Yes, that rather scared me as well, when I looked into the thyroid problems on the net. It seems the only two treatments are to take a pill for the rest of your life, or use radiation (scary) to try to kill off just enough of the thyroid so it produces the right amount. But this is basically impossible, so the best you can hope for is that they kill off enough so that for a few years you don’t need pills, but after that you will probably need pills to suppliment it, again, for the rest of your life. I hate taking pills. My husband takes pills for his cholestoerol. The numbers went down within a couple months. But when I asked him to ask the doc about taking him off the pills, the response, was, “we should wait a while.” How long? “Well, a while.” Read: forever. I am trying to get us both into an exercise regimen (chasing the kids a runnign errands don’t count as exercise, darn it) and more balanced, healthier diets. But it is hard. Especially since hubby is such a great cook! But I digress.
I agree it would be nice if they could find cures for this stuff, but who funds (or should I say “directs”, since WE actually provide the funds) the research? The pharacutical companies. Where is the profit in finding a cure when they have all these “lifetime” customers taking the drugs?