I’m assuming this topic has been started becuase of our discussion in
this topic. I’ll just say again what I said there.
All knowledge is derived from God because it is through God that all things exist. While it is true that certain people use science to delude themselves into believing there is no God, this is a fault of the person, not of science. Science is the study of God’s creation, specifically the study of the aspects of creation which he has chosen to make knowable. This knowledge, while ultimately being derived from God, is the result of human efforts. Just because a human is involved does not mean that the knowledge should be discarded because, ultimately, the knowledge comes from God. Had he wanted us to only rely on Him for direct knowledge, then he wouldn’t have allowed the workings of the universe to be knowable. Since He did make them knowable, we can assume that he doesn’t have an issue with us seeking to understand them.
Now, it is completely possible for this knowledge to be misused (nuclear bomb, embryonic stem cells, eugenics, etc), however, this does not mean that the knowledge or pursuit thereof is bad, it simply means that people are once again abusing the gifts God has given them.
Knowledge is good, the pursuit of knowledge is good. The pursuit of God, however, is better, and should always be our primary motivator.