We are currently in what many consider a Golden Age of the Papacy. Since Leo XIII, at the turn of the twentieth century, we have had an unbroken line of spiritual, intellectual and political masters seated on the throne of St. Peter. There have been popes who were not intellectual giants. St. Celestine V comes to mind immediately. He was a holy hermit who pleaded the deadlocked cardinals to elect a new Pope. The cardinals saw it as a sign and elected him. He was considered a horrible pope, Dante even placed him in Hell in the Inferno because of his lack of an ability to lead the Church, but he was undoubtedly one of the holiest men of the the turn of the fourteenth century. As to the encyclical writing, it has only evolved into what it currently is in the past two hundred years. Before that, encyclicals were usually just Papal letters to the Church in a particular region. Yes, the past three popes have been intellectual giants, but so have all of the modern Golden Age Popes. Pope Benedict XV, who presided over the Papacy during World War I is widely considered to be the smartest man to have ever been Pope. I don’t think intellect is a requirement to become Pope, however I do believe it is what we need in the modern age and thus the Holy Spirit has chosen men who fulfill that need.