! 😁

Tis Bear, I love how you talk about your menagerie of pets. You are a lady after my own heart…

I would have more kitties and other animals if I could, but we are limited due to our living circumstances…

We can have two at a time where we are, and we decided that after current kitty’s housemate passed, that we wouldn’t get another kitty for her. She is the kind of kitty that we thought would be too stressed for that.

With some kitties, you can just tell their personalities and know if they would adapt well to another kitty or not living in their environment with them, and we didn’t think that she would adapt well to another kitty being here with her, so she has just been with us since he has passed.

She was already advanced in age when he passed, and she had difficulty with his passing. They were very devoted to each other.

I am sorry for the passing of your beloved kitty. It’s so difficult to lose a pet. ❤️
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