Does gay marriage benefit society in any way?

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How am I defending gay marriage?

I just said it brings goods with it. So does contraception. These goods just come to society in an unhealthy manner that encourage sexual immorality.

We don’t have to shut off our intellect in order to be Catholics. We can defend Christ’s teachings without suggesting gay people are the Hurricane Katrina of sexual immorality.

The morality of an act is independent of its consequences.
Not interested in your strawman arguments. Plus I’ve seen how you ignore posts that prove you wrong.
Not interested in your strawman arguments. Plus I’ve seen how you ignore posts that prove you wrong.
You’re failing at reading comprehension here. He really isn’t supporting same-sex marriage. He’s saying that it would have some positive effects, but that those positive effects don’t change the fact that it’s morally unacceptable.

As someone who’s actually in favor of legalized same-sex marriage, I can assure you that’s not the same thing as supporting it.
You’re failing at reading comprehension here. He really isn’t supporting same-sex marriage. He’s saying that it would have some positive effects, but that those positive effects don’t change the fact that its morally unacceptable.

As someone who’s actually in factor of legalized same-sex marriage, I can assure you that’s not the same thing as supporting it.
She, but yes, exactly.

Thank you 🙂
You’re failing at reading comprehension here. He really isn’t supporting same-sex marriage. He’s saying that it would have some positive effects, but that those positive effects don’t change the fact that it’s morally unacceptable.

As someone who’s actually in favor of legalized same-sex marriage, I can assure you that’s not the same thing as supporting it.
So are you because my quote says nothing about that. Did you intentionally use the wrong quote?

I don’t want to get into some petty insult war with you. I see SMG in almost every thread about homosexuality defending homosexuality, homosexuals, homosexual marriage, almost anything that has to do with them. She always says that homosexual sex acts are wrong but then goes on to defend almost every aspect of gay life or anything pertaining to gays.:confused: It’s tiresome and sad. But, no, gay marriage has no benefits to society, none.

Yes I know SMG :sad_yes: you must defend those poor homosexuals because they are the only ones who have a cross to carry.
Upon what else does the morality of an act depend?
The morality of an act is based on an inherent value or nature within the act itself.

Spitting, for an example, is a morally neutral act. It has no inherent value, and it can be used in morally good ways (e.g. spitting out mouthwash) or morally evil ways (spitting on a person in disgust).

A morally good act would be praying. The intentions of one praying may corrupt the act, but the act itself of praying is always morally good.

An example of a morally evil act would be murder. Murder inherently has an evil attribute to itself. Things may reduce culpability in such a case, but it can never be good. And although murder can have positive consequences (for example, an abortion may allow someone to avoid poverty), it can never justify the act itself.

If anyone has any doubt whether SMG supports gay marriage or not. She even suggests Catholics should support it.
I’m pretty sure I had a gay marriage option in that post and didn’t choose it.

Seriously, you’re committing serious calumny against me right now. This is highly inappropriate behavior for a forum member, let alone a Catholic. I said that universal civil unions that made no assumption of sexual activity would be preferable from a Catholic standpoint than universal marriage.
I’m pretty sure I had a gay marriage option in that post and didn’t choose it.

Seriously, you’re committing serious calumny against me right now. This is highly inappropriate behavior for a forum member, let alone a Catholic. I said that universal civil unions that made no assumption of sexual activity would be preferable from a Catholic standpoint than universal marriage.
Ok, maybe I took that post out of context.

So you don’t support gay marriage? and you don’t think gays should be allowed to marry?
Ok, maybe I took that post out of context.

So you don’t support gay marriage? and you don’t think gays should be allowed to marry?
I don’t support legal marriage at all. But no I don’t support gay marriage.

I do, however, think it’s criminal that the only legal institution set up to ensure financial, legal, and medical support between two people who care about each other is called “marriage.” There needs to be another institution that allows people to take care of each other in a non-sexual context. If we continue to sexualize all forms of love, we end up with all forms of love being expressed sexually. Which is where we are now 🤷
Gay marriage benefits society in that it provides an opportunity for stability of their lives.

It also makes the couple open to insurance and other social benefits.

Finally, it extends the scope of rights to more citizens.

As you can guess, I’m cool with it. 👍
It does benefit society because it is an attempt at ordering a society in that they will have to pay taxes according to their state and also hire and pay for divorce proceedings if they so choose. Monetarily, it benefits, I would say.

I don’t think you mean “society” when you ask who it is that it benefits. Even murder benefits society- that’s what the death penalty is. Keeping homeless people homeless instead of taking in one off the street and giving them a home benefits those who go to work every day. (Can’t give something like that to someone who didn’t work so hard for it as you did, now, eh?) God ordered us to say “thou shall not kill” and a whole bunch of other commands, yet people will grab at every excuse in the book.

Before everyone tries to beat me up for what I said here I should state I am not for gay marriage, I am just being honest to your question. There are benefits. Look, I’m all for the Catholic CHRISTIAN faith, but I won’t join a pep rally that ignores some facts for the sake of self esteem of the team. That’s just false. Sorry. Have to say it. It will not benefit the argument not to see the facts.
I doubt they will, there hasn’t been any acknowledgement of the failed experiment that is ‘no fault’ divorce…
This is true. We can only hope the pendulum of reason takes a swing back to reality at some juncture.
Married couples (gay and straight) are more incentivized to stay together, which is often good for maintaining stable families. Also, if you happen to believe that married people cheat less often than unmarried people in relationships, allowing gay marriage would confer that benefit onto society as well.
I beg to differ…your proposal is based upon the assumption that there is in fact such an institution established for individuals other than male and female…I respectfully submit there is in fact ‘no such thing’ as a marriage for two human beings of the same gender…unless, ofcourse your refering to some civil action conferred to these indivuduals…I suspect, only suspect, reading between the proverbial lines that you are in a different ‘camp’…Peace be with you
Why on earth would you, as the OP, casually ask (“I was thinking….”) people’s opinion on whether they thought there existed any benefits to same-sex marriage…and then insult someone when she answers your question and attempts to describe some of these benefits you asked for?

You better look up the definition of “strawman” argument.
She wasn’t giving you one.

Yes she did. Look again, I even put the strawman argument in navy blue.
Married couples (gay and straight) are more incentivized to stay together, which is often good for maintaining stable families. Also, if you happen to believe that married people cheat less often than unmarried people in relationships, allowing gay marriage would confer that benefit onto society as well.
That isn’t exclusive to gay marriage and very few homosexuals remain faithful.
I beg to differ…your proposal is based upon the assumption that there is in fact such an institution established for individuals other than male and female…I respectfully submit there is in fact ‘no such thing’ as a marriage for two human beings of the same gender…unless, ofcourse your refering to some civil action conferred to these indivuduals…I suspect, only suspect, reading between the proverbial lines that you are in a different ‘camp’…Peace be with you
I was referring to the secular, civil action definition of marriage - by which many state governments, and soon the federal government, will confer the same rights and privileges onto SSCs as they currently do OSCs.
I was not suggesting that being married confers a monogamous impulse on those who are not otherwise suited for monogamy. It doesn’t. What I was suggesting is that some people are very well-suited for monogamy, but that even the strongest relationships encounter tough times. There are even days when a couple feels like breaking up is a better option than staying together.** If you’re not legally married, then that becomes much easier to do.**
In most states that have redefined marriage to include same sex couples, a marriage can be annulled if it is not consummated. A legally married gay couple can simply request an annulment and avoid Divorce court. That’s pretty easy. They have a built-in “break-up” ticket.
Another reason gay “marriage” makes a mockery of traditional marriage.
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