Which was my point. Purgatory is a much better model than hell, because the length of time can be varied to suit the crime.So no time off for good behaviour then. No parole board. The key is thrown away. lucky we don’t use that as an example of how justice should work in the here and now.
But Rossum’s point about none of us being the same person is an interesting one. Yes, if you paint a house a different colour, then it’s still the same house (just finished painting mine actually). But what if you gradually replace all the bricks and timber and windows and doors. It’s still the same home, but it’s not the same house.
We can see both change and continuity in the world. You are the same as you were, yet you are different too. The Abrahamic religions tend to emphasise the continuity; change is not as fundamental as continuity.Similarly, I am still the same ‘Brad’ as I was when I was younger. But I’m almost certain I am not the same man as I was. Certainly physically, as everything has been replaced over time. But if I was to meet my younger self from thirty years ago, then I’m not sure I’d recognise him.
Buddhism is the opposite. It emphasises change over continuity. Change is fundamental while the apparent continuity is merely a veneer over the underlying change.