Does any one watch EWTN?

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I used to watch. I guess I haven’t watched for about 4 or so years except occasionally. Does anyone watch frequently? Which shows would you recommend? Are there any shows you avoid?
I watch sporadically, usually the overnight stuff.
I listen to the radio station, and I just love Johnette Benkovic and Dr. Ray Guarendi.
I watch on occasion, mostly live events. If I want to watch something that isn’t live, I usually go dig up an old Mother Angelica program on Youtube. My mother loved Mother Angelica and was always trying to get me to watch her and I was not interested. Now that I’m old, Mother Angelica suddenly seems like a very interesting and wise lady.
I did years ago, but, the the production quality is so many decades behind that I do not watch anymore.

We do tune in to CatholicTV sometimes.
I used to watch it when I was a newlywed, on a broadcast station some faithful catholics put together. When we moved cross country and had a couple of nickles to spend we ordered cable and it was on almost all day long. The shows were a midnight comfort when I was up with little children or my occasional insomnia.

But, in recent years the cable company decided to drop it from the basic package. I’m not interested in paying for cable anymore. So I try to remember I can watch it for free online, but I don’t for some reason. Maybe I should, because it would be a better use of my ‘free time’ than watching the news.

I purchased the “International Rosary” because that was my favorite daily tv ritual. Although so many of the special movies, such as one on Padre Pio, enlightened me to our rich culture of Saints. It was EWTN who first taught me about G.K. Chesterton through Dale Ahlquist’s show 'The Apostle of Common Sense" and those little shorts on saints and blesseds I learned about Blessed Pierre Toussaint. I loved Mother Angelica Live. Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. Andrew Apostoli, Scott Hahn, Mike Aquilina, Edward Sri, Joanna Bogle’s Feasts and Seasons…

Boy, I watched a lot of EWTN.

Now, I’m watching Youtube and reading CAF when I have time.
I think they have good programming, but I’m not much of a TV watcher. I prefer text over video. With video, I have to sit through 30 minutes or an hour. With text, I can read at my own pace. Sometimes I will read slowly and deeply study the text. Other times I will skim through to just the parts I’m interested in. Either way, I find I can be a lot more productive with text than video (learn things faster, remember them better). I also find reading to be more interactive than watching TV. It’s really easy for me to just zone out when watching TV, but when I read I have to be actively involved to process the words and think about what they mean.

I think EWTN would be a lot more appealing if I was married. TV is more flexible than reading. Reading is mostly done alone while TV can be a shared activity. TV is also nice when you have a busy family. It’s there when you can pay attention to it, but you can still pick up a few things when your attention is elsewhere. If I ever get married, my preferences could easily change, but for now text is the best option.
As Eric mentioned, I listen to EWTN radio a lot. TV, very occasionally.
I do when I’m at my parents,occasionally at home and I should a lot more…
The TV channel doesn’t gave much for people my age (27). The radio station is a much better format. I don’t really want a pop- oriented Catholic channel, but somehow EWTN needs to extend an olive branch to younger mainstream Catholics.

On radio, EWTN Open Line (especially Monday, Wednesday and Friday), Called to Communion, and Al Kresta all interest me. Catholic Answers Live used to, but it lost a lot of its dynamic when Patrick left.

I still like catholic Answers Live in the afternoon. Generally get an hours worth via EWTN during my afternoon commute. I also seldom miss Light of the East on Sunday mornings. Other programs as a catch as catch can basis.

I agree that Patrick C gave the show a great dynamic.
Some of this may be radio/YouTube. Anything by Fr. Mitch Pacwa (a genuine treasure) is worth watching. His intellect, education and orthodoxy are amazing. “Called to Communion” is excellent catechesis. “The Journey Home” is very edifying and reveals what the faithful saw as lacking in their former communions. Lots of good stuff. Watch it habitually and allow yourself to absorb the information. You can’t lose!
We are fortunate to live in a town where EWTN is available on free radio.

I use it as my backup station for when I’m not doing anything else. I make a special effort to listen to the EWTN evening news and the evening Rosary.
I watch EWTN all the time and enjoy it. Between CAF and EWTN as old as I am, still learning many new things. Following all.
God Bless both.
I watch it. It is best when a show opens up new avenues of learning, such as the tv shows about G. K. Chesterton, which led me to read his books. Scott Hahn also points me to scriptural roots of many Catholic beliefs.

Of course it is not perfect, but overall very good. It helps when they reaffirm the value of Reason, and how much of today’s culture tends to exclude critical thinking. Bad philosophy led the West to where it is now. Good philosophy, sometimes taught on EWTN, will be needed to bring us back.
My family and I watch EWTN probably more than any other channel. Of course, it’s nice to watch the daily Mass and hear the homilies which are quite good. We have even visited the studios a couple of times and seen the chapel, never been able to stay for a Mass though.

Best programs are EWTN Nightly News, Living Right with Dr. Ray, EWTN Live with Fr. Pacwa.

Also, you can get EWTN radio for free on the Iheart radio app. THey have lots of great programs on there. My favorite is Called to Communion, a Q&A program where you can learn so much about the Church and the faith.
I also wanted to add that Father Anthony Mary went he does the mass gives a great homily, he always explains the gospel so all can understand it, gives examples in everyday language. It really gets through to you. I,ll probably think of more things I like as time goes on.
god Bless
It really was a key component in my conversion / reversion to the Faith.

I loved watching Fr. Corapi’s Catechism series.

Need to start watching again.

Their special movies are great, like the ones on the saints, for example, Bernadette, Giuseppe Moscatti, Rita, etc, etc.
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